X-Ref (Cross-Reference) to Apple II Programming Books The X-Ref to Apple II Programming Books is a compilation of the glossaries and indexes from the books and references listed below. It is intended to be a "look here first" book for helping you find the definition to terms used in any of these sources of technical information. In addition, the compiled index will help you find what you are looking for across the entire suite. The books covered, and the initials used to represent them are: Apple IIc Technical Reference CTR Apple IIe Technical Reference ETR Apple IIgs Firmware Reference GSF Apple IIgs Hardware Reference GSH ProDOS 16 Technical Reference P16 Programmer's Introduction to the Apple IIgs PI Technical Introduction to the Apple IIgs GST Apple IIgs Toolbox Reference (treated as a whole) GSTR Technical Notes Apple IIe Tech Notes IIe Apple IIc Tech Notes IIc Apple IIgs Tech Notes IIGS Apple II Miscellaneous Tech Notes Miscellaneous AppleTalk Tech Notes AppleTalk GS/OS Tech Notes GS/OS ImageWriter Tech Notes ImageWriter Memory Expansion Card Memory Expansion Card Mouse Tech Notes Mouse ProDOS 8 Tech Notes ProDOS Pascal Tech Notes Pascal SmartPort Tech Notes SmartPort UniDisk 3.5 Tech Notes UniDisk 3.5 The X-Ref contains two sections presented as standard ASCII text files. The first section is the combined index from all of the books listed. The second section is the complete glossary with definitions and Cross-References from all of the above technical reference books listed. The two sections presented as standard ASCII text files are also archived in ShrinkIt (SHK) file format as: A2.XREF.SHK I hope that you find the X-Ref to be a valuable tool for your programming the Apple II line of computers. X-Ref (Cross-Reference) to Apple II Programming Books X-Ref Index - Sec.1 ------------------- Index #6 command CTR-155 #7 command CTR-169 #8 command CTR-169 #include statement GSTR-2-6 $ (dollar) CTR-225 $C0 IIGS #27 $C1 IIGS #27 $C300 space GS/OS #2 $C800 I/O space Miscellaneous #3 $C800 space Miscellaneous #11 * (asterisk) as prompt character ETR-62 * (asterisk) CTR-59,CTR-104 . (period) as Monitor command ETR-102 . (period) CTR-206 : (colon) as Monitor command ETR-105 : (colon) CTR-216,CTR-224 > (greater than sign) as prompt character ETR-62 ? (question mark) as prompt character ETR-62 ? (question mark) CTR-59,CTR-169,CTR-179 @ (at sign) CTR-113 \ (backslash) CTR-59,CTR-63 ] (right bracket) as prompt character ETR-62 ^ (caret) ETR-122, ETR-125, CTR-225 _ (underscore) CTR-179 a (Open Apple) ETR-11-14, ETR-228 a (Solid Apple) ETR-11-14, ETR-228 /RAM ProDOS #8, #16, #18, #21 /RAM5 GST-40, GST-79 /SYSTEM.DISK GS/OS #1 /SYSTEM.TOOLS GS/OS #1 01 time IIe #2 0o time IIe #2 1 MHz speed GST-15, GST-76 128K Apple II GST-xiv display modes GST-86 memory bank emulation GST-15 128K Apple IIe, graphic display features GST-20-21 128K Run-Time Systems Pascal #10 14M signal ETR-163 16-bit mode. See native mode 3.5 ROM IIc IIc #7 3.5" Disks Pascal #16 3.5" drive differences UniDisk 3.5 #5 320 graphics mode GST-22, GST-24, IIGS #4, PI-7, PI-80, PI-98, PI-99, PI-147 PI-100 3D0G IIe #3 40-column display IIc #2, CTR-5,CTR-50,CTR-86,CTR-91,CTR-92,CTR-94,CTR-259,CTR-358, GST-20, GST-46 addressing CTR-263 map CTR-107 memory CTR-261 switching to CTR-5 40-column text ETR-21, ETR-22 40-column text display GSH-58, GSH-59, GSH-67, GSH-75-76 display pages ETR-27-28 generation ETR-178-179 memory map ETR-33, ETR-177 with TV set ETR-16 400K disks UniDisk 3.5 #4 40COL IIGS #29 48K memory CTR-36-39 switches CTR-39 48K Run-Time System Pascal #10, #15 5.25-inch floppy disks GST-40, P16-46 50740A chip (Keyboard Microprocessor) GST-12 558 timer IIe #6 640 graphics mode GST-22-24, GST-61, IIGS #4, PI-7, PI-80, PI-98, PI-99, PI-102 64K Apple II GST-xiv 64K Run-Time Systems Pascal #10 6502 GSH-2, GSH-3, GSH-198 6502 emulation mode , See 65816 microprocessor, 6502 emulation mode 6502 microprocessor ETR-xx, ETR-6, GSF-8, P16-4, P16-9, P16-75, PI-x, PI-xi, PI-3, PI-9, PI-294-295 differences from 65C02 ETR-6, ETR-209-210 instruction set GST-4-5, GST-8 memory addressing GST-16-17 65C02 microprocessor GSH-198, CTR-13,CTR-75,CTR-237-241,CTR-297-307, ETR-xx, ETR-6, ETR-209-219 addressing modes CTR-26,CTR-302,CTR-304 block diagram CTR-237-238,CTR-299 characteristics CTR-300-301 data sheets CTR-298-307, ETR-210-219 differences from 6502 ETR-6, ETR-209-210 enhancements CTR-301 instruction mnemonics CTR-302 instruction set CTR-306 interrupt handling CTR-333 operational codes CTR-306-307 pin configuration CTR-299 pin function CTR-300 programming model CTR-303 ratings CTR-300 registers CTR-18-19 signal description CTR-305 specifications CTR-239, ETR-161-163 stack ETR-78 timing CTR-239-241,CTR-302 versus 6502 CTR-297-298 timing ETR-162-163 65816 assembly language GSF-54 See assembly language, GST-8 65816 microprocessor PI-xiv, PI-3-5, PI-10, PI-65, PI-291, GSF-8-9, GSH-2, GSH-3, GSH-7, GSH-167, GSH-168, GSH-196-227 6502 emulation mode GST-5, GST-13-14, GST-75-76, GST-89, GSF-14, GSH-198, GSH-201 Apple II program compatibility GST-96-97 direct page location GST-83, GST-84 disassembler support GST-50 I/O shadowing GST-29 mini-assembler support GST-50 mixing program environments GST-88-89 operating system overview GST-95 program enhancement GST-97 program environments summarized GST-89 registers illustrated GST-14 stack location GST-83, GST-84 switching to GST-49 Text Tool Set GST-70 Apple Desktop Bus microcontroller GSF-186 APW Assembler GST-101-102 clock speed GST-14-15, GST-74-80 compared with 68000 GST-61 disassembler GST-50 execution speeds GSF-9 extended memory addressing GST-49 features GST-13 flags e, m, x GST-83 indexed instructions GSF-17 macro assembler GST-8 memory map GST-15 mini-assembler GST-50 modes GSF-9 native mode GST-13-14, GSH-198, GSH-201 See also native mode registers GST-14 specifications GST-3 68000 microprocessor GST-5, GST-61 6805 AppleMouse microprocessor card GSF-213 74LS245 IIe #2 8-bit Apple II clock speed of programs written for GST-15 operating system GST-95 program environments GST-89-90, GST-113 program modification GST-97 See also Apple II family See standard Apple 8-bit mode. See emulation mode 8-bit programs bank register values GST-83 direct page location GST-84 stack location GST-84 80-column card P16-34 Miscellaneous #1, #10, ProDOS #11, #15 80-column display CTR-38,CTR-64,CTR-68,CTR-86,CTR-91,CTR-92,CTR-100,CTR-106,CTR-358 640 graphics mode GST-23 addressing CTR-263 card position GST-28 Control Panel GST-46 dot patterns CTR-269 internal I/O routine GST-51-52 map CTR-108 on RGB monitor GST-20 switching to CTR-5 80-column firmware ETR-xxi, ETR-49-50, IIe #8, GS/OS #2 activating ETR-50 control characters with ETR-272-275 80-column screen dump Miscellaneous #1 80-column text ETR-21, ETR-22 80-Column Text Card ETR-86, ETR-134, ETR-150, ETR-267-275 80-column text display GSH-37, GSH-58, GSH-59, GSH-67, GSH-71, GSH-75-76, PI-6, PI-260 slot for PI-8 80-column text differences in Apple II family ETR-228 display pages ETR-27-28 generation ETR-178-179 map ETR-34 signals ETR-197-198 with Applesoft ETR-xxi with Pascal ETR-xxi with TV set ETR-16 80/40 switch CTR-3,CTR-5 800K disks UniDisk 3.5 #4 80COL IIc #2, IIe #8 80COL soft switch ETR-29 80Col switch CTR-101,CTR-102,CTR-243 80STORE IIe #3 80STORE soft switch ETR-29, ETR-32, ETR-87, ETR-89, ETR-90, ETR-198, CTR-39,CTR-45,CTR-101,CTR-102,CTR-106,CTR-241 9-pin connectors ETR-8, ETR-40 A A register CTR-18,CTR-43,CTR-84,CTR-113-115,CTR-192,CTR-213, ETR-146, GSF-18, GSF-35, GSTR-2-5, GSTR-2-7 changing GSF-60 system interrupt handler GSF-181 See accumulator A/D Converter register GSH-103 A1 ETR-92 A2 ETR-92 A4 ETR-92 ABORT GSF-179, GSTR-3-20, GSTR-3-28 Abort command GSF-188 abortMgr GSTR-14-67 ABORTMGRV GSF-265 "About HodgePodge" dialog box PI-39 "About..." dialog boxes PI-31, PI-142-144 absClamps GSTR-14-66 AbsOff GSTR-3-13 absolute addresses, disassembler GST-50 absolute clamp GSTR-7-27, GSTR-14-21, GSTR-14-37, GSTR-14-38 absolute code P16-188, PI-24, PI-196, PI-226-227, PI-295 vs. relocatable code PI-24, PI-227 absolute device GSTR-3-13, GSTR-3-15, GSTR-3-16, GSTR-3-23, GSTR-14-5, GSTR-14-37, GSTR-14-38 Absolute flag GSTR-3-4 absolute segment. See segment(s) AbsOn GSTR-3-13 access attribute P16-14, P16-21, P16-258, P16-260, P16-264, P16-277 backup bit P16-134, P16-277 write-enable bit P16-137 access byte PI-215 accessing files PI-162-165 accessing. See device(s); disks accumulator CTR-18,CTR-64,CTR-69,CTR-84,CTR-90,115, ETR-138, ETR-148, GSF-35, GSH-200, P16-77-78, P16-104, P16-209, P16-213, PI-4, PI-66, PI-294 65816 registers GST-14 input routines GST-53 Monitor firmware routines GST-54 size of GST-89 accumulator mode GSF-62 ACIA (Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter) GST-39, ETR-286 block diagram CTR-276 command register CTR-280 control register CTR-278-279 register locations for port-1 CTR-159 register locations for port-2 CTR-173 status register CTR-130,CTR-281 transmit/receive register CTR-282 See asynchronous communications interface adapter aciabuf IIc #6 acoustic coupler CTR-177 action code MessageCenter GSTR-24-15 new desk accessory GSTR-5-7 action procedure GSTR-4-83-84 dialog scroll bar GSTR-6-15 action routine (NDA) PI-265 activate event GSTR-7-4, GSTR-7-5, GSTR-7-14, GSTR-10-11, GSTR-10-16, GSTR-10-20, GSTR-25-24, GSTR-25-78, GSTR-25-92, PI-68, PI-69, PI-72, PI-73 activateEvt GSTR-7-7, GSTR-7-50, GSTR-25-120, PI-69 activating PI-73 activator GSH-139 active control GSTR-4-7 active controls PI-128, PI-129 active window GSTR-25-8, GSTR-25-11, GSTR-25-24, GSTR-25-50, GSTR-25-92 active windows PI-114-116 activeFlag GSTR-7-9, GSTR-7-10, GSTR-7-51 activeMask GSTR-7-11, GSTR-7-50 ADB Change Address When Activated handler GSTR-3-4 ADB commands GSTR-3-1, GSTR-3-2, GSTR-3-14, GSTR-3-27 ADB microcontroller. See Apple DeskTop Bus microcontroller ADBBootInit GSTR-3-10 adbBusy GSTR-3-14, GSTR-3-26, GSTR-3-27, GSTR-3-29, GSTR-B-4 adbDataInt GSTR-14-24, GSTR-14-66 adbDisable GSTR-14-26, GSTR-14-67 adbEnable GSTR-14-26, GSTR-14-67 adbRBIHnd GSTR-14-68 ADBReset GSTR-3-5, GSTR-3-12 ADBShutDown GSTR-3-5, GSTR-3-11 adbSRQHnd GSTR-14-68 ADBStartUp GSTR-3-5, GSTR-3-10 ADBStatus GSTR-3-12 ADBVersion GSTR-3-11 ADC (analog-to-digital converter) GST-25 AddFamily GSTR-8-19, GSTR-8-23, GSTR-8-25, GSTR-8-26 AddFontVar GSTR-8-1, GSTR-8-15, GSTR-8-19, GSTR-8-23, GSTR-8-24-25 addition GSF-32-bit addMessage GSTR-24-15, GSTR-24-26 AddPt GSTR-16-68 address : opcode operands GST-50 address bus ETR-161-162 and expansion cards GST-28 Apple II slots GST-30 on expansion slot GST-29 specifications GST-3 address field, mini-assembler GST-50 Address Pointer registers GSH-98, GSH-100, GSH-101 address transformation ETR-177 address wrapping GSH-27 addresses Applesoft BASIC interpreter CTR-326 display CTR-259-261 firmware CTR-322-327 hardware CTR-316-321,CTR-353-356 I/O link CTR-56-58 memory CTR-20 mouse port CTR-325 port CTR-323-325 RAM CTR-22,CTR-351 ROM CTR-22-23,CTR-250,CTR-351-352 serial port CTR-323-324 video display CTR-101 video firmware CTR-324 See memory; direct page and stack addressing display pages ETR-31-37, ETR-174-179 I/O locations ETR-138-139 indirect ETR-77 RAM ETR-139, ETR-169-171 relative ETR-121, ETR-126, ETR-137 ROM ETR-168-169 addressing modes CTR-26,CTR-226, GSH-197 24-bit GST-13-14 disassembler and mini- assembler GST-50 extended memory addressing GST-49 65C02 CTR-302,CTR-304 AddToMenu PI-55, PI-59, PI-120, PI-154, PI-305, PI-306 AdjWind PI-57, PI-59, PI-155 ADV.DISK.UTIL GS/OS #1 ADVANCE GSF-240 advanced linker (APW) PI-223, PI-235, PI-236 Alert GSTR-6-19-22, GSTR-6-31-34, IIGS #48 alert box GSTR-6-6, PI-135 default button PI-135 template for creating PI-140 alert mechanism GSTR-6-1 alert sound GSTR-6-6, GSTR-6-21-22, GSTR-6-47 alert stage GSTR-6-20-21, GSTR-6-33, GSTR-6-49, GSTR-6-76 alert template GSTR-6-11, GSTR-6-19-20, GSTR-6-31, GSTR-6-32 alert window GSTR-6-7, GSTR-25-6 color table GSTR-25-17 alert windows PI-110, PI-111, PI-116, PI-136 alertDrawn GSTR-6-89 alerts GST-67, PI-135-136 Caution Alert PI-135 Note Alert PI-135 programming techniques PI-141 sound in PI-135 Stop Alert PI-135 AlertWindow IIGS #48 ALIGN segment header field P16-186, P16-299.See also headers; segment(s) alignment factor P16-299.See also segment(s) ALLOC INTERRUPT PI-272 allocateErr GSTR-25-83, GSTR-25-144, GSTR-B-4 allocation of memory GSTR-12-1, GSTR-12-35 allocation of private memory GSTR-12-10-11, GSTR-12-14 ALLOC_INTERRUPT call P16-48, P16-80, P16-94, P16-288 description of P16-175-176 alreadyInitialized GSTR-16-64, GSTR-16-278, GSTR-B-3 ALTCHAR soft switch ETR-29, CTR-102,CTR-243,CTR-360 alternate character set CTR-69,CTR-70,CTR-88,CTR-92,CTR-360, ETR-19-20, ETR-228 Mouse #6 on original IIe ETR-20 Alternate Display Mode GST-47, GST-68, GSTR-5-3, PI-157 alternate-display-mode desk accessory GSTR-5-24 alternative pointing device GSTR-7-21-25, GSTR-7-27, GSTR-7-34, GSTR-14-5 ALTZP soft switch ETR-84, ETR-89-90, CTR-28,CTR-242 AMPERV GSF-259 AN3 IIe #3 analog I/O impedance IIGS #9 analog inputs CTR-200, ETR-42-43, GST-41 (PDL0 through PDL3) GSH-157-158 analog RGB See RGB video analog-to-digital converter (ADC) GST-25 animation ETR-231 Lo-Res graphics GST-47 annunciator memory locations GSH-267 annunciator outputs (AN0 through AN3) GSH-157 annunciators ETR-40-41, ETR-43 any-key-down (AKD) CTR-78,CTR-243,CTR-255 any-key-down flag ETR-13 anyFamBit GSTR-8-11, GSTR-8-50 anySizeBit GSTR-8-11, GSTR-8-50 anyStyleBit GSTR-8-11, GSTR-8-50 APDA (Apple Programmer's and Developer's Association) PI-xix, PI-35, PI-224, PI-278, GSTR-xxvii apFamBit GSTR-8-9, GSTR-8-12, GSTR-8-50 apostrophe (') GSF-40, GSF-64 app1Evt GSTR-7-7, GSTR-7-50 app1Mask GSTR-7-11, GSTR-7-50 app2Evt GSTR-7-7, GSTR-7-50 app2Mask GSTR-7-11, GSTR-7-50 app3Evt GSTR-7-7, GSTR-7-50 app3Mask GSTR-7-11, GSTR-7-50 app4Evt GSTR-7-7, GSTR-7-50 app4Mask GSTR-7-11, GSTR-7-50 appl ication windows PI-111 Apple /// emulation Miscellaneous #2 Apple 3.5 disk drive GSF-117, GSF-133, GSF-135 SmartPort calls GSF-138-141 Apple 3.5 Drive UniDisk 3.5 #5, GST-39-40 Apple Certified Developer PI-278-279 Apple computers P16-xx, P16-4.See also specific computer Apple Desktop Bus GSH-3, GSH-6, GSH-43, GSH-116-117, GSH-156, GSH-236, GSTR-3-1, GSTR-7-24, PI-2, PI-8, PI-21, PI-174 See DeskTop Bus connector GSF-8 input devices GSF-10 microcontroller GSF-6, GSF-183, GSF-185-196 microcontroller, commands GSF-188-195 microcontroller, status byte GSF-196 Apple Desktop Bus Tool Set GSTR-1-4, GSTR-1-5, GSTR-3-1-29, GSTR-7-24, PI-21, PI-174 constants GSTR-3-28-29 data structures GSTR-3-29 error codes GSTR-3-29 shutdown routine GSTR-3-11 startup routine GSTR-3-10 status routine GSTR-3-12 using GSTR-3-5-7 version number routine GSTR-3-11 addresses GSH-130, GSH-137-138 broadcast signals GSH-131-132 collision detection GSH-138-139 Command/Data register GSH-122-123 commands GSH-129-131, GSH-133 commands GSTR-3-2 device handlers GSH-136-137 device registers GSH-133-136 error conditions GSH-133 General Logic Unit GSH-121-127 Keyboard Data register GSH-123 microcontroller GSH-121 Modifier Key register GSH-123-124 Mouse Data register GSH-125 moving addresses GSH-137 peripheral devices GSH-133-139 polling GSTR-3-3 service request GSH-139 Status register GSH-126-127 Apple Desktop Interface P16-90-91 Apple II PI-13, PI-21 See also Apple II, standard Apple II compatibility with Apple IIe ETR-48-50 Apple II computers, interrupts CTR-332 Apple II family differences ETR-227-232 Apple II family animated display GST-47 Apple IIGS compatibility GST-4-5 architecture GST-74-76 binary load files GST-8 defined GST-xiii-xiv disassembler GST-50 disk storage GST-40 display memory GST-86, GST-88 display pages GST-16 graphic display features GST-20-21 graphics specifications GST-3 I/O expansion slots GST-28 memory, main and auxiliary GST-16-17 Monitor I/O firmware GST-51 Monitor programs GST-47-48 programs GST-13, GST-76, GST-96-97 See also 8-bit Apple II serial ports GST-33-37 slot memory GST-29-33 sound output GST-24 UCSD Pascal GST-17 video modes GST-19 Apple II operating systems P16-281-288.See also operating system(s) or specific operating system Apple II Plus PI-xxi, PI-8, PI-9, PI-290, xiii, GST-16-17, GST-28 Apple II SCSI Interface Card SmartPort #5 Apple II series differences CTR-348-365 Apple II series disk I/O CTR-361 Apple II series hardware CTR-365 Apple II series I/O CTR-357 Apple II series keyboard