Anti-Manipulation manual

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A neat electronic toy which protects in a few hundred meter radius from power hungry control freaks. So you have the opportunity to escape without using violence. Unfortunately they are still expensive and you will also have to buy a device which can also jam the emergency call frequences. A company which sells jammers is for example GlobalGadget. Handy jammers demonstrate very well that all technology can be fought with technology and make the fake argument of right-winged policemen invalid that you don't need emergency calls because you can always summon help with the handy.

If you get into an environment which makes you suspect that it contains cheating forces and you have nothing better at hand, simply whistle a song! Good for blocking acoustic Subliminals, acoustic Advertisements and Background music.

Not a sport, but a necessary action to prevent Suffering. In times of shortage to prevent suffering and death of the own body. In times of abundance to end the suffering of old, dying animals. Nowadays frequently misused and correspondingly damned by the other side. See also Rangers, Empathy.


Also called sleeping school. A form of subconscious Brain washing, which is based on repeated suggestion of facts during sleep. Not too dangerous, since it is usually perceived consciously, too. Usually it is done with permission of the test person. The learning success is mostly small, however. See also Tachistoskopy, Ear plugs.

A manipulation technique where a person is moved into a trance (see also Spirituality) and then gets exposed to suggestive whisperings (Neuro-linguistic programming). Can be used for good purposes like therapeutic pain suppression and treatment of psychological problems but also for evil tasks like induced amnesia or posthypnotic orders. A trance can be induced by physical factors like drugs, hunger, pain, breathing techniques or fatigue, but also by psychological tricks like focusing the view at one point, sounds or dissociation. Dissociation can mean to ask unsolvable riddles or to hide with the indirect method of Milton Erickson suggestions in other questions. Examples are "Would you be surprised if you will smoke less tomorrow?" or the classic salesman question "How can I help you?". If you are already in a trance, it's easy to get suggested deeper and deeper into it, up to complete bypassing of conscious thinking. Thus I have a very sceptical attitude towards hypnosis, almost everything what can be done with hypnosis can a strong mind also achieve with self-hypnosis and autosuggestion but it will always keep a rest of consciousness to take over control in emergency situations again. A certain hypnotist mentally transfers himself during dentist visits onto a remote island and transforms the sound of the borer to breaking waves. Indians are also famous for their ability to dissociate pain and thus being able to bear it more easily.

The crucial scene from the movie Star Trek V

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