9/1/99 The Applied Engineering PC TransPorter card v1.3 Install and Utility disk is made available from GS WorldView as AEPCt1.3.SDK. This ShrinkIt disk archive is an 800k ProDOS boot disk and contains: PRODOS BASIC.SYSTEM STARTUP PC.TRANSPORTER STARTAEPC AEPC.SYSTEM AEPCBIOS AEPCKEY.GS AEPCKEY.2E MSDOSVOL PCINSTALL AEPC.DISKS ICONS FINDER.DATA FINDER.ROOT GENLPT1 READ.ME PCTRAM.SYSTEM AEPC.DRIVERS If you had a need for this rare PC Transporter card Install and Utility disk, now you have it. This archive has also been uploaded to the Apple2 Ground ftp site for the needs of those who want to download it by ftp. You should be able to find it soon in the Sept99 upload folder on Ground. Enjoy your AE PC Transporter card to its fullest. That's All Folks ! MacProber GS WorldView Editor Email: MacProber@aol.com