CTR-357-359 Apple II series machine identification CTR-350 Apple II series memory structure CTR-351-356 Apple II series video display CTR-359-360 Apple II defined PI-xxi definition of P16-xx operating systems P16-281-288 standard P16-182 standard, definition of P16-xx standard, software for P16-34 zero page P16-75, P16-88 Apple IIc GSF-11, GSH-2, GST-xiii, P16-34 block diagram CTR-235-236 interrupt differences ETR-156 schematic diagrams CTR-291-296 Apple IIGS compatibility GST-4-5 graphic display features GST-20-21 interrupt support GST-54 memory, main and auxiliary GST-16-17 Monitor I/O firmware GST-51 mouse support GST-42-43 no expansion slots GST-28 ports GST-74 program compatibility GST-39, GST-96-97 Protocol Converter software GST-40 serial ports GST-33-37 serial-port firmware emulation GST-33 terminal emulation GST-37 Apple IIe GSH-2, GSH-119, GST-xiii, P16-34 80-Column Text Card ETR-86,134, ETR-267-275 Extended 80-Column Text Card ETR-86, ETR-134, ETR-267-275 Apple IIe Plus GSF-222 Apple IIe 128K RAM GST-78 Apple IIGS compatibility GST-4-5 Apple IIGS Upgrade keyboard support GST-42, GST-43 AppleMouse card GST-42-43 ASCII input mode ETR-107 COUT1 subroutine ETR-56 differences between original and enhanced ETR-xix-xxiii game I/O connectors GST-41 interrupt support ETR-132, ETR-148-149 interrupt support GST-54 memory, main and auxiliary GST-16-17 microprocessor ETR-6 Mini-Assembler ETR-123-125 mini-assembler GST-50 Monitor I/O firmware GST-51 Monitor Search command ETR-110 MouseText ETR-12, ETR-20 program compatibility GST-96-97 slot 3 ETR-144 slots GST-74 tabbing in Applesoft ETR-271-272 using Caps Lock ETR-49 Apple IIGS See also ProDOS 8; ProDOS 16; programming techniques Apple IIGS Debugger PI-224, PI-248-253 Apple IIGS Disk II firmware GSF-5 I/O port characteristics GSF-111 SmartPort interactions GSF-158 support GSF-109-112 Apple IIGS firmware SmartPort #6 Apple IIGS font definition GSTR-16-42-43 Apple IIGS Programmer's Workshop P16-xx, P16-xviii, P16-70, P16-89-90.See also programming, GST-8, PI-xviii, PI-26-27, PI-65, PI-205, PI-22~225, PI-296 advanced linker PI-223, PI-235, PI-236, PI-238 Assembler GST-8, GST-101-102, PI-xviii, PI-222 C compiler GST-102, PI-xviii, PI-222 Debugger GST-105 Editor GST-104, PI-222 language considerations PI-225 Linker GST-104, PI-222 parameter-passing PI-225 program descriptions PI-221-224 program development GST-103-105 reference manual GST-110 Shell GST-103-104, PI-199, PI-221-222, PI-259, PI-261 standard linker PI-223, PI-235, PI-238 utilities GST-105, PI-223 Compact PI-223 Crunch PI-223 DumpOBJ PI-223 Equal PI-224 Files PI-224 Init PI-224 MacGen PI-224 MakeLib PI-224, PI-238 Search PI-224 File Type utility P16-89 Linker P16-70, P16-89 Shell P16-82, P16-89, P16-208 Apple IIGS ProgrammerUs Workshop. See APW Apple IIGS Toolbox P16-xix, P16-6, P16-9, PI-xviii, PI-17-22, PI-42, PI-62-106, PI-108-144, PI-146-183. See also tool sets or specific routine/tool set calls (typographic convention for) PI-xxii, PI-36 compared to Macintosh PI-284-289 constants PI-38 data structures PI-38 errors PI-65, PI-66, PI-67 macros PI-65 memory requirements PI-5 keyboard support GST-42, GST-43 Apple IIGS Workshop C GSTR-2-6 Apple IIGS 40-column display GSF-71 80-column display GSF-71 Alternate Display Mode GST-47, GST-68 Apple II family compatibility GST-4-5 architecture GST-74-80 boot/scan sequence GSF-17 built-in I/0 PI-8-9 clock speeds PI-4 clock-calendar PI-9 compatibility with standard Apple II PI-9-10, PI-291-292 Control Panel GST-46-47, PI-9 default operating system P16-13 description of P16-4 DeskTop Bus GST-41-43 detached keyboard GSF-10 disassembler GST-50 disk port GST-39-41, PI-8 display features GST-19-24 execution modes PI-4 features GST-2-4 firmware GSF-2-6, PI-xviii game I/O connectors GST-41, PI-2, PI-8 general PI-xiii-xxii, PI-2-27 hardware PI-xvii I/O expansion slots GSF-11, GST-28-33 I/O ports GSF-11 interrupt support GST-54-55 interrupts GSF-16 keyboard PI-2, PI-8 large-scale ICs used GST-12 logical diagram of P16-6 Macintosh comparison GST-5-6 memory GST-15-18, GST-77-78, P16-9, P16-32-40.See also memory, PI-2, PI-4, PI-5-6 memory addresses GSF-21 memory space GSF-9 microprocessor GSF-8-9, microprocessor PI-2, PI-3-5 mini-assembler GST-50 Monitor I/O firmware GST-51-54 Monitor program GST-47, GST-49 Monitor. See system Monitor operating systems GST-82 program environments summarized GST-113 program operation levels GSF-4 programming (general) PI-xvii programming levels in P16-5-7 real-time clock GST-26 registers PI-4 resident desk accessories GST-46 serial I/O ports GST-33, GST-37-39, PI-2, PI-8, PI-9 slots PI-2, PI-6, PI-8-9 sound PI-2, PI-8, PI-174 sound capabilities GST-24-25 sound system GSF-10 startup GSF-112 Super Hi-Res display GSF-9-10 system disks P16-52-55.See also system disks technical manuals GSF-216-221, GST-106-111 Toolbox GSF-2, GSF-218, GSF-310 Toolbox compared with Macintosh GST-59-63 video PI-2, PI-6-7 See also ProDOS 8; ProDOS 16; manuals or specific topic Apple Ilc xxi, PI-7, PI-8, PI-13, PI-290 Apple Ile xxi, PI-7-9, PI-13, PI-174, PI-290 Apple Integer BASIC CTR-308,CTR-330,CTR-348,CTR-356,CTR-388 Apple keys ETR-11-14 differences in Apple II family ETR-228 Apple Language Card CTR-351 Apple logo GSTR-13-6, GSTR-13-15, GSTR-13-56 Apple Logo II CTR-330 Apple Menu GSTR-5-8, GSTR-5-15, GSTR-5-20, GSTR-13-4, GSTR-13-5, GSTR-13-15, PI-31, PI-47, PI-75, PI-147 Apple Programmer's and Developer's Association (APDA) PI-xix, PI-35, PI-224, PI-278, GST-111, See APDA Apple standard detached keyboard GST-42 Apple Super Serial Card (SSC) GSF-82 Apple User Interface Guidelines GST-67 Apple-Left Arrow GSTR-10-1, GSTR-10-29 Apple-period GSTR-15-24 Apple-Right Arrow GSTR-10-1, GSTR-10-29 AppleColor 100 monitor GST-19 APPLEII GSF-237 appleKey GSTR-7-9, GSTR-7-51 AppleMouse GST-42-43, Mouse #2 AppleShare AppleTalk #1, #2, ProDOS #21 AppleSoft IIe #3 Applesoft BASIC CTR-169,CTR-308,CTR-329,CTR-388, ETR-xxi, ETR-12, ETR-105, ETR-235, GSF-2, GSF-43, GSF-74, GSF-87, GSF-112, GSF-178, GSH-2, GST-9, Miscellaneous #9, #11 Applesoft BASIC interpreter CTR-14,CTR-23,CTR-36,CTR-51,CTR-52,CTR-59,CTR-63,CTR-204,CTR-214,CTR-250,CTR-352 interpreter addresses CTR-326 mouse and CTR-195-196 80-column support ETR-xxi accessing terminal mode GST-37 and lowercase ETR-xxii and uppercase ETR-48-49 graphic display routines GST-21 I/O links GST-52 in Apple II family GST-5 interpreter GST-46 invoking the Monitor GST-48 PR# command GST-38 program compatibility GST-39 protocol address locations GST-36 ROM GST-4 tabbing with original Apple IIe ETR-271-272 use of page 3 ETR-78 use of page zero ETR-77, ETR-79-81 AppleTalk GSF-3, GSF-8, GSF-15, GSF-17, GSF-82, GSF-98, GSF-173, GSH-43, GSH-150, GSH-173, GST-4, GST-33, GST-38, GSTR-15-5, PI-2, PI-8, PI-9, PI-167 AppleTalk Personal Network P16-65 interrupts GSF-180 applEvt PI-69 AppleWorks GST-39, GST-68, Miscellaneous #4, #5 AppleWorks file formats Miscellaneous #5 application event GSTR-7-4 application prefix PI-209 application programs 65816 flags GST-83 Apple II program compatibility GST-96-97 Apple IIGS Toolbox GST-94 buffering (I/O) GST-38 desk accessories GST-67 development GST-100-105, GST-108 enhancing existing programs GST-97 event-driven GST-59, GST-62 firmware access GST-93-94 incompatibility GST-93 interrupt support GST-54-55 low-numbered bank access GST-78 memory GST-76, GST-78, GST-80 Menu Manager GST-66 Monitor I/O routines GST-47, GST-51 mouse operation GST-43 program environments summarized GST-113 program operation levels GST-92-94 Scrap Manager GST-71 screen-hole locations GST-32 serial-port compatibility GST-39 SmartPort calls GST-41 standard I/O links GST-51-52 system hardware control GST-92-93 System Loader GST-96 Window Manager GST-66 Application Shutdown call (System Loader) P16-77 application system disk PI-300-301 application system disks. See system disks application window GSTR-25-8, GSTR-25-66, GSTR-25-70, GSTR-25-122 application(s) P16-58, P16-74-75 Apple IIGS Programmer's Workshop and P16-89 as controlling programs P16-184, P16-208.See also controlling programs definition of P16-74 dormant P16-185, P16-225, P16-233, P16-246.See also System Loader event-driven and segmented P16-xix loading P16-5, P16-71, P16-82-83, P16-89.See also System Loader memory and P16-33, P16-39-40.See also memory prefixes. See pathname prefixes programming requirements for P16-74-75 quitting P16-59-65.See also PQUIT; QUIT call reloading P16-71, P16-168 restarting P16-62, P16-71, P16-77, P16-168, P16-209-210, P16-233, P16-240, P16-245, See also Restart call; System Loader revising ProDOS 8 for ProDOS 16 P16-86-89 shell P16-208 shutting down P16-209-210 starting P16-62, P16-64, P16-58-65, P16-167, P16-222 starting, machine configuration at launch P16-64, P16-81 application-defined event GSTR-7-14, PI-69, PI-73 applications PI-256-259 hybrid PI-292-293 programming techniques PI-26, PI-228-229, PI-256-259 restartable PI-259 self-booting PI-257-258 apVarBit GSTR-8-9, GSTR-8-10, GSTR-8-50 APW GSTR-xGSTR-xvii, GSTR-2-5, IIGS #20, #31, See Apple IIGS Programmer's Workshop (APW) APW assembler IIGS #33 APW C IIGS #31 APW MacGen utility GSTR-2-5 arbitrary mode GSTR-11-12 arc GSTR-16-24, GSTR-16-88, GSTR-16-94, GSTR-16-101, GSTR-16-164, PI-87, PI-91 arc tangent GSTR-9-13 architecture, Apple IIGS GST-74-80 arcRot GSTR-16-109, GSTR-16-212 arithmetic, hexadecimal CTR-215, ETR-116 arrow cursor GSTR-16-38, GSTR-16-160 arrow keys CTR-4, ETR-61, ETR-63-64, GSF-72 ascent GSTR-16-26, GSTR-16-45, GSTR-16-48, GSTR-16-62 ascent/ascent line PI-93, GSTR-16-45 ASCII GSF-25, GSF-26, GSF-29, GSF-51, GSF-67, GSF-86, GSF-123, GSF-152, GSH-59, GSH-74, GSH-123, GSH-251-255, GSTR-9-8, GSTR-9-9, GSTR-9-25, GSTR-9-26, GSTR-9-29, GSTR-9-30, GSTR-9-31, GSTR-9-33, GSTR-14-4, GSTR-14-16 ASCII character set CTR-3,CTR-70,CTR-78,CTR-80-81,CTR-381-382,CTR-391-395, P16-292-293 entry from keyboard GST-49 ASCII codes CTR-58,CTR-78,CTR-80-81,CTR-89,CTR-164,CTR-368, ETR-14-16 ASCII input mode CTR-209, ETR-106-107, GSF-30 filters GSF-31 flip GSF-30, GSF-64 literal GSF-30, GSF-64 AskUser PI-59, PI-121, PI-163, PI-211, PI-306 ASMFORMAT.TEXT Pascal #12 aspect ratios GST-61 Assembler (APW) P16-89, CTR-220, PI-xviii, PI-222 assemblers ETR-121, GST-8, GST-100 APW Assembler GST-101-102 calls to Toolbox GST-63 EdAsm GST-62, GST-102 for Apple II computers GST-62 macro libraries and P16-xv mini-assembler GST-50 object files GST-101 programming suggestions GST-62 reference manual GST-110 assembling P16-89 assembly language ETR-234, IIGS #33, P16-xv, P16-xviii, PI-xiv, PI-4, PI-65, PI-225, PI-234 calling routines from GSTR-2-5 HodgePodge and PI-65-66, PI-190, PI-202, PI-311-376 labels, typographic convention for P16-xxi mouse and CTR-195-196 mouse routines GSF-202, GSF-211-213 Pascal protocol GSF-93-94 programming examples PI-190, PI-193, PI-239-246, PI-263, PI-265, PI-311-376 programming techniques PI-4, PI-283-284, PI-290 typographic convention for PI-xxii assembly-language programs debugging CTR-221 assigning load segments with PI-236 asterisk (*) CTR-59,CTR-204 asterisk (*) as prompt character ETR-62 AsyncADBReceive GSTR-3-3, GSTR-3-7-8, GSTR-3-14, GSTR-3-27, GSTR-7-24 Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter (ACIA) GST-39, CTR-130, GSH-151, GSH-171 asynchronous key event GSTR-7-15-18 at sign (@) CTR-113, GSF-226 atAlertID GSTR-6-20, GSTR-6-32, GSTR-6-89 aTalkIntHnd GSTR-14-67 aTalkNodeNo GSTR-14-66 atBoundsRect GSTR-6-20, GSTR-6-32, GSTR-6-89 athens GSTR-8-4, GSTR-8-51 atItemList GSTR-6-89 ATLK ROM AppleTalk #1, #2 atStage1 GSTR-6-20, GSTR-6-32, GSTR-6-89 atStage2 GSTR-6-20, GSTR-6-32, GSTR-6-89 atStage3 GSTR-6-20, GSTR-6-32, GSTR-6-89 atStage4 GSTR-6-20, GSTR-6-32, GSTR-6-89 att rAddr PI-187 att rBank PI-187 ATTACH.DATA Pascal #16 ATTACH.DRIVERS Pascal #16 Attention/Sync signal (ADB) GSH-131 attrAddr GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-49 attrBank GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-49 attrErr GSTR-12-42, GSTR-12-47, GSTR-B-2 attrFixed GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-49, PI-187 attrHandle GSTR-12-47 attributes word PI-188, word GSTR-12-12, GSTR-12-32, GSTR-12-39 attrLocked GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-47, PI-187 attrNoCross GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-47, PI-187 attrNoPurge GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-47 attrNoSpec GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-47, PI-187 attrPage GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-47, PI-187 attrPurge GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-47, PI-187 attrPurge1 GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-47 attrPurge2 GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-47 attrPurge3 GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-47 attrSystem GSTR-12-47 AUD CTR-256,CTR-365 audio amplifier GST-25 audio output jack CTR-8,CTR-256 auto-boot UniDisk 3.5 #2 auto-key event GSTR-6-39, GSTR-7-3, GSTR-7-13, PI-69, PI-71-72 autoKeyEvt GSTR-7-7, GSTR-7-50, GSTR-25-120, PI-69 autoKeyMask GSTR-7-11, GSTR-7-50 automatic carriage return, I/O command GST-35 automatic linefeed, I/O command GST-35 automatic repeat CTR-3,CTR-358 Autostart ROM CTR-356 autoTrack GSTR-4-25, GSTR-4-36, GSTR-4-83, GSTR-4-86 auxFileType GSTR-22-24, GSTR-22-32 auxiD GSTR-12-10-11, GSTR-12-14, GSTR-12-15, GSTR-14-58, IIGS #17, See User ID auxiliary firmware ETR-86-93 auxiliary Hi-Res pages GST-86 auxiliary memory CTR-42-44,CTR-74,CTR-106,CTR-160-161,CTR-175,CTR-269, ETR-86-93, GSH-36-41, GSH-60, GST-16-17, IIe #3 screen holes CTR-315 bank GSH-14 differences in Apple II family ETR-229 map ETR-87 moving data to ETR-92 select switches GSH-258 soft switches ETR-89 subroutines ETR-91 auxiliary RAM CTR-22,CTR-184, ETR-86-88 auxiliary slot ETR-7, ETR-49 differences in Apple II family ETR-229 signals ETR-197-200 auxiliary type IIGS #27, ProDOS #19, P16-279-280 auxiliary type field (ProDOS) PI-217 auxiliary type file attributes PI-217, PI-218 auxlD field PI-192-194 AUXMOVE GSF-260, IIe #3 AUXMOVE subroutine ETR-91-92 auxtype ProDOS #19 available font GSTR-8-1, GSTR-8-25, GSTR-8-36 axisParam GSTR-4-33-34, GSTR-4-88 B B register GSF-18, GSF-35 native mode GST-13 Back Arrow key GSF-75 back panel CTR-9-10 background GSTR-16-52 background color GSTR-16-26, GSTR-16-54, GSTR-16-57, GSTR-16-110, GSTR-16-213, GSTR-16-226 background colors GSH-57, GSH-77, GST-3, GST-20, GST-46, PI-92 background pattern GSTR-16-18, GSTR-16-111, GSTR-16-214, GSTR-16-251, PI-85 background pixel GSTR-16-28, GSTR-16-30, GSTR-16-52 background pixels PI-93 background printing GSF-97-98, GST-33, GST-38, IIGS #16 background procedure GSTR-15-24, GSTR-15-41, PI-173 BackGroundRgn GSTR-25-42, GSTR-25-139 backslash (\) CTR-59,CTR-63, GSF-75, GSTR-5-8, GSTR-13-14 backspace CTR-63,CTR-114, GSTR-10-2, GSTR-10-29 Backspace key GSF-70, GSF-75 backspacing ETR-63 backup bit P16-134, P16-277, PI-215 BADBLOCK GSF-156, IIc #5 BadBlock $2D error CTR-151 BADCMD GSF-156 BadCmd $01 error CTR-150 badColorNum GSTR-16-115, GSTR-16-220, GSTR-16-278, GSTR-B-3 BADCTL GSF-156, SmartPort #7 BadCtl $21 error CTR-150 BADCTLPARM GSF-156, SmartPort #7 BadCtlParm $22 error CTR-150 badDevNum GSTR-23-15, GSTR-23-47, GSTR-B-4, GSTR-23-15, GSTR-23-28, GSTR-23-33, GSTR-23-35, GSTR-23-38, GSTR-23-47, GSTR-B-4 badFile GSTR-23-47 badFormat GSTR-23-16, GSTR-23-47, GSTR-B-4 badInputErr GSTR-14-19, GSTR-14-57, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-2 badItemType GSTR-6-56, GSTR-6-57, GSTR-6-69, GSTR-6-84, GSTR-6-90, GSTR-B-5 badLaserPrep GSTR-15-36, GSTR-15-42, GSTR-15-49, GSTR-B-5 badLPFile GSTR-15-36, GSTR-15-42, GSTR-15-49, GSTR-B-5 badMode GSTR-23-15, GSTR-23-47, GSTR-B-4 BADPCNT GSF-156 BadPCnt $04 error CTR-150 badRect GSTR-16-278, GSTR-B-3 badScanLine GSTR-16-250, GSTR-16-278, GSTR-B-3 badScrapType GSTR-20-10, GSTR-20-12, GSTR-20-14, GSTR-20-19, GSTR-B-5 badTableNum GSTR-16-115, GSTR-16-116, GSTR-16-220, GSTR-16-221, GSTR-16-278, GSTR-B-3 badTitle GSTR-23-15, GSTR-B-4 BADUNIT GSF-156 BadUnit $11 error CTR-150 bank $00 GSF-12, GSF-15, GSH-44, GST-16, GST-61 8-bit programs GST-83 Alternate Display Mode GST-47, GST-68 and text display GST-70 direct page location GST-83 display memory GST-86 firmware entry points GSF-224-257 bank $00 I/O links GST-52 interrupts GST-54 language-card switches GST-48 memory map GST-79 memory shadowing GST-29, GST-77-78 page 3 routines GSF-260-261 page 3 vectors GSF-259 page Fx vectors GSF-262-263 ba running a program in GSF-49, GSF-65 stack location GST-83 bank $01 GSH-44, GST-16, GST-61 display memory GST-86 interrupts GST-54 language-card switches GST-48 memory map GST-79 memory shadowing GST-29, GST-77-78 Super Hi-Res display GST-87 bank $02 GST-18, GST-79 bank $7F, memory map GST-78 bank $E, vectors GSF-264-265 bank $E0 GSF-308-310, GSH-41-43, GST-29, GST-47, GST-77-78, GST-86 bank $E1 GSF-308-310, GSH-41-43, GST-77-79, GST-86-87 bank $FE, system ROM GST-78 bank $FF GST-48, GST-54, GST-78 bank register values GST-82, GST-83 bank selector switches CTR-27-35 bank switches ETR-83-85 reading ETR-86 bank switching GSH-32, GST-17 auxiliary memory GSH-39 bank zero PI-4, PI-6, PI-192, PI-203, PI-248, PI-267-270, PI-293-296 bank-boundry limited PI-187 bank-switched memory CTR-24-35, ETR-82-86, ETR-87, ETR-229, IIe #3 map ETR-82 See memory bank/address GSF-21, GSF-22, GSF-26, GSF-29, GSF-32, GSF-64 Bank2 switch CTR-241 banks, memory. See memory banks BANKSIZE segment header field P16-186, P16-299.See also headers; segment(s) barArrowBack GSTR-4-22, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-7 barInactive GSTR-4-22, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-7 barNorArrow GSTR-4-22, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-7 barNorThumb GSTR-4-22, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-7 barOutline GSTR-4-22, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-7 barPageRgn GSTR-4-22, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-7 barSelArrow GSTR-4-22, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-7 barSelThumb GSTR-4-22, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-7 BASCALC GSF-239 base family GSTR-8-7, GSTR-8-12, GSTR-8-13 base line GSTR-10-7, GSTR-16-26, GSTR-16-45, PI-93 baseOnlyBit GSTR-8-8, GSTR-8-50 BASIC GSF-48, GSF-51, GSF-74, GSF-75, GSF-82, GSF-83, GSF-86, GSF-87, GSF-90, GSF-112 BASIC Miscellaneous #9 BASIC command CTR-228 BASIC device driver GSTR-23-3 BASIC interpreter (BASIC.SYSTEM) P16-25, P16-34 BASIC Monitor command ETR-115 Applesoft See Applesoft BASIC command GSF-43 compiler for GST-103 Integer See Integer BASIC interface GSF-93 mouse programs GSF-206-208 mouse routines GSF-203 BASIC.SYSTEM ProDOS #2, #6, #9, #17 BASICIN GSF-70-73 BASICIN subroutine ETR-58, ETR-220 BASICIN subroutine, address in I/O link ETR-53 BASICINPUT GSF-209 BASICOUT GSF-70, GSF-73, GSF-76-78, GSF-80 BASICOUT subroutine ETR-65, ETR-220 BASICOUT subroutine, address in I/O link ETR-53 BASICOUTPUT GSF-209 basicType GSTR-23-46 batch mode PI-13 Battery RAM GSF-299, GSF-306, GSTR-14-4, GSTR-14-9, GSTR-14-10, GSTR-14-11, GSTR-14-13, GSTR-14-16 Battery RAM routines PI-181 Battery RAM parameter reference numbers GSTR-14-12 baud rate GSF-88, GSH-152, GST-35, GST-46 baud rate for SSC ETR-279 baud rate serial port 1 CTR-163 baud rate serial port 2 CTR-177-178 BD command GSF-96, GSF-97, GSF-183 BeginUpdate GSTR-4-54, GSTR-10-11, GSTR-10-46, GSTR-25-11, GSTR-25-20, GSTR-25-35, GSTR-25-47, GSTR-25-116, GSTR-25-119, PI-115, PI-118, PI-134 BEL character ETR-53 bell CTR-114 BELL GSF-253 bell character CTR-115 Bell routine CTR-84 BELL subroutine ETR-221 BELL1 GSF-239, GSTR-14-53 Bell1 routine CTR-84 BELL1 subroutine ETR-39, ETR-221 BELL1.2 GSF-239 BELL2 GSF-240 BELLVECTOR GSF-270 bellVector GSTR-14-68 bellVolume GSTR-14-65 best-fit font algorithm GSTR-8-6, GSTR-8-16-17, GSTR-8-44 Better Color option GSTR-15-8 Better Text option GSTR-15-8 bFileVers GSTR-15-14, GSTR-15-15, GSTR-15-48 bgColor GSTR-16-110, GSTR-16-213 binary file (ProDOS 8) P16-12, P16-224, P16-283 binary files GST-8, GST-95 BINITENTRY GSF-209 bit cell (ADB) GSH-127 bit definition ETR-236 bit images PI-286 bit map, volume. See volume bit map bit mapping of graphics ETR-23-26 bit plane GSTR-16-31 bit planes PI-98 bit-mapped memory GST-95 bits CTR-384-386, GSH-244-245 bJDocLoop GSTR-15-14, GSTR-15-15, GSTR-15-37, GSTR-15-48 black GSTR-16-274 black and white drawing, QuickDraw II PI-103 blanking intervals CTR-257 blink interval GSTR-10-26 blinking caret GSTR-10-10, GSTR-10-26 blinking menu item GSTR-13-76 block GSTR-12-1.See also memory block block device formatting ProDOS #5 block device I/O firmware, entry points CTR-23 block devices P16-9, P16-14, P16-42-43, P16-84.See also device(s) block I/O device support GST-40 block fixed GSTR-12-7 locked movable GSTR-12-7 locking GSTR-12-31 purging GSTR-12-8, GSTR-12-39, GSTR-12-40 unlocking GSTR-12-32, GSTR-12-33 block-storage device (/RAM5) GST-40, GST-79 block-type devices CTR-120 BlockMove GSTR-12-21 blocks. See call blocks; file blocks; file control block; memory blocks; parameter blocks; volume control blocks blue GSTR-16-274 blueMask GSTR-16-274 boldMask GSTR-16-276 BOOLEAN GSTR-xxx boot initialization. See system startup boot prefix P16-65, P16-67, P16-167, PI-209 boot-failure screen GSF-17 boot/scan sequence GSF-17 booting ETR-267-268, GST-40, GST-95 bootstrap errors. See errors BOOTTRACKS.DATA Pascal #12 Border Color register GSH-77, GSH-159 border colors GSH-57, GSH-77-78, GST-3, GST-46 bottleneck procedure IIGS #34 bottom scroll bar GSTR-25-6, PI-110 bottomMost GSTR-25-139 boundary rectangle GSTR-16-13-17, GSTR-16-232, PI-80-84, PI-103 boundRect GSTR-4-33-34, GSTR-4-88 boundsRect GSTR-16-13, IIGS #34, PI-80 boxNor GSTR-4-18, GSTR-4-87 boxReserved GSTR-4-18, GSTR-4-87 boxSel GSTR-4-18, GSTR-4-87 boxTitle GSTR-4-18, GSTR-4-87 BREAK GSF-233 Break (BRK) GSF-36, GSF-183 break character, I/O command GST-36 break instruction GST-55 break instructions ETR-155 BREAK signal CTR-163 breakpoints, (debugging) PI-250-251, GST-105 BREAKVECTOR GSF-270, IIGS #1, GSTR-14-68 BringToFront GSTR-25-36 BRK ($00) instructions CTR-212,CTR-221,CTR-334, GSF-179 BRK ($00) instructions handling CTR-337-338 BRK handler ETR-155, IIGS #1 BRK instruction ETR-155 BRK vector ETR-148 BRKV GSF-259 brkVar GSTR-14-66 broadcast signals (ADB) GSH-131-132 brown320 GSTR-16-274 BS GSF-241 BS character ETR-53 btn0State GSTR-7-9, GSTR-7-10, GSTR-7-51 btn1State GSTR-7-9, GSTR-7-10, GSTR-7-51 bttnIntrpt GSTR-14-36, GSTR-14-67 bttnIntrptVI GSTR-14-36, GSTR-14-67 bttnNorBack GSTR-4-16, GSTR-4-87 bttnNorText GSTR-4-16, GSTR-4-87 bttnOrMove GSTR-14-36, GSTR-14-67 bttnOrMoveVI GSTR-14-36, GSTR-14-67 bttnOutline GSTR-4-16, GSTR-4-87 bttnSelBack GSTR-4-16, GSTR-4-87 bttnSelText GSTR-4-16, GSTR-4-87 BufDimRec GSTR-16-206, GSTR-16-276 buffer management ProDOS #9 Buffer Too Small) ProDOS #21 buffer-sizing record GSTR-16-205, GSTR-16-206-207 buffering IIc #6, IIGS #13 Buffering Enable GSF-83 buffering, I/O GST-37-38 buffers display CTR-38,CTR-99 buffers input CTR-36,CTR-38 buffers serial I/O CTR-343-345,CTR-362 buffers, display P16-33 buffers, I/O P16-14, P16-21-22, P16-24-25, P16-137.See also input/output bufferSize GSTR-21-17, GSTR-21-37 bug IIe #8, IIGS #13, #32, #44, #45, ImageWriter #1, Miscellaneous #3, Mouse #4, SmartPort #6, UniDisk 3.5 #3 built-in CDA name GSTR-5-16, GSTR-5-23 built-in I/0 PI-2, PI-8-9 built-in I/O ports See disk port; serial I/O ports built-in interrupt handler PI-267 built-in keyboard (Apple IIe) GST-42, GST-43 built-in RAM GST-80 built-in ROM GST-80 bus contention IIGS #32 bus residents GSF-157 bus. See Apple Desktop Bus BUSERR GSF-156 BusErr $06 error CTR-150 busy error. See errors busy flag GSTR-5-3, GSTR-19-1, GSTR-19-3, GSTR-A-1, P16-36, P16-96, PI-157, PI-182, PI-183 Busy word (Scheduler) P16-71, P16-96 Busy word flag GST-70 button GSTR-4-3, GSTR-4-14, GSTR-7-14, GSTR-7-31, GSTR-7-47 button 1 status GSF-204-205 button inputs, D-type connector GST-41 button interrupt mode CTR-188 button bold outline GSTR-4-14, GSTR-4-85 cancel GSTR-6-4, GSTR-6-5, GSTR-6-18, GSTR-6-58 default GSTR-6-5, GSTR-6-11, GSTR-6-37 disk GSTR-22-24, GSTR-22-31 mouse GSTR-4-46 OK GSTR-6-4, GSTR-6-5, GSTR-6-18, GSTR-6-58 radio GSTR-4-4 buttonItem GSTR-6-10, GSTR-6-88 buttons PI-125, PI-128, PI-132-135 byte definition ETR-237 byte(s) locating in files P16-274-275 size of P16-33 bytes CTR-384-386, GSH-244-245 C C IIGS #31 C command CTR-156,CTR-170 C Compiler (APW) P16-89, PI-xviii, PI-222 c flag GSTR-2-5, GSTR-2-7, GSTR-B-1, PI-66 C language GST-62, PI-xiv, PI-xviii, PI-65, PI-202, PI-225, PI-230, PI-234, PI-259 Apple IIGS support GST-8 compiler GST-102 HodgePodge and PI-377-412 programming examples PI-190, PI-377-4 PI-12 reference manual GST-110 Toolbox tool call libraries GST-63 GSF-18, GSF-35 GSTR-16-26, GSTR-16-41 PI-92, PI-287 C, calling routines from GSTR-2-6 C3COUT1 GSF-64, GSF-70, GSF-76-78, GST-53, GST-51, CTR-56,CTR-61,CTR-62,CTR-65-67,CTR-68,CTR-70 C3KeyIn GST-51, GST-53, CTR-56,CTR-58,CTR-61,CTR-62 cachePriority GS/OS #3 Caching GS/OS #3 cairo GSTR-8-4, GSTR-8-51 calcCRect GSTR-4-25 CalcMenuSize GSTR-13-13, GSTR-13-19, GSTR-13-33, GSTR-13-37, GSTR-13-41, GSTR-13-58, IIGS #43, PI-154, PI-155, PI-165 calcRect GSTR-4-86 calculators GST-67 calendars GST-67 call blocks P16-89, P16-100-101, P16-213 call macro GST-63 Call statement GSF-20 CALL -151 to invoke Monitor GST-48, CTR-223 calling program (caller) P16-100, P16-213 calling tool set routines assembly language GSTR-2-5 C GSTR-2-6 calls. See Exerciser; Memory Manager; parameter(s); ProDOS 8; registers; system calls; tool calls or specific call CAN character ETR-54 Canadian keyboard CTR-375 cancel GSTR-6-89 cancel button GSTR-6-4, GSTR-6-5, GSTR-6-18, GSTR-6-21, GSTR-6-58, GSTR-8-14, PI-132, PI-133, PI-139 cancel line CTR-63 cancelDefault GSTR-6-89 canceling lines ETR-63 cannotReset GSTR-16-278, GSTR-B-3 cantSync GSTR-3-29, GSTR-B-4 capitalization P16-18 Caps Lock CTR-5,CTR-81,CTR-358,CTR-360, ETR-11, GSTR-7-9, GSTR-7-51, GSTR-7-9, GSTR-7-51 for older software compatibility ETR-49 card dimensions IIGS #28 card driver IIGS #36 cards See peripheral cards; See 80-column card; language card caret GSTR-7-36, GSTR-10-8, GSTR-10-9, GSTR-10-11, GSTR-10-20, GSTR-10-34, GSTR-10-38, GSTR-10-46 caret (^) CTR-225, ETR-122, ETR-125, GSF-53, GSF-55 caret, blinking GSTR-10-10, GSTR-10-26 carriage return GSF-59, GSF-75, GSF-83 carriage return (CR) CTR-63,CTR-114,CTR-164,CTR-179 carriage return character GSTR-10-40, GSTR-10-42 carriage returns with SSC ETR-281 carry bit CTR-43, See c flag carry flag. See c flag cassette I/O CTR-364, ETR-39-40, ETR-188 commands ETR-111-114 soft switches ETR-39 Catalog routine ProDOS #17 cataloging disks P16-xv, P16-26, P16-278-279 Caution alert GSTR-6-6, PI-135, GSTR-6-24, GSTR-6-35 caution icon GSTR-6-35 CDA header section GSTR-5-18 CDA menu GSTR-5-3, GSTR-5-12, GSTR-5-21 CDA name GSTR-5-16, GSTR-5-23 CDA. See classic desk accessory central processing unit (CPU) ETR-4-6 See also ETR-65C02 microprocessor Centronics IIe #7 Certified Developer PI-278-279 CH (cursor horizontal) CTR-64, ETR-52 CH, changing memory contents ETR-105-110 Change Address command GSTR-3-4 change flag byte GSTR-10-43 CHANGE PATH call PI-214, P16-11-12, P16-21, P16-257, P16-260, P16-262, P16-286 description of P16-117-118 changeFlag GSTR-7-9, GSTR-7-10, GSTR-7-51 channel-generator type word GSTR-21-16 character GSTR-16-26 character bounds rectangle GSTR-16-28, GSTR-16-52, GSTR-16-69, GSTR-16-76, GSTR-16-269 character bounds width GSTR-16-52 character code ETR-12 character device driver GSTR-1-4, GSTR-23-1, GSTR-23-3 character devices P16-9, P16-43.See also device(s), PI-173 character echo-flag word GSTR-23-29 character generator CTR-14,CTR-263, GSH-241-243 control signals CTR-266 character generator ROM ETR-178 character I/O P16-6.See also input/output character image GSTR-16-26, PI-93 character image width GSTR-16-44 character origin GSTR-16-26-27, GSTR-16-45, PI-93 character output switch (CSW) CTR-57,CTR-64,CTR-71,CTR-84,CTR-101,CTR-113,CTR-115, GST-52 character position GSTR-10-7 character rectangle GSTR-16-44 character sets CTR-358-360, GSH-74-76 alternate CTR-69,CTR-70,CTR-88,CTR-92,CTR-360 ASCII CTR-3,CTR-70,CTR-78,CTR-80-81,CTR-381-382,CTR-391-395, GSH-59, GSH-74 display CTR-89, GSH-262 MouseText CTR-91 primary CTR-69,CTR-70,CTR-88,CTR-359 screen CTR-6 text CTR-88-89, ETR-19-20 character sets, text, differences among Apple II models ETR-228 character width GSTR-16-26-27, GSTR-16-44, GSTR-16-45, GSTR-16-51, GSTR-16-70, GSTR-16-77, GSTR-16-267, GSTR-16-270, PI-93 character, dead GSTR-16-45 character, missing GSTR-16-48-49 characters PI-92, PI-93-94 characters at sign (@) CTR-113 characters command CTR-155,CTR-205 characters control CTR-4,CTR-5,CTR-60,CTR-65-67,CTR-70,CTR-114,CTR-165,CTR-392 characters flashing CTR-69,CTR-70,CTR-88-89 inverse CTR-69,CTR-70,CTR-88-89 lowercase CTR-395 normal CTR-69,CTR-70,CTR-88-89 prompt CTR-59 special CTR-393 uppercase CTR-394 CharBounds GSTR-16-29, GSTR-16-56, GSTR-16-58, GSTR-16-69 CHARGEN signal ETR-185 CharWidth GSTR-16-29, GSTR-16-56, GSTR-16-58, GSTR-16-70 check box GSTR-4-3, GSTR-4-10, GSTR-4-16 control record GSTR-4-16-18, PI-125, PI-128 checkBox GSTR-4-86 CheckDiskError PI-136, PI-140, PI-308-310 CheckFrontW PI-50, PI-116 CheckHandle GSTR-12-22 checkItem GSTR-6-10, GSTR-6-88 CheckMItem GSTR-13-6, GSTR-13-34 checkProc GSTR-4-13, GSTR-4-73, GSTR-4-85 CheckToolError PI-46, PI-306-307 CheckUpdate GSTR-25-37 chExtra GSTR-16-30, GSTR-16-51, GSTR-16-55, GSTR-16-58, GSTR-16-59, GSTR-16-60, GSTR-16-112, GSTR-16-217 Choose Printer command (File menu) PI-32, PI-166, PI-289 Choose Printer dialog box GSTR-15-1, GSTR-15-4-5 ChooseCDA GSTR-5-12 ChooseFont GSTR-8-13, GSTR-8-14, GSTR-8-15, GSTR-8-26-27, GSTR-C-5, PI-97 Chooser PI-167, PI-289 chunky pixel GSTR-16-31 chunky pixel organiztion PI-98 cINTERSEG records P16-187, P16-298 circles PI-90 circuit board ETR-4-7 connectors ETR-7 clamp value GSTR-2-2, GSTR-7-27, GSTR-14-30, GSTR-14-31 clamp absolute GSTR-14-21 absolute device GSTR-14-37, GSTR-14-38 clamping Mouse #7 CLAMPMOUSE GSF-209, GSF-213 ClampMouse GSTR-7-27, GSTR-14-30, Mouse #1, #3, CTR-194 Claris Miscellaneous #4 classic desk accessories GST-68, GST-89 classic desk accessory (CDA) PI-156, PI-247, PI-262, PI-300, GSTR-5-1. See also desk accessories; new desk accessory supporting PI-1 PI-57 writing PI-263 classic desk accessory programming examples PI-263 Cleanup call (System Loader) P16-227, P16-231, P16-245 description of P16-249-250 clear GSTR-5-30 CLEAR BACKUP BIT PI-215 Clear command GSTR-6-43 Clear command (Edit menu) PI-32 Clear Modes command GSF-189 clear-strobe switch ETR-12 clearAction GSTR-5-7, GSTR-5-30 clearing screen GST-54 clearModes GSTR-3-20, GSTR-3-28 CLEARMOUSE GSF-209, GSF-212 ClearMouse GSTR-14-31, Mouse #3, CTR-193 ClearScreen GSTR-16-71 ClearSRQTable GSTR-3-15 CLEAR_BACKUP_BIT call P16-12, P16-260, P16-264, P16-277 description of P16-134 CLEOLZ GSF-79, CTR-112,CTR-113, ETR-50, ETR-69, ETR-219 clicking (mouse) PI-14, PI-15, PI-48, PI-110 Clipboard GST-71, GSTR-20-1, GSTR-20-5, GSTR-20-17, PI-32, PI-92, PI-159, PI-160, PI-161 clipping PI-77, PI-81-82, PI-83, PI-105, PI-136 clipping region GSTR-16-14-15, GSTR-16-17, GSTR-16-72, GSTR-16-113, GSTR-16-114, GSTR-16-187, GSTR-16-197, GSTR-16-208, GSTR-16-218, GSTR-17-10, PI-81, PI-82, PI-84 ClipRect GSTR-6-7, GSTR-16-40, GSTR-16-72 clipRgn GSTR-16-15, GSTR-16-219, GSTR-25-23, GSTR-25-28, PI-82 clock GSF-306 clock See real-time clock clock (microprocessor) PI-9 clock (real-time) PI-9 clock card ProDOS #1, #11 clock chip interrupts GSF-180, GST-55 clock driver routine ProDOS #10 clock rate CTR-237, ETR-161 clock routines PI-181 clock signals CTR-239-241, ETR-162 clock speed GST-3, GST-14-15, GST-84-85, PI-4, PI-269, PI-271, PI-290 clock-calendar PI-9 clockFormat GSTR-14-65 clocks GSH-3, GSH-138 clocks, real-time GSH-3, GSH-54, GSH-77, GSH-159-160 clocks, signals GSH-185 Close GSTR-5-14 CLOSE PI-210, PI-211, PI-213 close box GSTR-25-6, GSTR-25-8, GSTR-25-49, PI-48, PI-110, PI-111, PI-114 CLOSE call CTR-127,CTR-141-142, GSF-5, GSF-131-132, P16-21, P16-24-25, P16-151-152, P16-264, P16-277 description of P16-145 Close command (File menu) PI-32 close routine (NDA) PI-265 CloseAllNDAs GSTR-5-12 CloseDialog GSTR-6-23, GSTR-6-36, PI-134, PI-144 CloseNDA GSTR-5-6, GSTR-5-13, PI-158 CloseNDAbyWinPtr GSTR-5-6, GSTR-5-14, GSTR-25-122, PI-57, PI-158 ClosePicture GSTR-17-5, GSTR-17-9 ClosePoly GSTR-16-40, GSTR-16-72 ClosePort GSTR-16-39, GSTR-16-73, PI-97 CloseRgn GSTR-16-40, GSTR-16-74 CloseWindow GSTR-4-9, GSTR-4-68, GSTR-11-11, GSTR-11-16, GSTR-25-11, GSTR-25-29, GSTR-25-38, GSTR-25-127, PI-57, PI-114 closing files PI-210, See file(s) CLREOL GSF-79, GSF-243 ClrEOL routine CTR-112,CTR-113 CLREOL subroutine ETR-50, ETR-64, ETR-221 CLREOLZ GSF-243 CLREOP GSF-79, GSF-242 ClrEOP routine CTR-112,CTR-113 CLREOP subroutine ETR-50, ETR-64, ETR-221 ClrHeartBeat GSTR-14-53 CLRSCR GSF-79, GSF-226 ClrScr routine CTR-112,CTR-113 CLRSCR subroutine ETR-64, ETR-221 CLRTOP GSF-79, GSF-227 ClrTop routine CTR-112,CTR-113 CLRTOP subroutine ETR-64, ETR-221 CLRVBLINT IIGS #49 CmdNum CTR-125 cmndIncomplete GSTR-3-14, GSTR-3-17, GSTR-3-18, GSTR-3-19, GSTR-3-25, GSTR-3-26, GSTR-3-27, GSTR-3-29, GSTR-B-4 CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) design GST-13, CTR-237 co-resident applications GST-64 Cobol GST-103 code conversions CTR-391 cold start CTR-51,CTR-121-122, GSF-65, GSF-112, GSF-178, GSF-234 cold-start reset ETR-95, GST-55, GST-97 Collision Detect handler GSTR-3-4-5 collision detection (ADB) GSH-138-139 colon (:) CTR-216,CTR-224, GSF-28, GSF-29, GSF-40, GSF-51, GSF-52, GSF-64 colon (:) as Monitor command ETR-105 color box GSTR-15-8 color fringing GSH-58 color graphics GSF-10, GST-3, GST-21-24 color graphics with black-and-white monitors ETR-16 color in text mode GST-20 color palette PI-7, PI-99-100, See palette color printing GSTR-15-8, GSTR-15-15-18 color subcarrier and expansion slots GST-28 color table GSTR-11-10, GSTR-13-43, GSTR-16-31-33, GSTR-16-115, GSTR-16-116, GSTR-16-158, GSTR-16-220, GSTR-16-221 alert window GSTR-25-17 document window GSTR-25-17 standard GSTR-16-159 window GSTR-25-142 color tables PI-7, PI-99-100 color tables (palettes) GST-22, GST-65 color background GSTR-16-26, GSTR-16-213 foreground GSTR-16-26, GSTR-16-228 list GSTR-11-10 window frame GSTR-25-18, GSTR-25-57, GSTR-25-99 window information bar GSTR-25-20 window size box GSTR-25-19 window title GSTR-25-18 window title bar GSTR-25-19 colorMItemHilite GSTR-13-78, GSTR-13-87 colorReplace GSTR-13-72, GSTR-13-87 colors PI-98-103 colors, dithered PI-101-103 colors, double high-resolution graphics CTR-99 colors, double-high-resolution graphics ETR-25-26, ETR-185 colors, high-resolution CTR-97,CTR-268 colors, high-resolution graphics ETR-23-25,183-184 colors, low-resolution CTR-94,CTR-266 colors, low-resolution graphics ETR-21-22,182 colors, QuickDraw PI-98-103 colors, Super Hi-Res PI-7, PI-98 colors, window frame PI-111 colorTable GSTR-16-275 column-address strobe (CAS) CTR-252 comma tabbing with original Apple IIe ETR-271 command character CTR-155,CTR-205 command characters GSF-87 command characters GST-37 communications mode GSF-87 Monitor ETR-101 printer mode GSF-87 terminal mode GSF-91-92 command number CTR-125,CTR-127 command numbers GST-50 command packets, SmartPort GSF-159, GSF-166-167 command register, ACIA CTR-280 command strings GSF-87 command-line interface PI-13 Command/Data register GSH-122-123 commands. See specific command comment GSTR-17-15 communication ports P16-9, P16-43 Communications Card IIe #7 communications mode GSF-83 command character GSF-87 commands GSF-91-92 communications programs P16-83 Compact utility (APW) PI-223 compaction P16-38, PI-188 compaction of memory GSTR-12-5, GSTR-12-6-7, GSTR-12-15, GSTR-12-22 CompactMem GSTR-12-22 comparison routine GSTR-11-24 compatibility GSH-2, GSH-143, GSH-167 compatibility (Apple II) PI-9-10 software P16-4, P16-10-11.See also ProDOS 8 and ProDOS 16 compiler PI-xviii, PI-222, See C Compiler compilers GST-8, GST-100-103 compiling P16-89 complementary decimal values ETR-12 Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) design GST-13 complete system disk PI-298-300 completion routine GSTR-3-7-9, GSTR-3-25 AsyncADBReceive GSTR-3-8 SRQ list GSTR-3-9 composite (NTSC) video GST-3, GST-19-21 composite video connector GSH-6 conditional assembly GST-102 Configuration register GST-85 configuration, hardware, ProDOS 8 and ProDOS 16 P16-87 configuration, setting initial P16-64, P16-81.See also programming connector ETR-8, ETR-186 connector specification GSTR-xGSTR-xvi connectors CTR-9-10 connectors GSH-5-6 9-pin ETR-8, ETR-40 Apple Desktop Bus GSH-3, GSH-6 back panel ETR-8 cassette I/O ETR-8, ETR-39 composite video GSH-6, GSH-66 D-type ETR-8, ETR-40 disk drive CTR-274, GSH-6 disk-port GSH-143-144 external power CTR-234 game GSH-6, GSH-155 game I/O ETR-7, ETR-13 hand control ETR-8, ETR-40-43 hand controller CTR-199-200,CTR-287 keyboard CTR-254 mouse CTR-187,CTR-284 phone jacks ETR-8, ETR-39 power ETR-160, GSH-193 RCA-type jack ETR-8 RGB video GSH-6, CTR-154,CTR-278, GSH-5 video expansion CTR-270 video monitor ETR-8, ETR-186 video output CTR-270 constants Apple Desktop Bus Tool Set GSTR-3-28-29 Control Manager GSTR-4-85-86 Desk Manager GSTR-5-30 Dialog Manager GSTR-6-88-89 event codes PI-69 Event Manager GSTR-7-50-51 Font Manager GSTR-8-50-51 Integer Math Tool Set GSTR-9-42 LineEdit Tool Set GSTR-10-47 List Manager GSTR-11-25 Memory Manager GSTR-12-47 memory-block attributes PI-187 Menu Manager GSTR-13-87 Miscellaneous Tool Set GSTR-14-64-68 Print Manager GSTR-15-47 QuickDraw II GSTR-16-274-76 Scrap Manager GSTR-20-19 Sound Tool Set GSTR-21-36-37 Standard File Operations Tool Set GSTR-22-32 task codes PI-74 Text Tool Set GSTR-23-46 Tool Locator GSTR-24-26 toolbox-defined PI-38, PI-50 Window Manager GSTR-25-139-141 constructing menus PI-149-152 conTable320 GSTR-16-107 conTable640 GSTR-16-107 content height, maximum GSTR-25-87 content region GSTR-4-8, GSTR-25-9, GSTR-25-12, GSTR-25-35, GSTR-25-51, GSTR-25-53, GSTR-25-60, GSTR-25-62, GSTR-25-64, GSTR-25-83, GSTR-25-87, GSTR-25-88, GSTR-25-92, GSTR-25-94, GSTR-25-96, GSTR-25-103, GSTR-25-105, GSTR-25-106, GSTR-25-131, GSTR-25-132, PI-112, PI-114, PI-129 content width, maximum GSTR-25-87 CONTINUE BASIC command CTR-228, GSF-43 Control CTR-5,CTR-81,CTR-255,CTR-358, ETR-11, GSTR-1-3, GSTR-4-1 CONTROL SmartPort #5, #6 control action procedure PI-118 control blocks. See file control blocks; volume control blocks CONTROL call CTR-127,CTR-136-139, GSF-129-130 control characters CTR-4,CTR-5,CTR-60,CTR-65-67,CTR-70,CTR-114,CTR-165,CTR-392, ETR-244, ETR-248, GSF-73, GSF-76-78 suppressing GSF-90 with 80-column firmware 273-274 with BASICOUT ETR-53-55 with COUT1 ETR-53-55 with Pascal I/O protocol ETR-70-71 control code GSTR-23-15 control definition procedure GSTR-4-24, GSTR-4-46, GSTR-4-73, GSTR-11-1, GSTR-11-11, PI-130 control flag GSTR-4-12, GSTR-4-13, GSTR-4-72 check box GSTR-4-18 radio button GSTR-4-14 scroll bar GSTR-4-22 simple button GSTR-4-16 size box GSTR-4-20 control list CTR-137,CTR-138, GSTR-25-68 Control Manager GST-59, GST-66-67, GSTR-1-3, GSTR-1-5, GSTR-4-1-88, GSTR-6-28, GSTR-25-9, PI-20, PI-64, PI-71, PI-117, PI-124-131, PI-158, PI-264, PI-288 Control Manager IIGS #4, #38 constants GSTR-4-85-86 data structures GSTR-4-87-88 error codes GSTR-4-88 icon font GSTR-4-11 part codes GSTR-4-8 shutdown routine GSTR-4-43 startup routine GSTR-4-42 status routine GSTR-4-44 using GSTR-4-9-10 version number routine GSTR-4-43 control manipulation (HodgePodge) PI-130 Control Panel GSF-3, GSF-40, GSF-75, GSF-82, GSF-83, GSF-86, GSF-90, GSF-93, GSF-97, GSF-110, GSF-112, GSF-117, GSF-130, GSF-299-307, GSH-3, GST-3, GST-46-47, GSTR-3-1, GSTR-5-3, GSTR-5-22, GSTR-6-21, GSTR-7-3, GSTR-7-36, GSTR-7-37, GSTR-10-26, GSTR-13-76, PI-9, PI-157, PI-174 Control Panel settings P16-46 Control Panel ADB Tool Set GST-70 Alternate Display Mode GST-47, GST-68 AppleTalk GST-38 boot device location GST-40 changing clock speed GST-77, GST-85, GST-97 desk accessories GST-68 I/O buffering GST-38 I/O slot assignments GST-97 monochrome monitors GST-19 serial-port configuration GST-34 sound volume GST-24 time and date setting GST-26 control record GSTR-4-11-24 check box GSTR-4-16-18 radio button GSTR-4-18-20 scroll bar GSTR-4-20-22 simple button GSTR-4-14-16 size box GSTR-4-23-24 control register CTR-ACIA,CTR-278-279, GSH-159, GST-85 control signals and expansion slots GST-28 control active GSTR-4-7 custom GSTR-4-24 defining GSTR-4-24-40 highlighted GSTR-4-7 inactive GSTR-4-7 standard GSTR-4-3-4 window GSTR-4-8, GSTR-25-6-7 Control-A CTR-169,CTR-171,CTR-172,CTR-179,CTR-362, GSF-87 Control-A I CTR-181,CTR-184 Control-A Q CTR-184 Control-A T CTR-180-182,CTR-184 Control-Apple-Escape PI-73 Control-B CTR-214,CTR-228, GSF-43, GSF-65 Control-B Monitor command ETR-115 Control-C CTR-67,CTR-204,CTR-214,CTR-228,CTR-341, GSF-43, GSF-65 Control-C Monitor command ETR-115 Control-D CTR-155,CTR-169 Control-E CTR-213,CTR-228, GSF-60, GSF-77 Control-E Monitor command ETR-111 Control-F GSF-77, GSTR-10-2, GSTR-10-29 Control-G CTR-65,CTR-66,CTR-84, GSF-77 Control-H CTR-63,CTR-65,CTR-66, GSF-77 Control-I CTR-155,CTR-158,CTR-165,CTR-362, GSF-87 Control-J CTR-65,CTR-66, GSF-77 Control-K CTR-57,CTR-66,CTR-228, GSF-64, GSF-77, GST-52 Control-K Monitor command ETR-115 Control-L CTR-66, GSF-77 Control-M CTR-65,CTR-66,CTR-118, GSF-77 Control-N CTR-66, GSF-77 Control-O CTR-66,CTR-90, GSF-77 Control-P CTR-57,CTR-90,CTR-215,CTR-228, GSF-40, GSF-64, GST-52 Control-P Monitor command ETR-115 Control-Q CTR-66, GSF-77 Control-R CTR-66,CTR-172,CTR-181,CTR-184, GSF-66, GSF-77 control-related events programming techniques PI-129 Control-Reset CTR-4,CTR-49,CTR-51,CTR-52,CTR-81,CTR-121,CTR-123,CTR-162,CTR-171,CTR-176,CTR-204,CTR-218, GSF-43, GSF-46, GSF-112, GST-36, GST-48, P16-25 Control-S CTR-66,CTR-67,CTR-341, GSF-77 Control-T CTR-171, GSF-64 Control-U CTR-63,CTR-66,CTR-82, ETR-50, GSF-77 Control-V CTR-66,CTR-158,CTR-172, GSF-77 Control-W CTR-66,CTR-158, GSF-77, GSF-87 Control-X CTR-60,CTR-63,CTR-67,CTR-82, ETR-63, GSF-58, GSF-75, GSF-77, GSF-247, GSTR-10-2, GSTR-10-29 Control-Y CTR-67,CTR-218,CTR-228, GSF-47, GSF-65, GSF-77, GSTR-10-2, GSTR-10-29 Control-Y Monitor command ETR-119 Control-Z CTR-67 Control-[ CTR-67, GSF-77 Control-\ CTR-67, GSF-77 Control-] CTR-67, GSF-77 Control-^ GSF-64, GSF-77 Control-_ CTR-67, GSF-77 controlKey GSTR-7-9, GSTR-7-51 controlling programs P16-71, P16-82,184, P16-204, P16-207-210, P16-213, P16-222, P16-224-225, P16-240, P16-244, P16-249.See also application(s); System Loader, PI-197, PI-199, PI-259-260 designing P16-207-209 controlling user access to files PI-218 controls PI-20, PI-116, PI-117, PI-124-131 active PI-128, PI-129 custom PI-130 events and PI-129-130 frame PI-129 highlighting PI-128 inactive PI-128 invisible PI-128 types of PI-124-125 value PI-125, PI-128, PI-130 windows and PI-129 conventions boldface GSTR-xxGSTR-xi Courier GSTR-xxGSTR-xi italic GSTR-xxGSTR-xi converting programs. See ProDOS 8 and ProDOS 16 coordinate plane GSTR-16-9-14, PI-76, PI-77-79, PI-80 locations on PI-78 size of PI-77 coordinates global PI-70, PI-77,82-84 local PI-77, PI-82-84, PI-103, PI-105, PI-117-118 COP GSF-36, GSF-179 copies GSTR-15-8 copMgr GSTR-14-67 COPMGRV GSF-265 copy GSTR-5-30 Copy command GSTR-6-41, GSTR-20-1, GSTR-20-6 Copy command (Edit menu) PI-32, PI-141, PI-159, PI-160 COPY mode PI-87 copy protection UniDisk 3.5 #1 copy-protection engineer (CPE) tools GSF-144-145 copyAction GSTR-5-7, GSTR-5-30 copying, files P16-84-85 copying, sparse files P16-30, P16-86 CopyPixels GSTR-17-5, GSTR-17-10, PI-103 CopyRgn GSTR-16-75 COPYRIGHT GSF-209 cosine GSTR-9-20 count word GSTR-14-49 CountFamilies GSTR-8-28 CountFonts GSTR-8-15, GSTR-8-29-30 CountMItems GSTR-13-13, GSTR-13-35 Courier GSTR-xxGSTR-xi, GSTR-8-4, GSTR-8-51 COUT GSF-70, GSF-71, GSF-75, GSF-76, GSF-79, GSF-249, IIc #2, IIe #8, Miscellaneous #1, Mouse #6 COut routine CTR-63,CTR-64,CTR-90,CTR-112,CTR-113,CTR-214, GST-53 COUT subroutine ETR-50-52, ETR-64, ETR-221, GSF-39 deactivating 80-column firmware ETR-50 COUT1 GSF-64, GSF-70, GSF-74, GSF-76-80, GSF-249, GST-32, GST-51, GST-53, ProDOS #4 COut1 routine CTR-56,CTR-60,CTR-65,CTR-67,CTR-68,CTR-70,CTR-112,CTR-114 COUT1 subroutine ETR-51-53, ETR-64, ETR-136,222 address in I/O link ETR-51 on original Apple IIe ETR-56 COUTZ GSF-249 cover ETR-2 CP/M CTR-328, ETR-234 starting up with ETR-268 CPE (copy-protection engineer) tools GSF-144-145 CPU CTR-13, ETR-4-6 CPU See 65816 microprocessor, See also 65C02 microprocessor CR CTR-See carriage return, GSF-242 CR character ETR-53 CREATE PI-210, PI-213, UniDisk 3.5 #3, P16-21, P16-85, P16-103, P16-277, P16-287 description of P16-111-114 CreateControl GSTR-11-10 CreateList GSTR-11-5, GSTR-11-11, GSTR-11-16, GSTR-11-23 creating files. See file(s) creation date and time P16-14, P16-21, P16-84-86, P16-119, P16-258, P16-260, P16-263, P16-276.See also modification date and time; programming creation field P16-276 cRELOC records P16-187, P16-297 CROUT GSF-79, GSF-248 CROut routine CTR-112,CTR-114 CROUT subroutine ETR-64, ETR-222 CROUT1 GSF-247 CROut1 routine CTR-112,CTR-114 CROUT1 subroutine ETR-64, ETR-222 CROW0 IIGS #21 CROW1 IIGS #21 crsrUpdtHnd GSTR-14-68 Crunch utility (APW) GST-105, PI-223 crWidth GSTR-15-12, GSTR-15-13 cString GSTR-11-25 CStringBounds GSTR-16-29, GSTR-16-58, GSTR-16-76 CStringWidth GSTR-16-29, GSTR-16-58, GSTR-16-77 CSW (character output switch) CTR-57,CTR-64,CTR-71,CTR-84,CTR-101,CTR-113,CTR-155, GST-52 CSW link ETR-140-141 CSWH CTR-57 CSWL CTR-57 ctlAction GSTR-4-12, GSTR-4-13, GSTR-4-15, GSTR-4-19, GSTR-4-21, GSTR-4-23, GSTR-4-59, GSTR-4-74, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-6, GSTR-13-17 CtlBootInit GSTR-4-41 ctlColor GSTR-4-12, GSTR-4-14, GSTR-4-15, GSTR-4-16, GSTR-4-17, GSTR-4-19, GSTR-4-21, GSTR-4-23, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-6, GSTR-11-10, GSTR-13-17 ctlData GSTR-4-12, GSTR-4-14, GSTR-4-15, GSTR-4-17, GSTR-4-19, GSTR-4-21, GSTR-4-23, GSTR-4-63, GSTR-4-78, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-6, GSTR-13-17 ctlFlag GSTR-4-12, GSTR-4-13, GSTR-4-15, GSTR-4-17, GSTR-4-19, GSTR-4-21, GSTR-4-23, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-6, GSTR-13-17 ctlHilite GSTR-4-12, GSTR-4-13, GSTR-4-15, GSTR-4-17, GSTR-4-19, GSTR-4-21, GSTR-4-23, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-6, GSTR-13-17 ctlInVis GSTR-4-16, GSTR-4-18, GSTR-4-20, GSTR-4-22, GSTR-4-24, GSTR-4-72, GSTR-4-80, GSTR-4-85 ctlList GSTR-11-6, GSTR-11-26 ctlListBar GSTR-11-6, GSTR-11-26 ctlMemDraw GSTR-11-6, GSTR-11-26 ctlMemHeight GSTR-11-6, GSTR-11-26 ctlMemSize GSTR-11-6, GSTR-11-26 CtlNewRes GSTR-4-45 CtlNewRes IIGS #4 ctlNext GSTR-4-12, GSTR-4-13, GSTR-4-15, GSTR-4-17, GSTR-4-19, GSTR-4-21, GSTR-4-23, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-6, GSTR-13-17 ctlOwner GSTR-4-12, GSTR-4-13, GSTR-4-15, GSTR-4-17, GSTR-4-19, GSTR-4-21, GSTR-4-23, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-6, GSTR-13-17 ctlProc GSTR-4-12, GSTR-4-13, GSTR-4-15, GSTR-4-17, GSTR-4-19, GSTR-4-21, GSTR-4-23, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-6, GSTR-13-17 ctlRect GSTR-4-12, GSTR-4-13, GSTR-4-15, GSTR-4-17, GSTR-4-19, GSTR-4-21, GSTR-4-23, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-6, GSTR-13-17 ctlRefcon GSTR-4-12, GSTR-4-14, GSTR-4-15, GSTR-4-17, GSTR-4-19, GSTR-4-21, GSTR-4-23, GSTR-4-62, GSTR-4-77, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-6, GSTR-13-17 CtlReset GSTR-4-44 CtlShutDown GSTR-4-9, GSTR-4-43 CtlShutdown PI-58 CtlStartUp GSTR-4-9, GSTR-4-42, PI-45 CtlStatus GSTR-4-44 CtlTextDev GSTR-23-15-16 ctlValue GSTR-4-12, GSTR-4-13, GSTR-4-15, GSTR-4-17, GSTR-4-19, GSTR-4-21, GSTR-4-23, GSTR-4-64, GSTR-4-79, GSTR-4-87, GSTR-11-6, GSTR-13-17 CtlVersion GSTR-4-43 ctlYVector GSTR-14-68, GSF-274 CUPDATE GSF-269 current font GSTR-8-8, GSTR-16-26, GSTR-16-119, GSTR-16-224 current icon font GSTR-25-109 current, supply ETR-159-160 cursor GSF-71, GSTR-16-37-38, GSTR-16-156, GSTR-16-160, GSTR-16-182, GSTR-16-222, GSTR-16-230, GSTR-16-264, GSTR-17-16, GSTR-25-46, PI-116 blinking question mark CTR-169,CTR-179 blinking underscore CTR-179 changing GSF-41, GSF-64 control GSF-72 keys GSF-10 mouse CTR-187 movement keys CTR-4,CTR-62 cursor keys PI-8 cursor motion in escape mode ETR-60-61 cursor position ETR-52-58, GST-53 cursor record GSTR-16-37, GSTR-16-117, GSTR-16-222 cursor-control keys ETR-11 cursorAction GSTR-5-7, GSTR-5-30 custom control GSTR-4-24, PI-130 custom debugger IIGS #1 custom defProc IIGS #42 custom fonts ImageWriter #1 custom IC's ETR-164-168 custom menu GSTR-13-6, PI-149, GSTR-13-72, GSTR-13-87 custom windows IIGS #42, PI-111 cut GSTR-5-30 cut and paste GST-67, GST-71 Cut command (Edit menu) PI-32, PI-141, PI-159, PI-160, GSTR-6-42, GSTR-20-1, GSTR-20-6 cutAction GSTR-5-7, GSTR-5-30 cutting and pasting PI-159-161 internally PI-160 large amounts of data PI-161 private scrap PI-161 programming techniques PI-160-161 publicly PI-160 CV (cursor vertical) CTR-64, ETR-52 cycle stealing ETR-170 D D register GSF-11, GSF-35 changing GSF-60 See direct register D-type connector ETR-8, GST-41 daisy chains, interrupt and DMA ETR-193-195, ETR-208 daisy-chain drive connection GST-39 daNotFound GSTR-5-14, GSTR-5-20, GSTR-5-30, GSTR-B-3 darkGray320 GSTR-16-274 darkGreen320 GSTR-16-274 data area GSTR-25-9-10, GSTR-25-54, GSTR-25-87, GSTR-25-96, GSTR-25-97, PI-105, PI-112, PI-117 data bank GSTR-25-43 data bank register GSF-13, GSF-16, GSF-35, GSF-92, GSH-200, P16-104, PI-294, PI-295 , changing GSF-61 system interrupt handler GSF-181 data bank registers GST-13, GST-14, GST-83 data bits, settings GST-34, GST-35 data blocks. See file blocks data buffer pointer GSF-126-127 data bus ETR-161 data bus and expansion slots GST-28 data byte encoding table GSF-164 Data Carrier Detect CTR-281 data carrier detect (DCD) GSF-84 data format GSF-88 serial port 1 CTR-163 serial port 2 CTR-177-178 data format for SSC ETR-279 data inputs CTR-23 data overruns GST-38 data registers, 16-bit GST-61 Data Set Ready (DSR) CTR-281 data set ready (DSR) GSF-84-85, GSF-95 data structures PI-277 Apple Desktop Bus Tool Set GSTR-3-29 Control Manager GSTR-4-87-88 Dialog Manager GSTR-6-89-90 Event Manager GSTR-7-51 Font Manager GSTR-8-51 initializing (HodgePodge) PI-38-41 LineEdit Tool Set GSTR-10-47 List Manager GSTR-11-25-26 Menu Manager GSTR-13-88 Miscellaneous Tool Set GSTR-14-69 Print Manager GSTR-15-47-48 QuickDraw II GSTR-16-276-278 Sound Tool Set GSTR-21-37 Standard File Operations Tool Set GSTR-22-32 toolbox-defined PI-38 Window Manager GSTR-25-142-143 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) CTR-280, GSF-84-85, GSF-95 data transfer CTR-42-43 data transmission rate GST-34, GST-46 date changing GSF-64 displaying GSF-40, GSF-63 setting GST-26 dateFormat GSTR-14-65 dates. See creation date and time; modification date and time DB register. See data bank register dbl hi-res IIe #3 dblClkTime GSTR-14-65 DBR register GSF-11, GSF-13, GSF-35 DC1 character ETR-54 DC2 character ETR-54 DC3 character ETR-54 DCB (device control block) GSF-123,130 DCD (data carrier detect) GSF-84 DCD handshaking GST-34 dead character GSTR-16-45 deallocation of memory GSTR-12-1, GSTR-12-23, GSTR-12-24 DEALLOC_INTERRUPT PI-272, ProDOS #12, P16-48, P16-95, P16-177 description of P16-175 Debugger (APW) GST-8, GST-105 debuggers P16-61, P16-89, CTR-212,CTR-221 debugging GSF-48, PI-246-254 with Apple IIGS Debugger PI-248-253 with desk accessories PI-246-247 with Monitor program PI-247-248 debugging stub IIGS #1 Dec2Int GSTR-9-8 Dec2Long GSTR-9-9 decBsyFlag GSTR-14-68 DECBUSYFLG GSF-270 decimal CTR-387-388 decimal number conversion GST-49 decimal numbers GSH-246-248 decimal numbers, converting GSF-41,65 decimal values ETR-12 converting to hexadecimal ETR-238-239 negative ETR-239-240 decimal, negative CTR-388-389 default button GSTR-6-5, GSTR-6-11, GSTR-6-18, GSTR-6-21, GSTR-6-24, GSTR-6-37, GSTR-6-51, GSTR-6-80 alert box PI-135 dialog boxes PI-139 default prefix PI-208, PI-209 default properties (windows) PI-108 DefaultFilter GSTR-6-37 definition procedures PI-51, PI-109, PI-130, PI-136, PI-149 defProc IIGS #42 defProcParm GSTR-6-90 delay Miscellaneous #12 Delete CTR-4,CTR-358 delete PI-141 Delete key GSF-75 DeleteID GSTR-14-59 DeleteMenu GSTR-13-13, GSTR-13-36, GSTR-13-39 deleteMessage GSTR-24-15, GSTR-24-26 DeleteMItem GSTR-13-13, GSTR-13-37, PI-154 deleting files. See file(s) deleting text GST-67 DelHeartBeat GSTR-7-25, GSTR-14-52 delta GSF-199 delta flag byte GSTR-10-43 demultiplexer GSH-113-114 dependencies GSTR-C-1-5 Deref PI-190 dereference GSTR-12-5 dereferencing PI-189, PI-190, See memory handles descender GSTR-16-45 descent GSTR-16-26, GSTR-16-45, GSTR-16-48, GSTR-16-62 descent line GSTR-16-45, PI-93 design guidelines IIGS #28 desk accessories GSH-43, GST-3, GST-46, GST-67, GST-89, P16-52-54, P16-170, PI-21, PI-47, PI-75, PI-156-158, PI-182. See also classic desk accessory; new desk accessory Apple menu and PI-31 debugging with PI-246-247 files P16-53-54 HodgePodge and PI-158 Macintosh PI-156, PI-289 programming techniques PI-262-265 supporting PI-156-158 TaskMaster and PI-158 User ID and P16-71 writing PI-262-265 desk accessory GSTR-1-3, GSTR-5-1 alternate-display-mode GSTR-5-24 classic GSTR-5-1 event GSTR-7-4, GSTR-7-14 new GSTR-5-1 Desk Accessory menu GSTR-13-GSTR-4-5 Desk Manager GSF-180, GST-59, GST-67-68, GST-89, GSTR-1-3, GSTR-1-5, GSTR-5-1-30, PI-21, PI-47, PI-64, PI-71, PI-156-158, PI-182, PI-262-265 constants GSTR-5-30 error codes GSTR-5-30 GetNextEvent and GSTR-7-40 shutdown routine GSTR-5-10 startup routine GSTR-5-9 status routine GSTR-5-11 version number routine GSTR-5-10 desk scrap GST-71, GSTR-1-3, GSTR-10-11, GSTR-10-23, GSTR-10-45, GSTR-20-1, GSTR-20-3, GSTR-20-5-6, PI-21, PI-141, PI-159 data types GSTR-20-3-4 data types PI-160 on disk PI-160 desk-accessory event PI-69 DESK.ACCS subdirectory GSTR-5-3, GSTR-5-6 deskAccEvt GSTR-7-7, GSTR-7-50, PI-69 deskAccHnd GSTR-14-68 deskAccMask GSTR-7-11, GSTR-7-50 DeskBootInit GSTR-5-9 DeskReset GSTR-5-11 DeskShutDown GSTR-5-4, GSTR-5-5, GSTR-5-6, GSTR-5-7, GSTR-5-10, PI-58, PI-158 DeskStartUp GSTR-5-4, GSTR-5-5, GSTR-5-6, GSTR-5-7, GSTR-5-9, PI-45, l58 DeskStatus GSTR-5-11 desktop GSTR-25-1, GSTR-25-39, GSTR-25-91, GSTR-25-39-43 desktop applications PI-10, PI-13, PI-124 DeskTop Bus GST-12 ADB microcontroller GST-42-43, GST-70 detached keyboard support GST-42 firmware GST-43 interface GST-3-4, GST-41-42 interrupts GST-55 mouse support GST-42-43 Tool Set GST-70 desktop features, supporting PI-l56-161 desktop interface PI-xviii, PI-xix-xx, PI-10-13, PI-20-21, PI-257 desktop pattern GSTR-25-43 desktop tools GST-66-68 desktop user interface GSH-233, GST-3, GST-48, GST-58, GST-110, GSTR-xGSTR-xvi desktop, programming techniques PI-10 desktop-interface tool sets PI-20-21 DeskVersion GSTR-5-10 destination rectangle GSTR-10-4, GSTR-10-6-7, GSTR-10-36 DESTROY PI-210, PI-213, P16-21, P16-115-116 destroying files PI-210 detached keyboard GST-42-43 Deutsche Industrie Normal GST-42 devcnt ProDOS #20 Developer Technical Support PI-279 development environment GSTR-xGSTR-xvii, See Apple IIGS Programmer's Workshop devErr GSTR-23-16, GSTR-23-47, GSTR-B-4 device addresses (ADB) GSH-137-138 device assignment, peripheral card ETR-145 device calls. See system calls device control block (DCB) CTR-130,CTR-138, GSF-123,130 device driver GSTR-3-3, GSTR-7-21 device driver entry point GSTR-23-3 device driver event GSTR-7-4 device driver, installing GSTR-7-23-24 device driver, removing GSTR-7-25 device driver, writing GSTR-7-21-23 device drivers P16-43, P16-254, PI-69, PI-166, PI-173 standard I/O links GST-51-52 device handlers (ADB) GSH-136-137 device identification ETR-145 device independence PI-12 Device Information Block (DIB) ProDOS #21, SmartPort #4, #7, CTR-131 device mapping GSF-117-119 device registers GSH-133-136 device search at system startup P16-45-46.See also system startup DEVICE SELECT IIe #2, #4 device select signal GST-30 DEVICE SELECTc signal ETR-133 device(s) P16-8, P16-42-46.See also interrupt(s); system calls or specific device accessing P16-43-45, P16-84.See also programming block P16-9, P16-14, P16-42-43, P16-84 block read and block write P16-44-45 character P16-9, P16-43 definition of P16-42 formatting disks. See disks input P16-42-43 input/output P16-42 interrupt-handling and P16-47-49.See also interrupt handlers last-accessed P16-44 named P16-7,10, P16-43-46, P16-84, P16-128 numbers P16-45, P16-155 online, number supported P16-45 output P16-42-43 sequential-access P16-43 volume control blocks and P16-47.See also volume(s) device-driver entry point ProDOS #21 device-driver events PI-69, PI-73 device-driver table ProDOS #20 device-independence P16-91 device-interface tool sets PI-21 devices ProDOS #20 devlst ProDOS #20 devNotAtAddr GSTR-3-25, GSTR-3-29, GSTR-B-4 pages GST-47, GST-68 specifications GST-3 load files GST-104, P16-183, P16-193, P16-205, P16-229, P16-298.See also file(s), PI-23, PI-26, PI-196, PI-226-229 order of load segments in PI-235 Load Segment By Name call (System Loader) P16-206, P16-234-236 Load Segment By Number call (System Loader) P16-206, P16-224, P16-235 description of P16-228-229 load segments GST-96, PI-194-195, PI-196, PI-230, PI-231-234 assigning in source code PI-234-236 assigning with LinkEd file PI-236 characteristics of PI-232 difference from object segments PI-230 dynamic PI-232 memory blocks and PI-194 number of PI-232 order in load file PI-235 types of (System Loader) PI-196 See segment(s); System Loader load, initial P16-183-194, P16-205, P16-222-224, P16-240.See also System Loader Loader Dumper PI-247, PI-249, PI-250 Loader Initialization call (System Loader) P16-215 Loader Reset call (System Loader) P16-220 Loader Shutdown call (System Loader) P16-217 Loader Startup call (System Loader) P16-216 Loader Status call (System Loader) P16-221 Loader Version call (System Loader) P16-218-219 LoadFont GSTR-8-15, GSTR-8-46-47 loading tool set GSTR-2-3-4 loading applications (System Loader) l98, PI-199 relocatable segments (System Loader) PI-197 segments PI-198 tool sets PI-63 See application(s); System Loader LoadOne PI-164, PI-211, PI-3o6 LoadOneTool GSTR-22-13, GSTR-22-16, GSTR-22-17, GSTR-24-3, GSTR-24-10 LoadScrap GSTR-20-15 LoadSysFont GSTR-8-48 LoadTools GSTR-2-3, GSTR-24-3, GSTR-24-11-13, GSTR-24-25, PI-42, PI-44, PI-63 local coordinates GSTR-4-8, GSTR-4-50, GSTR-4-69, GSTR-16-9, GSTR-16-16-17, GSTR-16-39, GSTR-16-154, GSTR-16-173, GSTR-25-30, GSTR-25-31, GSTR-25-82, PI-77, PI-82-84, PI-103, lO5, PI-117-118 local references PI-197 local-area network (AppleTalk) GST-38, See AppleTalk LocalToGlobal GSTR-16-39, GSTR-16-40, GSTR-16-173 location information PI-76, PI-79 location table GSTR-16-44, GSTR-16-49-50 locInfo record GSTR-16-13, GSTR-16-14, GSTR-16-138, GSTR-16-242, GSTR-16-277, GSTR-17-10 locked blocks. See memory blocks locked handles PI-187, PI-189, PI-195, PI-277 locked movable block GSTR-12-7 lockErr GSTR-12-36, GSTR-12-39, GSTR-12-40, GSTR-12-41, GSTR-12-43, GSTR-12-47, GSTR-B-2 locking block, memory GSTR-12-30, GSTR-12-31 Loclnfo record PI-76, PI-79, PI-81, PI-103 locSize GSTR-16-274 Logo GST-103 Logo II CTR-330 london GSTR-8-4, GSTR-8-51 long word, size of P16-33, P16-102 Long2Dec GSTR-9-31 Long2Fix GSTR-9-32 Long2Hex GSTR-9-33 LongDivide GSTR-9-34 longint type (Integer Math) PI-179 longint value GSTR-xxx, GSTR-9-1 LongMul GSTR-9-35 longStatText GSTR-6-10, GSTR-6-12, GSTR-6-17, GSTR-6-88 longStatText2 GSTR-6-10, GSTR-6-12, GSTR-6-17, GSTR-6-88 losAngeles GSTR-8-4, GSTR-8-51 lostDev GSTR-23-15, GSTR-23-47, GSTR-B-4 lostFile GSTR-23-15, GSTR-23-47, GSTR-B-4 low-level drive access UniDisk 3.5 #5 low-level Event Manager GSTR-7-3 low-level events GST-65 low-level sound routine GSTR-21-1, GSTR-21-6, GSTR-21-35 jump table GSTR-21-23 low-order word GSTR-9-36 low-pass filter with DOC GST-25 low-resolution graphics CTR-94-95,CTR-266-267, ETR-17, ETR-18, ETR-21-23 colors ETR-23 display pages ETR-27 generation ETR-181-182 map CTR-109, ETR-35 with TV set ETR-16 lowercase characters CTR-395, P16-18 LoWord GSTR-9-36, PI-43, PI-54, PI-121, PI-123 M M command CTR-156,CTR-171 m flag GSF-37, P16-64 M register GSF-36 M2Select slot signal GST-28 MacGen utility (APW) GSTR-2-5, GST-105, PI-224 MACHID byte Miscellaneous #2, ProDOS #11, #15 machine configuration. See configuration machine language ETR-120-122 Machine Language Interface CTR-125 machine registers GSF-12 machine state GSF-36 changing GSF-61 machine-language programs CTR-219-221, GSF-48-50 Macintosh GST-5-6, GST-59-62, PI-13, PI-14, PI-17, PI-167, PI-180, P16-90 Macintosh disks UniDisk 3.5 #4 Macintosh font record GSTR-16-41 Macintosh Interface Libraries GST-102 Macintosh Workshop C GST-102 Macintosh Control Manager PI-288 converting programs to the Apple IIGS PI-282-289 desk accessories PI-156, PI-289 file system PI-287-288 Memory Manager PI-288 Print Manager PI-289 QuickDraw PI-284-287 resources PI-285 Standard File Package PI-289 TaskMater not available PI-286 toolbox compared to Apple IIGS PI-284-289 WindowManager PI-288 macro assembler GST-8, GST-102 macro file GSTR-2-5 macro library GST-63 macros P16-xv, P16-6, PI-222, PI-65 calls P16-213 mailbox registers GSF-186 main event loop GST-62, PI-14-15, PI-16, PI-48, PI-67, HodgePodge and PI-48-50 Main ID. See User ID main logic board CTR-12-15, GSH-4 main memory CTR-42-44,CTR-161,CTR-175,CTR-269, GSH-60, GST-16-17 screen holes CTR-313-314 main program (HodgePodge) PI-36, PI-37 main RAM CTR-22 main routine PI-233 MainEvent PI-35, PI-36, PI-50 mainID GSTR-12-10, GSTR-14-58, PI-192 MakeATemplate PI-140, PI-310 MAKEFMT.CODE Pascal #12 MAKEFMT.TEXT Pascal #12 MakeLib utility (APW) PI-224-238, GST-105 manager. See tool sets or specifc tool set manuals P16-xv-xvii, P16-xix-xx manuals available GST-9, GST-106-111 manuals Apple IIc Technical Reference Manual P16-34 Apple IIGS Firmware Reference P16-xvi-xvii, xix, P16-9, P16-43, P16-47, P16-95 Apple IIGS Hardware Reference P16-xvi-xvii, P16-33-34 Apple IIGS ProDOS 16 Reference P16-xvi-xvii Apple IIGS Programmer's Workshop Assembler Reference P16-xvi-xviii, xx, P16-90 Apple IIGS Programmer's Workshop C Reference P16-xvi-xvii, xx, P16-90 Apple IIGS Programmer's Workshop Reference P16-xvi-xvii, xx, P16-9, P16-70 Apple IIGS Toolbox Reference P16-xvi-xvii, xix, P16-8-9, P16-34, P16-36, P16-40, P16-43, P16-49, P16-70-72, P16-78, P16-82-83, P16-96, P16-300 Apple Numerics Manual P16-xvi-xvii Human Interface Guidelines P16-xvi-xvii, P16-90-91 ProDOS 8 Technical Reference Manual P16-xvi-xviii, xx, P16-5, P16-66 Programmer's Introduction to the Apple IIGS P16-xvi-xvii, xix, P16-40, P16-81 Technical Introduction to the Apple IIGS P16-xvii-xvii, xix, P16-4, P16-33, P16-100 ManyWindDialog PI-120 mapping display addresses ETR-175-177 MapPoly GSTR-16-174 MapPt GSTR-16-175 MapRect GSTR-16-176 MapRgn GSTR-16-177 maps See memory maps 48K memory CTR-37 display address CTR-259-261 display page CTR-105-111 memory CTR-20,CTR-308-321 ROM CTR-397,CTR-398 Mark P16-21-24, P16-26, P16-30, P16-143, P16-201-202, P16-273-274.See also file(s), PI-214 mark table GSF-144-145 marked menu item GSTR-13-80 mask drawing GSTR-16-18 maskHandle GSTR-16-191, GSTR-16-277 Masking Enable GSF-83 maskSize GSTR-16-274 master color GSTR-16-31, GSTR-16-274-275 master color value GSTR-16-31, GSTR-16-35, PI-98 master index blocks. See file blocks master pointer GSTR-12-5, See pointer(s) master scan line control byte. See master SCB master SCB GSTR-2-2, GSTR-16-127, GSTR-16-160, GSTR-16-231, IIGS #34 master user ID GSTR-12-10-11, GSTR-12-14, GSTR-12-15, GSTR-12-23, GSTR-12-35, PI-192, PI-193 DisposeAll and PI-194 mastrIRQNotAssgnErr GSTR-21-37 math routine GSTR-9-4 math tool sets PI-22, PI-178-180 mathematical tools GST-68-69 MaxBlock GSTR-12-26, GSTR-12-34, GSTR-15-20, GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-30 maxFbrExtent GSTR-16-59-60 maxFixed GSTR-9-42 maxFontHeight GSTR-16-59-60 maxFrac GSTR-9-42 maximum content height GSTR-25-87 maximum content width GSTR-25-87 maximum segment size PI-23 maxint GSTR-9-42 maxitemType GSTR-6-88 maxLongint GSTR-9-42 maxUInt GSTR-9-42 maxULong GSTR-9-42 maxWidth GSTR-16-59-60, GSTR-16-61, GSTR-16-206, GSTR-16-276, IIGS #34 mChooseMsg GSTR-13-22, GSTR-13-24, GSTR-13-87 MCOPY assembler directive GSTR-2-5 mCustom GSTR-13-87 MD IN/OUT IIe #2 mDisabled GSTR-13-87 mDownMask GSTR-7-11, GSTR-7-50 mDrawMItem GSTR-13-22, GSTR-13-27, GSTR-13-87 mDrawMsg GSTR-13-22, GSTR-13-23, GSTR-13-87 mDrawTitle GSTR-13-22, GSTR-13-26, GSTR-13-87 mechanical specification GSTR-xGSTR-xvi Mega II GSH-7, GSH-10, GSH-12, GSH-52, GSH-167, IIGS #32, #39, GSF-308, GST-12, GST-74-76 member record GSTR-11-6 disabled GSTR-11-6 drawing GSTR-11-17 selected GSTR-11-6, GSTR-11-12, GSTR-11-20, GSTR-11-21, GSTR-11-22 sorting GSTR-11-23 memBit GSTR-8-9, GSTR-8-10, GSTR-8-50 memDisabled GSTR-11-6, GSTR-11-25 memErr GSTR-12-19, GSTR-12-36, GSTR-12-41, GSTR-12-42, GSTR-12-43, GSTR-12-47, GSTR-B-2 memFlag GSTR-11-6, GSTR-11-20, GSTR-11-21, GSTR-11-26 memOnlyBit GSTR-8-11, GSTR-8-50 memory GSF-9, GSH-7, GSH-12, P16-6, P16-8, P16-32-40.See also RAM; ROM, PI-2, PI-4, PI-5-6, PI-76 memory addresses CTR-20 display CTR-258,CTR-260 hardware page CTR-316-321 port I/O CTR-72-73 port screen hole CTR-74 text window CTR-68-69 memory attributes word GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-37 memory banks P16-33-36, PI-6, $00 P16-33-34, P16-47, P16-56, P16-61, P16-64, P16-68, P16-75, P16-81, P16-88, P16-100, P16-105, P16-224 $01 P16-33-34, P16-64, P16-224 $01-$E1 P16-64 $E0 P16-34 $E1 P16-34-36, P16-65, P16-105 shadowing GST-79 memory block GSTR-12-1, GSTR-12-5 attributes GSTR-12-12-13, GSTR-12-37 locking GSTR-12-30, GSTR-12-31 purging GSTR-12-8-10, GSTR-12-13, GSTR-12-39, GSTR-12-40, GSTR-12-44, GSTR-12-45 unlocking GSTR-12-32, GSTR-12-33 memory blocks P16-26-29, P16-185.See also block devices; Memory Manager, PI-187, PI-197, PI-247 absolute P16-40 addresses of P16-38 applications and P16-39 attributes PI-187, PI-188 attributes of P16-37 disposing P16-38, P16-245 disposing of PI-194, PI-277 fixed (unmovable) P16-37, P16-40, P16-78-79, P16-82, P16-185-186 handles to PI-189, See memory handles load segments and PI-194 load-segment relationships (load time) P16-186 locked P16-37-38, P16-77-79, P16-184, P16-227 manipulation of P16-37-38 movable P16-185, P16-231 pointers to P16-38-39, P16-82, PI-189 purgeable P16-37-38, P16-78-79, P16-185-186, P16-277, P16-233, PI-194, PI-233 size of P16-37 unlocking PI-194 unpurgeable P16-185-186, P16-277 memory bus organization CTR-249 memory dump GSF-27 memory expansion CTR-14, GSH-45-49, IIc #5, #6 memory expansion card CTR-120,CTR-250,CTR-291, Memory Expansion Card #1 entry points CTR-122 I/O CTR-123 startup routine CTR-122 memory expansion cards GST-18, GST-78 memory expansion slot GST-3 memory expansion card GSH-27 expansion signals GSH-45 expansion slot GSH-25, GSH-45, GSH-163-166 extended RAM GSH-47 extended RAM mapping GSH-48-49 extended ROM GSH-49 mouse and CTR-191,CTR-195 memory fragmentation PI-188 memory handles GSTR-12-5, P16-38-40, P16-82, P16-102, P16-194, P16-200, P16-214 definition of P16-214 dereferencing P16-39, P16-82, P16-104, P16-207 introduction to P16-38-39 length of (parameter fields) P16-106 NIL P16-187, P16-192-193, P16-277 memory image PI-228 memory locations changing GSF-28-30 displaying GSF-58 examining GSF-26-27 text window GSF-80 memory management IIGS #17, P16-10, P16-15, P16-32-40, P16-38-39.See also Memory Manager how applications obtain memory P16-39 revising ProDOS 8 applications for ProDOS 16 P16-86 similarity among operating systems P16-287-288 memory management unit (MMU) CTR-15,CTR-241-242,CTR-365, ETR-5, ETR-6, ETR-164-165 Memory Manager GSF-9, GSF-15, GSF-308, GSF-310, GSH-27, GSH-43, GST-60, GST-61, GST-64, GST-79, GST-80, GST-95, GST-96, GSTR-1-3, GSTR-1-9, GSTR-2-1, GSTR-2-2, GSTR-12-1-47, IIGS #15, #17, PI-20, PI-22, PI-23, PI-42, PI-63, PI-180, PI-186-195, PI-288, P16-xix, P16-8, P16-32, P16-36-37, P16-64, P16-74, P16-79, P16-82, P16-182, P16-187, P16-205, P16-227, P16-231, P16-245, P16-287.See also memory mangement calls P16-207 constants GSTR-12-47 description of P16-36-37, P16-70 error codes GSTR-12-47 interface with System Loader P16-184-187 memory blocks and P16-104, P16-185 shutdown routine GSTR-12-18 startup routine GSTR-12-17 status routine GSTR-12-20 support for bank-alignment P16-300 version number routine GSTR-12-19 Memory Mangler PI-247 memory maps IIe #3, IIGS #32, ProDOS #18 128K Apple II GST-17 40-column text ETR-33, ETR-177 80-column text ETR-34 Apple II programs GST-79 Apple IIGS GST-15 Apple IIGS programs GST-80 auxiliary memory ETR-87 bank-switched areas ETR-82 double-high-resolution graphics ETR-37 high-resolution graphics ETR-36 I/O ETR-142 language-card RAM GST-85 low-resolution graphics ETR-35 main memory ETR-75 RAM ETR-76 memory organization GST-15-18, GST-61 memory pages $00 (zero page) CTR-20,CTR-24,CTR-25,CTR-308-311 $01 (stack) CTR-20,CTR-24,CTR-25 $02 (input buffer) CTR-36 $03 (global storage, vectors) CTR-36,CTR-312 $04-$07 (TLP1) CTR-36-38 $08 (communication port buffers) CTR-38 $08-$0B (TLP2) CTR-38 $20-$3F (HRP1) CTR-38 $40-$5F (HRP2) CTR-39 $D0-$FF CTR-26 reserved ETR-77-81 microprocessor See 6502 microprocessor; memory protection ranges, using PI-252 memory range display GSF-27 filling GSF-34 terminating GSF-58 memory refresh GST-77 Memory Segment Table P16-184, P16-187-189, P16-192-193, P16-206, P16-227, P16-231, P16-238 memory shadowing See display shadowing; I/O shadowing memory space GSTR-12-1 memory 48K CTR-36-39 65816 signals GSH-167 addressable, total P16-9, P16-32 addresses P16-34, P16-36-37, P16-82, P16-124.See also addresses; pointer(s) addressing CTR-248-253, ETR-168 allocatable by Memory Manager PI-191 allocating private GSTR-12-11 allocation GSH-14, GSTR-12-35, PI-191-194, P16-82.See also programming attributes GSTR-12-12, GSTR-12-37 auxiliary CTR-42-44,CTR-74,CTR-106,CTR-160-161,CTR-175,CTR-269,CTR-315, ETR-86-93, GSH-36-41, GSH-60 auxiliary banks GSH-44 bank switching GSH-32 bank-switched CTR-24-35, ETR-82-86, ETR-87, ETR-229, P16-33-34 banks GSH-27, See memory banks blocks. See memory blocks built-in GSH-25-45 changing GSF-28-31, GSF-64 changing contents CTR-208-210, ETR-105-110 compaaion PI-188, GSTR-12-5-7, GSTR-12-15, GSTR-12-22, P16-38 comparing data CTR-211-212, GSF-33 configurations P16-32-36 conserving space P16-22 deallocation GSTR-12-23, GSTR-12-25 display ETR-174-178 disposal PI-193 dump CTR-206-208, ETR-102-104 entry points and fixed locations P16-35-36 examining CTR-206, ETR-102 expansion GSTR-12-3, P16-33 expansion ROM space GSH-28, GSH-175-176 filling ETR-117-118 for peripheral cards ETR-132-136 fragmentation GSTR-12-6-8 handles. See memory handles I/O memory space GSH-181-182 I/O space ETR-142-143 I/O. See input/output language card GSH-37 language-card areas P16-34, P16-64 limits GSTR-12-3 locking GSTR-12-30, GSTR-12-31 main CTR-42-44,CTR-161,CTR-175,CTR-269,CTR-313-314, GSH-60 main bank GSH-44 management. See memory management; Memory Manager map GSH-27-28, P16-32, P16-35, CTR-20,CTR-308-321 memory banks $00 PI-4, PI-6, PI-192, PI-203, PI-248, PI-267, PI-270, PI-293-296 $01 PI-6, PI-295 $E1 PI-6, PI-267, PI-295 $EO PI-6, PI-295 Memory Manager GSH-27, GSH-43 minimum configuration PI-5 movable P16-82.See also memory blocks moving data CTR-210-211, GSF-31-32 non-special P16-54 obtaining (applications) P16-39-40 organization ETR-74-98 peripheral-card GSH-174-177 peripheral-card ROM space GSH-175 purging GSTR-12-39, GSTR-12-40, GSTR-12-44, GSTR-12-45 RAM CTR-13, GSH-2, GSH-3, GSH-7, GSH-12, GSH-22, GSH-25, GSH-34, GSH-121 RAM expansion PI-5 range CTR-207 reallocation GSTR-12-41, GSTR-12-42 refresh GSH-22 requesting P16-39-40 requirements (Apple IIGS Toolbox) PI-5 requirements of ProDOS 16 P16-xviii reserved P16-64 reserved pages GSH-28 ROM CTR-13, GSH-3, GSH-7, GSH-12, GSH-34, GSH-121 ROM expansion PI-5 searching for bytes GSF-34 shadowing GSH-13, GSH-16-21, GSH-45, P16-34, P16-64 sharing ETR-91 slot GST-29-32 special P16-34, P16-37, P16-62, P16-78, P16-224, PI-187 text window locations ETR-56-57 units, size of P16-33 unlocking GSTR-12-32, GSTR-12-33 used by SSC ETR-287 video P16-33-34 memory-expandable IIc IIc #7 memPtr GSTR-11-6, GSTR-11-26 memSelect GSTR-11-6, GSTR-11-20, GSTR-11-21 memSelected GSTR-11-6, GSTR-11-25 menu GSTR-13-1 menu bar GSTR-13-4-5. See also system menu bar, IIGS #3, PI-115, PI-146, PI-147, PI-152 menu bar color GSTR-13-18, GSTR-13-42-43, GSTR-13-69-70 menu bar record GSTR-13-17-18 menu bar window GSTR-13-5 menu color GSTR-13-17 menu definition procedure GSTR-13-21-28 menu global mask GSTR-13-59-60 menu height GSTR-13-33 menu help GSTR-13-60 menu ID GSTR-13-14, GSTR-13-16, PI-54, PI-55, PI-151-152, l55 menu interface PI-13 menu item GSTR-13-6, GSTR-13-50 menu item ID GSTR-8-31, GSTR-8-45, GSTR-13-14, GSTR-13-79 menu item line GSTR-13-13, GSTR-13-75 menu item number GSTR-13-22 menu item blinking GSTR-13-76 checking GSTR-13-34 dimming GSTR-13-6, GSTR-13-38, GSTR-13-60 disabling GSTR-13-6, GSTR-13-38 marking GSTR-13-51, GSTR-13-80 text style GSTR-13-52, GSTR-13-83 underlining GSTR-13-15-16, GSTR-13-77 menu items PI-146 disabled PI-148 keyboard equivalent PI-149, PI-153 menu line GSTR-13-13, GSTR-13-14, PI-149, PI-265 menu list GSTR-13-13-15, GSTR-13-17 Menu Manager GST-59, GST-66, GSTR-1-3, GSTR-1-9-10, GSTR-5-20, GSTR-13-1-88, IIGS #3, #4, #5, PI-21, PI-47, PI-64, PI-71, PI-146-155, PI-264 constants GSTR-13-87 data structures GSTR-13-88 port GSTR-13-46 shutdown routine GSTR-13-31 startup routine GSTR-13-30 status routine GSTR-13-32 using GSTR-13-7-13 version number routine GSTR-13-31 menu messages GSTR-13-22 menu position GSTR-13-17 menu record GSTR-13-19-20, GSTR-13-21, GSTR-13-48, GSTR-13-88 menu selenions, handling PI-153 menu title GSTR-13-47, GSTR-13-53, GSTR-13-54, GSTR-13-74, PI-146, PI-153, GST-61, IIGS #5 menu width GSTR-13-33 menu, pull-down GSTR-1-3, GSTR-13-1 menu-event handling (HodgePodBe) PI-54-56 MENU.ASM PI-324-329 MENU.CC PI-382-384 MENU.PAS PI-419-421 MenuBootInit GSTR-13-29 menuFlag GSTR-13-19, GSTR-13-20, GSTR-13-21, GSTR-13-23, GSTR-13-88 MenuGlobal GSTR-13-59-60 menuHeight GSTR-13-19, GSTR-13-21, GSTR-13-25, GSTR-13-88 menuID GSTR-13-19, GSTR-13-21, GSTR-13-88 MenuKey GSTR-13-6, GSTR-13-11, GSTR-13-61-62, GSTR-25-120 MenuLine GSTR-5-8 menuList GSTR-13-17, GSTR-13-18 MenuNewRes GSTR-13-63, IIGS #4 menuProc GSTR-13-19, GSTR-13-20, GSTR-13-21, GSTR-13-88 MenuRefresh GSTR-13-13, GSTR-13-64-65 MenuReset GSTR-13-32 menus PI-10, PI-14, PI-21, PI-116, PI-146. See also specific menu/menu comand accepting user input PI-152-153 appearance PI-148-149 constructing PI-149-152 custom PI-149 disabling PI-116 dividing lines PI-148 HodgePodge and PI-31-33, PI-47 modification of PI-154-155 organization of PI-149 MenuSelect GSTR-13-12, GSTR-13-66, GSTR-25-11, GSTR-25-120, GSTR-25-121, PI-115 MenuShutDown GSTR-13-7, GSTR-13-31, PI-58 MenuStartUp GSTR-13-7, GSTR-13-8, GSTR-13-30, GSTR-13-68, PI-45 MenuStatus GSTR-13-32 MenuVersion GSTR-13-31 menuWidth GSTR-13-19, GSTR-13-21, GSTR-13-25, GSTR-13-88 message GSTR-7-6, GSTR-7-8, GSTR-7-43, GSTR-7-51 message (event-record fleld) PI-70 message dialog box PI-135 message type GSTR-24-14 MessageCenter GSTR-24-3, GSTR-24-14-15 action codes GSTR-24-15 messages. See error messages messNotFoundErr GSTR-24-14, GSTR-24-26, GSTR-B-2 MFS UniDisk 3.5 #4 mGetMItemID GSTR-13-22, GSTR-13-87 microcontroller GSH-116, GSH-121 microprocessor CTR-13,CTR-18-19, GSH-7, GSH-178 See also 65C02 microprocessor See specific type See P16-6502; P16-65816 MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) PI-178 MIDI Tool Set IIGS #23 minFixed GSTR-9-42 minFrac GSTR-9-42 Mini-Assembler ETR-123-126, GSF-51-55, GSF-74, GST-50 address formats CTR-226 errors ETR-125 instruction formats CTR-226, ETR-126 instruction formats GSF-54-55 opcodes GSF-293-298 starting ETR-123, CTR-223-224 using CTR-224-226 mini-palettes PI-7, PI-99 minimum blink interval GSTR-10-26 minimum version GSTR-2-4 minimum version number GSTR-24-10, GSTR-24-11 minInt GSTR-9-42 minipalette GSTR-16-33, GSTR-16-35 minItemType GSTR-6-88 minLongint GSTR-9-42 MinRect IIGS #34 mInvis GSTR-13-87 mirrored devices ProDOS #20 Miscellaneous Tool Set GST-65, GSTR-1-3, GSTR-1-10-11, GSTR-2-1, GSTR-14-1-70, PI-20, PI-22, PI-42, PI-181-182, PI-248 constants GSTR-14-64-68 data structures GSTR-14-69 error codes GSTR-14-70 shutdown routine GSTR-14-7 startup routine GSTR-14-6 status routine GSTR-14-8 using GSTR-14-4-5 version number routine GSTR-14-7 See System Failure Manager; User ID Manager missing character GSTR-16-48-49 missing charactersJsymbol PI-95 missing symbol GSTR-16-48-50 missingDriver GSTR-15-26, GSTR-15-49, GSTR-B-5 mItemDisable GSTR-13-78 mItemEnable GSTR-13-78 MIXED soft switch ETR-29 MIXED switch CTR-102,CTR-243,CTR-354 mixed-mode displays CTR-98-99 MLI CTR-125 MMBootInit GSTR-12-16 MMReset GSTR-12-19 MMShutDown GSTR-12-14, GSTR-12-18, GSTR-12-23 MMStartUp GSTR-2-1, GSTR-12-10, GSTR-12-14, GSTR-12-17, GSTR-12-18, IIGS #17, PI-43 MMStatus GSTR-12-20 MMU ETR-5, ETR-6, ETR-164-165, IIe #2 MMVersion GSTR-12-19 modal dialog box GSTR-6-5, PI-133, PI-139 ModalDialog GSTR-6-24, GSTR-6-65-66, IIGS #38, PI-141, PI-144 ModalDialog2 GSTR-6-67 mode GSTR-16-191, GSTR-16-277 Mode byte Mouse #3 Mode register GSH-147-148 mode settings, Monitor command GST-49 modeBIC GSTR-16-19, GSTR-16-20, GSTR-16-235, GSTR-16-275 modeCopy GSTR-16-19, GSTR-16-20, GSTR-16-235, GSTR-16-275 modeForeBIC GSTR-16-30, GSTR-16-260, GSTR-16-275 modeForeCopy GSTR-16-30, GSTR-16-260, GSTR-16-275 modeForeOR GSTR-16-30, GSTR-16-260, GSTR-16-275 modeForeXOR GSTR-16-30, GSTR-16-260, GSTR-16-275 modeless dialog box GSTR-6-5, GSTR-6-63, PI-133, PI-136 modem CTR-177-178, GSH-150, GSH-173 modem communications GSF-84 modem firmware IIGS #13 modem port GSF-301, GST-34 modem port, commands CTR-170-172 modems GST-46 modeOR GSTR-16-19, GSTR-16-20, GSTR-16-235, GSTR-16-275 modes (program) PI-12, PI-133 emulation and native P16-4, P16-9, P16-47, P16-100 modeXOR GSTR-16-19, GSTR-16-20, GSTR-16-235, GSTR-16-275 modification date and time P16-84-86, P16-264, P16-276.See also creation date and time; programming modification field P16-276 modifier key GSTR-7-3, PI-71 Modifier Key register GSH-123-124 modifier keys CTR-5,CTR-81, GSH-120 modifiers GSTR-7-6, GSTR-7-8, GSTR-7-43, GSTR-7-51 modifiers (event-record feld) PI-70, PI-71 Modify Memory command (Exerciser) P16-291 MON GSF-255 monaco GSTR-8-4, GSTR-8-51 Monitor CTR-5,CTR-23,CTR-36,CTR-57,CTR-59,CTR-63,CTR-161,CTR-176,CTR-258,CTR-312,CTR-356 Monitor command GSF-49 advanced CTR-216-218 debugging CTR-221 machine-language program CTR-219-221 memory CTR-205-212 register CTR-212-213 repeating CTR-217-218 summary CTR-227-229 syntax CTR-205 Monitor firmware GSF-4, GSH-3, GSH-28, GSH-43, GSH-184, GST-4, GST-5, GST-47-54 Monitor program P16-xix, P16-281, P16-293, PI-267 debugging with PI-247-248 Monitor ROM ETR-168-169 listings ETR-307-347 Monitor entry points CTR-322,CTR-326-327 firmware routines CTR-112-115 game support CTR-201 input routines CTR-82 interrupts CTR-74 memory location CTR-204 output CTR-270 speaker routines CTR-84 System ETR-100-129 command summary ETR-127-129 command syntax ETR-101 creating commands ETR-119 firmware subroutines ETR-46-71 returning to BASIC ETR-115 ROM listings ETR-307-347 use of page 3 ETR-8 use of page zero ETR-79 vectors CTR-326-327 See system Monitor mono hi-res mode IIGS #29 monochrome hi-res mode IIGS #29 monochrome monitor GST-19, GSH-57 Monochrome/Color register GSH-78-79 MONZ GSF-255 MONZ2 GSF-255 MONZ4 GSF-256 MountBootDisk PI-45, PI-307-308 mouse IIc #6, Mouse #3, PI-8, PI-10 mouse button GSTR-4-46 mouse clamp value GSTR-2-2, GSTR-7-27 mouse clamping Mouse #7 Mouse Data register GSH-125 mouse firmware GSF-6, GSF-197-213 calls GSF-209 using GSF-202-205 mouse interrupt status GSTR-14-35 mouse interrupts GST-43 mouse location GSTR-16-37 mouse mode GSTR-14-36 mouse port addresses CTR-325 I/O firmware protocol CTR-195 screen holes CTR-197 mouse programs, BASIC GSF-206-208 mouse routine GSTR-14-5 mouse routines (Miscellaneous Tool Set) PI-182 mouse support GST-42-43 ADB Tool Set GST-70 desktop user interface GST-3 direct access GST-65 Event Manager GST-65 firmware GST-43 in Macintosh GST-6 interrupts GST-55 mouse as hand controller CTR-198 assembly-language support CTR-195-196 BASIC support CTR-195-196 button signals CTR-286 circuits CTR-285 clicks PI-14, PI-15, PI-48 connector CTR-284 connector signals CTR-284 defaults CTR-50 double-clicks PI-71 firmware entry points CTR-23 firmware routines CTR-193-194 I/O firmware support CTR-191-196 inputs CTR-186-198,CTR-282-286,CTR-363 interrupts CTR-50,CTR-339-340,CTR-345-346,CTR-354, GSF-180, GSF-183 operating modes CTR-187-188 Pascal support CTR-195 port characteristics CTR-186 position clamps GSF-201 position data GSF-199-201 screen holes CTR-196-197 slot for PI-9 soft switches CTR-189-191 waveforms CTR-283 mouse-down event GSTR-4-10, GSTR-5-26, GSTR-6-39, GSTR-6-64, GSTR-6-66, GSTR-7-3, GSTR-7-8, GSTR-7-13, GSTR-25-11, GSTR-25-48-49, GSTR-25-92, GSTR-25-127, GSTR-25-129-130, PI-15, PI-16, PI-69, PI-71, PI-73, PI-129 mouse-up event GSTR-7-3, GSTR-7-13, PI-69, PI-71 mouseClamps GSTR-14-21, GSTR-14-66 mouseDownEvt GSTR-7-7, GSTR-7-50, GSTR-25-120, GSTR-25-121, PI-69 mouseIntHnd GSTR-14-68 mouseOff GSTR-14-36, GSTR-14-67 mouseOffVI GSTR-14-36, GSTR-14-67 MousePaint, serial-port compatibility GST-39 mouseSlot GSTR-14-66 MouseText CTR-69,CTR-70,CTR-88,CTR-90,CTR-360, GSH-59, GSH-74, GSH-243, Mouse #6 characters ETR-17, ETR-19, ETR-246, CTR-91 mouseUpEvt GSTR-7-7, GSTR-7-50, PI-69 MouX1 switch CTR-190 MouY1 switch CTR-190 movable (memory-block attribute) PI-188 MOVE GSF-250, GSTR-16-40, GSTR-16-178, CTR-210-211,CTR-216-217,CTR-227, ETR-107-108, ETR-117, GSF-31-32, GSF-45, GSF-59, ETR-223 MoveAux routine CTR-42-43 MoveControl GSTR-4-10, GSTR-4-69, GSTR-11-11 moveCtl GSTR-4-25, GSTR-4-39, GSTR-4-86 moveIntrpt GSTR-14-36, GSTR-14-67 moveIntrptVI GSTR-14-36, GSTR-14-67 movement constraint values GSTR-4-53 movement interrupt mode CTR-187-188 movement/button interrupt mode CTR-188 MovePortTo GSTR-16-179 MoveTo GSTR-16-40, GSTR-16-180, GSTR-25-22, PI-43, PI-94, PI-106, PI-143 MoveWindow GSTR-25-44, GSTR-25-82, GSTR-25-138 MPW IIGS assembler IIGS #33 MPW IIGS C IIGS #31 mSelected GSTR-13-87 MSGPOINTER GSF-275 msgPtrVctr GSTR-14-68 mSizeMsg GSTR-13-22, GSTR-13-25, GSTR-13-87 MSLOT ETR-150, ETR-154, GSF-266, IIGS #16, Miscellaneous #3 mstrIRQNotAssgnErr GSTR-B-3 MTBootInit GSTR-14-6 MTReset GSTR-14-8 MTShutDown GSTR-14-4, GSTR-14-7, PI-58 MTStartUp GSTR-2-1, GSTR-14-4, GSTR-14-6, PI-43 MTStatus GSTR-14-8 MTVersion GSTR-14-7 multichannel sound output IIGS #19 multiple volumes Pascal #16 multiple-language programs debugging PI-252-253 multiple-segment programming examples PI-24 PI-1-245 multiplexer GSH-104 multiplexing CTR-251 RAM address CTR-252 multiplication, 32-bit GSF-42 Multiply GSTR-9-37 Munger routine (Miscellaneous Tool Set) PI-182, GSTR-14-5, GSTR-14-45-47 mUpMask GSTR-7-11, GSTR-7-50 music GSF-10 Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) PI-178 mvEscape GSTR-24-26 mvReturn GSTR-24-26 mXor GSTR-13-87 N N command CTR-228 NABORT GSF-177, GSF-262 NAK character ETR-54 named devices. See device(s) names. See device(s); pathname(s); filenames; volume(s) NaN GSTR-9-40, GSTR-9-41 National Television Standards Committee See composite (NTSC) video native mode GSF-9, GSF-14, GSF-56, GSH-28, GSH-198, GSH-201, GST-13-14, GSTR-1-2, GSTR-1-, IIGS #2, P16-4, P16-9, P16-47, P16-100.See also programming, PI-4, PI-173, PI-271-272, PI-274, PI-291 accumulator GSF-18 disassembler support GST-50 IOLC shadowing GST-85 memory addressing GST-18 mini-assembler support GST-50 operating system overview GST-95 program environments summarized GST-89 register sizes GST-83 registers illustrated GST-14 stack location GST-84, GSF-13, GSF-14, GSF-15 stack pointer GST-84 switching to GST-49 tool calls GST-88 NBREAK GSF-177, GSF-262 NCOP GSF-177, GSF-262 nD command CTR-156,CTR-170 NDA header section GSTR-5-19 NDA. See new desk accessory negative decimal CTR-388-389 negative decimal values ETR-12 converting ETR-239-240 negative-decimal numbers GSH-248 Network Error ProDOS #21 network volumes ProDOS #5, #16, #17, #21 New American Standard Keyboard (Dvorak) GST-42 new desk accessories GST-68, GST-89, GSTR-5-1, PI-156, PI-263, PI-289, PI-300. See also classic desk accessory; desk accessories programming examples PI-265 supporting PI-157-158, PI-161 writing PI-264-265 action codes GSTR-5-7 total number installed GSTR-5-17 New-Video register GSH-14, GSH-84-85, GST-87-88 newBarColor GSTR-13-70 NewControl GSTR-4-9, GSTR-4-24, GSTR-4-70-73, GSTR-11-11, GSTR-25-68 NewDItem GSTR-6-23, GSTR-6-68-69, PI-134, PI-143 NewHandle GSTR-12-15, GSTR-12-35-37, GSTR-15-19, IIGS #17, PI-41, PI-43, PI-122, PI-192, PI-211, P16-79 newInvertColor GSTR-13-70 newItemFailed GSTR-6-57, GSTR-6-69, GSTR-6-90, GSTR-B-5 NEWLINE PI-211 NEWLINE call ($11) P16-137-140 NewList GSTR-11-19 NewMenu GSTR-13-8, GSTR-13-16, GSTR-13-21, GSTR-13-67, PI-47, PI-149 NewMenuBar GSTR-13-68 NewModalDialog GSTR-6-7, GSTR-6-23, GSTR-6-70-71, PI-142, PI-143 NewModelessDialog GSTR-6-7, GSTR-6-23, GSTR-6-72-73 newOut Color GSTR-13-70 NewRgn GSTR-16-40, GSTR-16-74, GSTR-16-113, GSTR-16-153, GSTR-16-181 newValue GSTR-4-25, GSTR-4-37, GSTR-4-86 NewWindow GSTR-25-11, GSTR-25-16, GSTR-25-21, GSTR-25-25, GSTR-25-38, GSTR-25-83-88, IIGS #3, #42, PI-109, PI-124 parameter list GSTR-25-142, PI-109, PI-121, PI-123 newYork GSTR-8-4, GSTR-8-51 next changeable location CTR-205,CTR-208-209, GSF-25, GSF-26 NEXTCOL subroutine ETR-223 NextMember GSTR-11-20 nextWavePtr GSTR-21-17, GSTR-21-37 nextwave_start IIGS #11 nibble, size of P16-33 nibbles CTR-94,CTR-384,CTR-386 NIL PI-190 NIL handles. See memory handles NIRQ GSF-177, GSF-262 NMI GSF-177, GSF-178, GSF-259 NMI handler IIGS #1 nnB command CTR-156,CTR-170 NNMI GSF-177, GSF-262 nnn command CTR-156,CTR-170 nnnN command CTR-157,CTR-171,CTR-362 noConstraint GSTR-4-53, GSTR-4-86 noDevice GSTR-23-15, GSTR-23-47, GSTR-B-4 noDevParamErr GSTR-14-32, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-2 noDisplay GSTR-22-22, GSTR-22-32 noDOCFndErr GSTR-21-8, GSTR-21-24, GSTR-21-28, GSTR-21-37, GSTR-B-3 NODRIVE GSF-156 NoDrive $28 error CTR-151 noEcho GSTR-23-46 noFile GSTR-23-15, GSTR-23-47, GSTR-B-4 noHilite GSTR-4-67, GSTR-4-86 NOINT GSF-156 non-reentrant system code GST-70 NONFATAL GSF-156 NonFatal $50-$7F error CTR-151 nonreentrant code GSTR-19-1 nonspecial memory GSTR-12-3 noPart GSTR-4-86 noPrintRecord GSTR-15-49, GSTR-B-5 normal characters CTR-69,CTR-70,CTR-88-89 NORMAL command CTR-90,CTR-214,CTR-228, ETR-270-271 Normal command GSF-39, GSF-44, GSF-63 normal display CTR-214 normal format ETR-19-20, ETR-114 normal memory GSTR-12-3 normal video GSF-39 noRoom GSTR-23-15, GSTR-23-47, GSTR-B-4 noSAppInitErr GSTR-21-15, GSTR-21-37, GSTR-B-3 noSelect GSTR-22-22, GSTR-22-32 noSigTaskErr GSTR-14-48, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-2 notBaseBit GSTR-8-12, GSTR-8-50 notBIC GSTR-16-19, GSTR-16-20, GSTR-16-235, GSTR-16-275 notClosed GSTR-23-15, GSTR-23-47, GSTR-B-4 notCopy GSTR-16-19, GSTR-16-20, GSTR-16-235, GSTR-16-275 notDiskBit GSTR-8-9, GSTR-8-50 note alert GSTR-6-6, PI-135 note icon GSTR-6-74 Note Sequencer GSTR-1-4, GSTR-21-1, IIGS #23, PI-178, PI-22, PI-177-l78, GSTR-1-4, GSTR-21-1, IIGS #19, IIGS #23, PI-22, PI-177. See also sound/sound hardware NoteAlert GSTR-6-24, GSTR-6-74 notEmptyErr GSTR-12-41, GSTR-12-42, GSTR-12-47, GSTR-B-2 NotEmptyRect GSTR-16-182 notEqualChunkiness GSTR-16-190, GSTR-16-197, GSTR-16-278, GSTR-B-3 noteSynth GSTR-21-37 noteSynthMode GSTR-21-36 notForeBIC GSTR-16-30, GSTR-16-260, GSTR-16-275 notForeCOPY GSTR-16-30, GSTR-16-260, GSTR-16-275 notForeOR GSTR-16-30, GSTR-16-260, GSTR-16-275 notForeXOR GSTR-16-30, GSTR-16-260, GSTR-16-275 notFoundBit GSTR-8-12, GSTR-8-50 notImplemented GSTR-16-278 notInitialized GSTR-16-278, GSTR-B-3 notModalDialog GSTR-6-65, GSTR-6-67, GSTR-6-90, GSTR-B-5 notOpen GSTR-23-16, GSTR-23-47, GSTR-B-4 notOR GSTR-16-19, GSTR-16-20, GSTR-16-235, GSTR-16-275 notSysWindow GSTR-5-14, GSTR-5-30, GSTR-B-3 notXOR GSTR-16-19, GSTR-16-20, GSTR-16-235, GSTR-16-275, PI-87 noUnderMItem GSTR-13-78, GSTR-13-87 NOWRITE GSF-156 NoWrite $2B error CTR-150 nP command CTR-157,CTR-171 NTSC CTR-86,CTR-96,CTR-97,CTR-257,CTR-270, ETR-16, ETR-25, ETR-173, GSH-13, GSH-58, GSH-66, GSH-82 null event PI-69, PI-73 null prefix PI-209 nullEvt GSTR-7-7, GSTR-7-50, GSTR-25-119, PI-69 numbanks Memory Expansion Card #1 number of copies GSTR-15-8 numbers device. See device(s) pathname prefix. See pathname prefixes numeric keypad GSF-10, GST-41, GST-42, PI-8 numeric operations GST-68 numeric spacing GSTR-16-226 numOfItems GSTR-13-19, GSTR-13-20, GSTR-13-88 NXTA1 GSF-244 NXTA4 GSF-244 NXTCHAR GSF-257 NXTCOL GSF-227 O O Control-K CTR-215 O0 (phi 0) ETR-162-163, ETR-167, ETR-170-172, ETR-180-181 O1 (phi 1) ETR-162-163, ETR-167, ETR-170-172, ETR-180-181 O2 (phi 2) ETR-162 object files GST-101, PI-26, PI-226-229, See file(s) object module format GSTR-xGSTR-xvii, P16-70, P16-74, P16-89, P16-187, P16-230, P16-295, PI-xviii, PI-26, PI-198, PI-226, PI-257, PI-296 object segments PI-230-231, See segment(s); direct page and stack ObscureCursor GSTR-16-182 OFFLINE GSF-156 OffLine $2F error CTR-151 offset (into color table) PI-99 offset point GSTR-4-50 offset/width table GSTR-16-44, GSTR-16-50-51 offseToMF GSTR-16-43, GSTR-16-276 OffsetPoly GSTR-16-183 OffsetRect GSTR-16-184 OffsetRgn GSTR-16-185 ok GSTR-6-89 OK button GSTR-6-4, GSTR-6-5, GSTR-6-18, GSTR-6-58, PI-132, PI-133, PI-139 okDefault GSTR-6-89 OLDBRK GSF-233 OLDIRQ GSF-233 OLDRST GSF-255 OMF. See object module format one-second interrupt handler GSTR-14-27-28 oneSecHnd GSTR-14-68 oneSecInt GSTR-14-24, GSTR-14-66 online devices. See device(s) ON_LINE IIc #5, ProDOS #8, #21, P16-88 op codes, disassembler GST-50 opcodes GSF-56-57, GSF-293-298, GSH-198 OPEN PI-210, PI-211, PI-213 Open Apple (a) CTR-4,CTR-52,CTR-81,CTR-200,CTR-221,CTR-222,CTR-358, ETR-11, ETR-13, ETR-228 Open Apple-Control-Reset CTR-52,CTR-121,CTR-162,CTR-176,CTR-361 OPEN call CTR-127,CTR-140-141, GSF-5, GSF-131, P16-21, P16-80, P16-151-152, P16-287 description of P16-137-138 Open command (File menu) PI-32 Open File dialog box GSTR-22-3, GSTR-22-4, GSTR-22-21, GSTR-22-25-26 open routine (NDA) PI-265 OpenFilter PI-162, PI-164, PI-218, PI-306 opening files PI-162, PI-210 OpenNDA GSTR-5-6, GSTR-5-20, GSTR-25-122, PI-158 OpenPicture GSTR-15-38, GSTR-17-5, GSTR-17-9, GSTR-17-14 OpenPoly GSTR-16-40, GSTR-16-186 OpenPort GSTR-16-39, GSTR-16-161, GSTR-16-187, GSTR-25-42, PI-97 OpenRgn GSTR-16-40, GSTR-16-74, GSTR-16-187 OpenWindow PI-55, PI-120, PI-121, PI-163, PI-305 operating environment P16-5, P16-52-72, P16-164.See also specific topic operating speed GSH-204, GST-3, GST-14-15, GST-84-85 operating system GSTR-xGSTR-xviii Operating System Event Manager (Macintosh) GST-59, GST-65 operating system(s) Apple II comparison of P16-281-288.See also specific operating system or specific topic comparison of, calls. See system calls comparison of, default at startup P16-13 file compatibility P16-283-284 reading DOS 3.3 and Apple II Pascal disks P16-284 filing calls P16-286-287 history of P16-281-282 input/output P16-285 interrupt support P16-288 memory management P16-287 similarity of P16-285-288 operating system calls (typographic convention for) PI-xxii operating systems CTR-214,CTR-328-329, ETR-233-234, GSH-235, GST-82, GST-90, GST-94-95, PI-xix disassembler calls GST-50 program environments summarized GST-113 reference manuals GST-111 standard I/O links GST-51-52 operating-environment tool sets PI-22, PI-180-183 operation codes GST-13 Option-Left Arrow GSTR-10-1, GSTR-10-29 Option-Right Arrow GSTR-10-1, GSTR-10-29 optionKey GSTR-7-9, GSTR-7-51 options GSF-304-305 OPTMOUSE GSF-209 orange320 GSTR-16-275 ORG segment header field P16-186.See also headers; segment(s) organization (files) block and tree P16-28 definition of P16-253 origin GSTR-4-8, GSTR-16-16, GSTR-25-29-31, GSTR-25-52, GSTR-25-95, GSTR-25-96, GSTR-25-104, GSTR-25-116 origin mask GSTR-25-104 origin of character PI-93 of QuickDraw II coordinate plane PI-77 of rectangle PI-82 original Apple IIe See differences between original and enhanced Apple IIe Original IIc IIc #7 oscillator GSH-110, GST-25, PI-175-176 Control registers GSH-104-106 Data registers GSH-106 Enable register GSH-103 Interrupt register GSH-102 interrupts GSH-104, GSH-105 oscillator register GSTR-21-5 oscillator table GSTR-21-22, GSTR-21-23 oscillator-to-generator translation table GSTR-21-5 oscTable GSTR-21-36 oSecDisable GSTR-14-24, GSTR-14-67 oSecEnable GSTR-14-24, GSTR-14-67 OSEventAvail GSTR-7-42 OSShutdown IIGS #49, GS/OS #2 osVector GSTR-14-68 otherIntHnd GSTR-14-68 outline type style GSTR-16-258, GSTR-17-1, GSTR-17-3 outlineMask GSTR-16-276 outOfMemErr GSTR-14-56, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-2 OUTPORT GSF-252 output GSTR-23-46, See I/O output buffer GST-37-38 output devices, definition of P16-42.See also device(s) output jack CTR-256 output link GST-52, GST-53 redirecting GSF-64 output parameter GSTR-2-6 output queue GST-38 output redirection IIGS #31 output routines GSF-76-78, GST-53 output sample rate GSTR-21-17 output subroutines CTR-64-70 C3Out1 CTR-65-67 COut CTR-64 COut1 CTR-65 output text device GSTR-23-4, GSTR-23-26, GSTR-23-27, GSTR-23-37, GSTR-23-38, GSTR-23-41, GSTR-23-42, GSTR-23-43, GSTR-23-44, GSTR-23-45 outputs hand controller CTR-363-364 speaker CTR-82-84 strobe CTR-24 video display CTR-116-118 video signal CTR-270-273 OutQStatus GSF-96, GSF-103 oval GSTR-16-23, GSTR-16-89, GSTR-16-95, GSTR-16-102, GSTR-16-165, GSTR-16-189 ovals (QuickDraw II) PI-87, PI-90 overflow bit CTR-44 overflow stack. See stack(s) overheating ETR-158 overlays P16-205, PI-233 P P register CTR-18,CTR-213, GSF-35 P-machine Pascal #10 p1AddLine GSTR-14-64 p1Baud GSTR-14-64 p1Buffer GSTR-14-64 p1DCDHndShk GSTR-14-64 p1DelLine GSTR-14-64 p1DSRHndShk GSTR-14-64 p1DtStpBits GSTR-14-64 p1Echo GSTR-14-64 p1LineLnth GSTR-14-64 p1Parity GSTR-14-64 p1PrntModem GSTR-14-64 p1XnfHndShk GSTR-14-64 p2AddLine GSTR-14-64 p2Baud GSTR-14-64 p2Buffer GSTR-14-64 p2DCDHndShk GSTR-14-64 p2DelLine GSTR-14-64 p2DSRHndShk GSTR-14-64 p2DtStpBits GSTR-14-64 p2Echo GSTR-14-64 p2LineLnth GSTR-14-64 p2Parity GSTR-14-64 p2PrntModem GSTR-14-64 p2XnfHndShk GSTR-14-64 package10Err GSTR-14-56, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-2 package11Err GSTR-14-56, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-2 package12Err GSTR-14-56, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-2 package1Err GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 package2Err GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 package3Err GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 package4Err GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 package5Err GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 package6Err GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 package7Err GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 package8Err GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 package9Err GSTR-14-56, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 PackBytes GSTR-14-5, GSTR-14-39-41, GSTR-14-42, IIGS #27, PI-182 packet GSH-127 paddle circuits IIe #6 paddle read IIe #6 paddles CTR-198,CTR-287 page GSTR-4-5 Page , high-resolution CTR-95 Page , text CTR-100 Page 1 CTR-20,CTR-36-38,CTR-50,CTR-269 double-high-resolution ETR-79 high-resolution CTR-95, ETR-23, ETR-27, ETR-79 text CTR-100,CTR-106, ETR-27, ETR-78 Page 1X CTR-38,CTR-269 Page 2 CTR-20,CTR-39 switch CTR-45,CTR-102,CTR-241,CTR-243,CTR-354 high-resolution ETR-23, ETR-79 text ETR-27, ETR-79 Page 2X CTR-38,CTR-39 page 3 vectors ETR-97 page flipping Lo-Res graphics GST-47 page range GSTR-15-8, GSTR-15-38 page rectangle GSTR-15-11 page region GSTR-25-62, GSTR-25-105 page settings, printing PI-167-168 page setup GSTR-15-1 Page Setup command (File menu) PI-32 page zero ETR-77, ETR-79-81 page size of P16-33, P16-291.See also memory page-aligned (memory-block attribute) PI-187 page-aligned memory block GSTR-2-2, GSTR-12-12, GSTR-12-13 page-down region (scroll bar pan) PI-126 page-up region (scroll bar part) PI-126 PAGE2 IIe #3 PAGE2 soft switch ETR-29, ETR-32, ETR-87, ETR-89, ETR-90 pageDown GSTR-4-86 pages display CTR-See display pages memory CTR-See memory pages reserved memory ETR-77-81 pageUp GSTR-4-86 paging region GSTR-4-5, GSTR-4-8 Paint PI-52-53 PAINT.PAS PI-439-442 PaintArc GSTR-16-188 painting GSTR-16-20, PI-87, PI-91 PaintIt PI-52-53, PI-104, PI-170 PaintOval GSTR-16-189, IIGS #34 PaintPixels GSTR-16-190-191 PaintPixels parameter block GSTR-16-191, GSTR-16-277 PaintPoly GSTR-16-192 PaintRect GSTR-16-193 PaintRgn GSTR-16-194 PaintRRect GSTR-16-195 PAL CTR-257 PAL device ETR-5, ETR-167-168 PAL timing chip IIe #2 palette GSH-86, GSH-88-90, GSH-93, GSH-264, GST-22-24, GSTR-16-32, GSF-10, PI-7, PI-99-100. See also color palette; color tables standard in 320 mode GSTR-16-35, PI-100 standard in 640 mode GSTR-16-36, PI-102 panial pathname PI-208 papConnNotOpen GSTR-15-36, GSTR-15-42, GSTR-15-49, GSTR-B-5 paper source GSTR-15-8 paperType GSTR-15-12, GSTR-15-13, GSTR-15-48 papReadWriteErr GSTR-15-36, GSTR-15-42, GSTR-15-49, GSTR-B-5 parallel interface IIe #7 Parallel Interface Card IIe #7 param1 GSTR-6-90 param2 GSTR-6-90 parameter blocks P16-10, P16-81-82, P16-88, P16-100-104 parameter lists (ProDOS 16) PI-214 parameter(s) P16-102-104 blocks. See parameter blocks fields P16-105 format P16-102-103 length of pointers and handles P16-106 order of bytes in a field P16-103 order on stack P16-214 permissible range of values P16-103, P16-107 pointers and P16-102-103, P16-106 setting up in memory P16-103-104 System Loader P16-213 types of P16-102, P16-213 parameter Battery RAM reference numbers GSTR-14-12 definition GSTR-xGSTR-xix DragRect GSTR-4-50-53 GetAddr reference numbers GSTR-14-20 input GSTR-2-6 length GSTR-xxx NewControl GSTR-4-71-73 output GSTR-2-6 passing GSTR-2-6 pseudo-type GSTR-xxx parameter-list pointer GST-50 parameter-passing PI-253 PI-225 paramLenErr GSTR-25-83, GSTR-25-144, GSTR-B-4 paramLength GSTR-25-84, GSTR-25-142 ParamText GSTR-6-24, GSTR-6-75, PI-14 PI-1 parity GSF-89, GST-34, GST-35 parity bit CTR-163 parity for SSC ETR-279 part code GSTR-4-8, GSTR-4-57, GSTR-4-67, GSTR-4-81, GSTR-4-82, GSTR-4-83, GSTR-4-84, GSTR-6-67, PI-127 parts, standard window PI-110 Pascal CTR-56,CTR-68,CTR-72,CTR-124,CTR-169,CTR-330,CTR-332, ETR-xx, ETR-235, ETR-275, GSF-48, GSF-82, GSF-86, GSF-97, GSF-110, GSF-210, GST-62, Pascal #10, #12, #14, #15, PI-65, PI-202, PI-225 Pascal 1.1 GSF-93 firmware protocol ETR-68-71, ETR-144, ETR-145-146, IIe #7, Miscellaneous #3, #8, Mouse #5, ProDOS #15 address locations GST-36 SmartPort calls GST-41 pascal declaration GST-102 Pascal device driver GSTR-23-3 Pascal Device Support Tools Pascal #10 Pascal Operating System CTR-329, ETR-234 file system P16-284 filing calls P16-287 history of P16-283 I/O P16-285 interrupt support P16-288 memory management P16-287 reading Pascal disks P16-284 Pascal string GSTR-5-3, GSTR-16-26, PI-92, P16-201 Pascal and bank-switched memory ETR-82 Apple IIGS support GST-8 application program compatibility GST-39 compiler for GST-103 HodgePodge and PI-36, PI-413-446 I/O subroutines ETR-46 interrupt support GST-54 mouse and CTR-195 starting up with ETR-267-268 tool calls GST-63 video control functions CTR-117-118 PASCALIO Pascal #10 pascalType GSTR-23-46 passive mode, mouse interface GST-43 paste GSTR-5-30 Paste command (Edit menu) PI-32, PI-141, PI-159, PI-161, GSTR-6-44, GSTR-20-1, GSTR-20-6 pasteAction GSTR-5-7, GSTR-5-30 patches. See RAM, Apple IIGS patching P16-188, P16-196, PI-24, PI-227 pathname prefixes P16-5, P16-14, P16-19-20, P16-65-69, P16-131 application P16-66-67, P16-165, P16-201 boot P16-65, P16-67, P16-166 code numbers of P16-20 default P16-65, P16-131 initial ProDOS 16 values P16-66 introduction to P16-65-69 library P16-66-67, P16-201 multiple P16-20 null P16-20 number of characters in P16-14 numbers P16-66-67, P16-81, P16-131, P16-168 partial pathnames P16-19 predefined P16-65 ProDOS 8 prefix and pathname conventions P16-68-69 samples of P16-66 storage of P16-66 system (ProDOS 8) P16-66, P16-69 values of P16-67-68 Pathname segment PI-196 Pathname Table P16-189, P16-196, P16-200-201, P16-206, P16-227, P16-245 pathname table PI-196 pathname(s) P16-7, P16-19-21, P16-65-69, P16-117, P16-199 pathname(s), assigning P16-21 full P16-19, P16-69, P16-201 length of P16-20 number of characters in P16-14 partial P16-19, P16-65, P16-69, P16-168, P16-201, P16-241 pointers P16-61, P16-82 prefixes. See pathname prefixes requirements of P16-19 segment P16-184, P16-199, P16-200, P16-298.See also segment(s) pathnames PI-196, PI-208, PI-288 pointer (QUIT) PI-202 patSize GSTR-16-274 pattern GSTR-16-265 Note Sequencer PI-178 QuickDraw II PI-85 Pattern Search command GSF-34, GSF-59 PB0 IIe #9 PB1 IIe #9 PB2 IIe #9 PBR register GSF-11, GSF-35 PCADJ GSF-232 Pdl0 CTR-287 Pdl1 CTR-287 pdosBlk0Err GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 pdosFCBErr GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 pdosIntShdwErr GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 pdosUnClmdIntErr GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 pdosVCBErr GSTR-14-55, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-1 PEEK CTR-329, Miscellaneous #11 pen PI-85 pen displacement GSTR-16-29, GSTR-16-56, GSTR-16-70, GSTR-16-77, GSTR-16-267, GSTR-16-270 pen level GSTR-16-156, GSTR-16-265 pen location GSTR-16-17, GSTR-16-18, GSTR-16-22, GSTR-16-26, GSTR-16-40, GSTR-16-80, GSTR-16-81, GSTR-16-82, GSTR-16-83, GSTR-16-128, GSTR-16-178, GSTR-16-180, GSTR-16-196 pen location PI-84, PI-85, PI-92 pen mask GSTR-16-129, GSTR-16-233 pen mode GSTR-16-19-20, GSTR-16-22, GSTR-16-130, GSTR-16-234-235, GSTR-16-275, PI-86, PI-173 pen pattern GSTR-16-18-19, GSTR-16-131, GSTR-16-236, GSTR-16-252, IIGS #6, PI-85 pen size GSTR-16-18, GSTR-16-22, GSTR-16-132, GSTR-16-237, PI-85 pen state GSTR-16-133, GSTR-16-196, GSTR-16-238 pen state record GSTR-16-238 PenNormal GSTR-16-196 PenState record GSTR-16-278 period (.) CTR-206, GSF-26, GSF-27, as Monitor command ETR-102 peripheral address bus ETR-192, ETR-194 peripheral cards GSH-5, GSH-178, GST-28-29, GST-65 addressing GSH-179-180 compatibility on Apple IIGS GST-29 Control Panel GST-46 conventional positions GST-28 device assignment ETR-145 Disk II controller card GST-39-40 expansion ROM GST-31 I/O base addresses GSH-268 I/O memory space ETR-133, ETR-141 interrupt requests GST-55 main memory reserved locations GST-32 memory expansion card GST-18, GST-78 memory shadowing GST-80 peripheral device driver routine GST-30 programming for ETR-132-156 RAM memory locations GSH-268 RAM space ETR-136 ROM routines GST-33 ROM space ETR-133-135 peripheral data bus ETR-192 peripheral data bus, differences in Apple II family ETR-231 peripheral devices. See device(s) peripheral expansion slots GSH-5 peripheral identification numbers GSH-249-250 peripheral identification numbers (PIN) CTR-389-390 peripheral interface adapters GSH-171 peripheral slots See expansion slots peripheral-card memory spaces CTR-352-353 peripheral-card ROM GST-32 periwinkleBlue GSTR-16-274 permanent initialization files PI-266, PI-300 PFI ProDOS #21 pFileName GSTR-15-14, GSTR-15-15, GSTR-15-48 PH0 IIe #4 PH1 IIe #4 PH2 IIe #4, IIGS #21 phone jacks ETR-8, ETR-39 phrase (Note Sequencer) PI-178 PIC IIe #7 PicComment GSTR-17-5, GSTR-17-15 picItem GSTR-6-10, GSTR-6-12, GSTR-6-88 picSave GSTR-16-134, GSTR-16-239, GSTR-16-277, GSTR-17-14 picScrap GSTR-20-4, GSTR-20-19 PICT data format IIGS #46 pictSCB IIGS #46 picture GSTR-16-25, GSTR-17-1, GSTR-17-2-3 picture (QuickDraw II) PI-92 picture data format IIGS #46 picture definition GSTR-17-14 picture element. See pixel picture file formats IIGS #27 picture files HodgePodge and PI-215-217, PI-218 picture windows, HodgePodge and PI-33, PI-52-53, PI-103-104, PI-305-306 pIdleProc GSTR-15-14, GSTR-15-15, GSTR-15-24, GSTR-15-48 PInit GSF-209, GSF-210, GST-36, IIGS #16, CTR-116, ETR-69 pinning GSTR-9-3 pinouts 6551 CTR-277 GLU CTR-246 IOU CTR-243 IWM CTR-247 MMU CTR-242 RAM CTR-251 ROM CTR-249,CTR-250 TMG CTR-245 video expansion connector CTR-272 PinRect GSTR-25-89-90 pipelining ETR-161 pixel GSF-10 pixel GSTR-16-10-11, GSTR-16-135, GSTR-16-197, GSTR-16-200, GSTR-16-201 pixel image GSTR-2-2, GSTR-16-9, GSTR-16-12-14, GSTR-16-48, GSTR-17-10, PI-76, PI-103-104, PI-112, PI-171, PI-286 pixel, region GSTR-16-190 pixels GSH-81-82, GSH-89-90, GSH-93, GST-22, IIe #3, PI-77, PI-79 640 graphics mode GST-23-24 aspect ratios GST-61 background GSTR-16-28, GSTR-16-30, PI-93 chunky GSTR-16-31 defined PI-79, PI-7 foreground GSTR-16-27, GSTR-16-30, PI-93 relation to coordinate plane locations PI-78 shape of PI-77, PI-90, PI-284 place-holding character GSTR-5-8 plain-styled characters PI-95 plane GSTR-25-8 plane (window) PI-113, PI-136 PLOT GSF-79, GSF-225, CTR-112,CTR-114, ETR-67, ETR-223 PLOT1 GSF-225 plotter output port GST-34 plus sign (+) GSF-71, GSF-72 PMBootInit GSTR-15-25 PMReset GSTR-15-28 PMShutDown GSTR-15-19, GSTR-15-27, PI-58 PMStartUp GSTR-15-19, GSTR-15-26, PI-46 PMStatus GSTR-15-28 PMVersion GSTR-15-27 pnStateSize GSTR-16-274 point GSTR-xxx, GSTR-8-4, GSTR-16-11-12, GSTR-16-21-22, GSTR-16-40, GSTR-16-68, GSTR-16-85, GSTR-16-135, GSTR-16-154, GSTR-16-175, GSTR-16-199, GSTR-16-200, GSTR-16-201, GSTR-16-207, GSTR-16-268, GSTR-25-89, PI-88-89 point (typesetting) PI-95 POINTER GSTR-xxx pointer(s) P16-26, P16-38-39.See also EOF; Mark; memory handles, PI-189-190 definition of P16-102, P16-214 fields. See fields length of (parameter fields) P16-106 master P16-38 order of bytes P16-256 parameter block P16-38-39, P16-82 pathname P16-61, P16-83 pointing device GSTR-7-21-25, GSTR-7-27, GSTR-7-34, GSTR-14-5, PI-10, PI-71 POKE CTR-329, Mouse #6, ETR-271-272 Poll Device command GSF-195 polling of devices GST-70 polling, Apple Desktop Bus GSTR-3-3 polyAlreadyOpen GSTR-16-186, GSTR-16-278, GSTR-B-3 polygon GSTR-16-24-25, GSTR-16-40, GSTR-16-72, GSTR-16-90, GSTR-16-96, GSTR-16-103, GSTR-16-166, GSTR-16-170, GSTR-16-174, GSTR-16-183, GSTR-16-186, GSTR-16-192, PI-87, PI-96 polyNotOpen GSTR-16-72, GSTR-16-278, GSTR-B-3 polySave GSTR-16-136, GSTR-16-240, GSTR-16-277 polyTooBig GSTR-16-278, GSTR-B-3 port IIGS #36 port (printer) PI-166 port (QuickDraw II). See graphic ports; GrafPort port driver GSTR-15-24, GSTR-15-43, IIGS #36 port numbers P16-7 port rectangle GSTR-16-14-15, GSTR-16-16, GSTR-16-139, GSTR-16-179, GSTR-16-208, GSTR-16-232, GSTR-16-243, GSTR-16-244, GSTR-25-17, GSTR-25-77, GSTR-25-82, GSTR-25-115, PI-81-82, PI-83, PI-103, PI-108, PI-120 port. See GrafPort Portable C Compiler GST-102 portNotOn GSTR-15-30, GSTR-15-31, GSTR-15-36, GSTR-15-39, GSTR-15-40, GSTR-15-42, GSTR-15-49, GSTR-B-5 portrait mode GSTR-15-6 portRect field GSTR-16-14, GSTR-16-15 PortRef IIGS #34 ports 1 and 2 Apple II GST-34 AppleTalk connection GST-38 configuration GST-33 interrupts GST-55 ports characteristics CTR-71 communication P16-9, P16-43 disk P16-xix, P16-45 disk I/O CTR-120-121 entry points CTR-71 I/O CTR-71-74 mouse CTR-186,CTR-325 printer CTR-156-157 ROM space CTR-73 screen hole RAM space CTR-74 serial CTR-275, P16-xix serial port 1 CTR-22,CTR-154-165 serial port 2 CTR-22,CTR-38,CTR-167-184 video output CTR-86 portSCB GSTR-16-13, GSTR-16-277, PI-80 portSize GSTR-16-274 posCtl GSTR-4-25, GSTR-4-86 position-independent code/segments PI-188, PI-195, PI-196, PI-197 position-independent programs GST-62 POSMOUSE GSF-209, GSF-211, GSF-213, GSTR-14-33, Mouse #1, #3, CTR-193 PostEvent GSTR-7-14, GSTR-7-43-44 power connector ETR-160, GSH-193, CTR-234-235 power converter, specifications CTR-234 power light CTR-3,CTR-7 power supply CTR-11-12, ETR-4, ETR-159-160 specifications CTR-233,CTR-383 power-on reset CTR-50 power2 Memory Expansion Card #1 POWERUP IIGS #49 powerup Memory Expansion Card #1 pPrPort GSTR-15-41, GSTR-15-48 PPToPort GSTR-16-197-198, PI-103, PI-104, PI-118 PQUIT P16-56, P16-59-62.See also QUIT call ProDOS 16 QUIT call P16-61 ProDOS 8 QUIT calls, standard and enhanced P16-60 PR# command ETR-115 PR#0 command CTR-198 PR#1 command CTR-155,CTR-159,CTR-162,CTR-181 PR#2 command CTR-169,CTR-171,CTR-172,CTR-179,CTR-181,CTR-183,CTR-184 PR#3 command CTR-90,CTR-196 PR#4 command CTR-196,CTR-198 PR#7 command CTR-328 PR#n command CTR-57, GST-52 PRA1 GSF-248 prAbort GSTR-15-20, GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-34, GSTR-15-44, GSTR-15-47 PRBL2 GSF-79, GSF-231, CTR-112,CTR-114, ETR-67, ETR-224 PRBLNK GSF-231, ETR-224 PRBYTE GSF-79, GSF-248, CTR-112,CTR-115, ETR-67, ETR-224 PrChoosePrinter GSTR-15-20, GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-29 PrChooser PI-167 PrCloseDoc GSTR-15-20, GSTR-15-21, GSTR-15-30, GSTR-15-36, GSTR-15-40, PI-170, PI-172 PrClosePage GSTR-15-20, GSTR-15-21, GSTR-15-31, GSTR-15-38, PI-170, PI-172 PrDefault GSTR-15-19, GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-46, PI-41 PrDriverVer GSTR-15-33 PRead GSF-209, GSF-210, GSF-235, GST-36, IIe #6, CTR-116,CTR-201, ETR-43, ETR-69, ETR-224 PREAD4 GSF-235 prefix numbers PI-208-209 prefixes PI-208-210, PI-288 initial values PI-210 pathname. See pathname prefixes PRERR GSF-253, CTR-112,CTR-115, ETR-67, ETR-224 PrError GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-30, GSTR-15-34 prestyled fonts GSTR-8-5-6, GSTR-16-43 PRHEX GSF-79, GSF-248, CTR-112,CTR-11, ETR-68, ETR-224 primary character set CTR-69,CTR-70,CTR-88,CTR-359, ETR-19-20, ETR-228 primitive object drawing GST-64 prInfo GSTR-15-10, GSTR-15-11, GSTR-15-47 Print GSTR-15-1 Print command (File menu) PI-32 Print Manager GST-59, GST-69, GSTR-1-4, GSTR-1-11, GSTR-15-1-50, IIGS #35, #36, #38, PI-21, PI-64, PI-76, PI-166-173, PI-289 constants GSTR-15-47 data structures GSTR-15-47-48 error codes GSTR-15-49 shutdown routine GSTR-15-27 startup routine GSTR-15-26 status routine GSTR-15-28 using GSTR-15-19-22 version number routine GSTR-15-27 print record GSTR-15-9-15, GSTR-15-19, GSTR-15-32, GSTR-15-46, PI-171 print spoolers P16-83 PRINT.ASM PI-367-370 PRINT.CC PI-409-410 PRINT.PAS PI-437-438 printer GSH-150, GSH-173 PRINTER command CTR-155, ETR-115, GSF-40 printer driver GSTR-15-1, GSTR-15-23, GSTR-15-33, IIGS #35 printer effects choice GSTR-15-6 printer error code GSTR-15-34, GSTR-15-44, GSTR-15-49 printer information subrecord GSTR-15-11 printer interface IIGS #36 printer interface cards GST-28 printer mode GSF-83 command character GSF-87 commands GSF-88-90 printer names dialog box GSTR-15-5 printer output port GST-34 printer paper GSTR-15-5 printer port GSF-300 commands CTR-156-157 printer status record GSTR-15-41 printer style subrecord GSTR-15-12-13 printers GST-46, P16-9, P16-43 printing IIGS #16, #35, #36, ImageWriter #1, PI-166-173 printing loop GSTR-15-20, GSTR-15-34, loop PI-172 printing tools GST-69 printing background procedure PI-173 choosing a printer PI-166-167 color GSTR-15-15-18 draft GSTR-15-14-15, GSTR-15-23, GSTR-15-37, draft PI-171 printing, errors PI-172 GrafPort PI-170 page settings, making PI-167-168 printing loop PI-172 QuickDraw II and PI-170, PI-172, PI-173 spool GSTR-15-14-15, GSTR-15-23, GSTR-15-37, GSTR-15-40, PI-172 private memory GSTR-12-11, GSTR-12-14 private scrap GSTR-20-5-6, PI-161 prJob GSTR-15-10, GSTR-15-47 PrJobDialog GSTR-15-20, GSTR-15-21, GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-35, GSTR-15-46, PI-170 PRNTAX GSF-79, GSF-230, CTR-113,CTR-115, ETR-68, ETR-224 PRNTX GSF-231 PRNTYX GSF-230 PRO16MLI GSF-274 processor status register CTR-18,CTR-213, P16-64, P16-105 processor status changing GSF-61 register GSF-37 system interrupt handler GSF-181 ProDOS CTR-51,CTR-57,CTR-124,CTR-155,CTR-169,CTR-204,CTR-214,CTR-312,CTR-328,CTR-332, ETR-105, ETR-141, ETR-233, GSF-43, GSF-70, GSF-110, GSF-114, GSF-115, GSF-130, GSH-143, GSH-235, GST-6, GSTR-5-, P16-xxi, P16-282.See also operating system(s); ProDOS 8; ProDOS 16 ProDOS 1.0 GST-94 ProDOS 16 GSF-117, GSF-220, GST-82, GST-90, GSTR-xGSTR-xviii, GSTR-5-7, GSTR-5-18, GSTR-5-19, GSTR-12-1, GSTR-12-14, P16-xxi, P16-4-15.See also manuals; operating system(s) or specific topic, PI-xix, PI-10, PI-199, PI-200-202, PI-257-259, PI-260 ProDOS 16 Exerciser. See Exerciser ProDOS 16 adding routines to P16-94-97 APW Shell GST-103 bypassing P16-6 cold-start routine GST-97 compared to Macintosh file system PI-287-288 compared to ProDOS 8 PI-291, PI-296, GST-94-95 description of P16-xxi, P16-4-15 direct-page/stack segment, default PI-206 errors P16-302-309.See also errors Exerciser PI-253-254 external devices and P16-42-49 fixed locations P16-65 history of P16-283 interface to P16-89 interrupt handling PI-271-272 introduction to P16-4-15 memory and P16-xviii, P16-32-40 memory map P16-35 new system calls P16-12 operating system calls GST-50 parameter lists PI-214 prefixes PI-208-210 ProDOS 8 and. See ProDOS 8 and ProDOS 16 QUIT call PI-58, PI-202 shell applications and PI-262 summary of features P16-13-15 system calls. See system calls System Loader GST-60 version number P16-171 ProDOS 8 GSF-117, GSF-220, GST-82, GST-90, P16-xviii, P16-5, P16-9-13, P16-52, P16-60-61, P16-170.See also manuals; operating system(s), PI-xix, PI-9, PI-207, PI-257, PI-290 ProDOS 8 and ProDOS16 P16-9-10, P16-86-89, P16-105-106 call methods compared P16-105-106 calls, converting P16-88 compilation/assembly P16-89 downward compatibility P16-11 eliminated ProDOS 8 system calls P16-11 hardware configuration P16-87 interrupt handlers, modifying P16-88 memory management P16-86 new ProDOS 16 system calls P16-11 revising applications P16-86-89 stack and zero page, converting P16-88 upward compatibility P16-10-11 ProDOS 8 /RAM5 GST-79 applications, memory banks for P16-33 binary files P16-12, P16-224, P16-283 cold-start routine GST-97 compared with ProDOS 16 GST-94-95 description of P16-xxi, P16-4 desk accessories GST-89 display shadowing GST-86 enhanced QUIT call P16-60-61 file system P16-283 filing calls P16-286 global page P16-10, P16-36, P16-79-80 global page PI-292, PI-296 history of P16-282 I/O P16-285 interrupt support P16-288 loading P16-166 memory and P16-34, P16-86-87 on an Apple IIGS vs. other Apple II computers P16-5 operating system calls GST-50 pathname of current application P16-69 prefix P16-68-69 ProDOS 16 compared to PI-291, PI-296 ProDOS 16 QUIT call and PI-202 quit type P16-60 standard QUIT call P16-60-61 system calls P16-9-11,105 system disk P16-56 system file P16-12, P16-58, P16-182, P16-224 system prefix P16-66, P16-68 system program P16-12, P16-58, P16-182, P16-224 unit (device) number P16-84 ProDOS busy flag. See busy flag ProDOS devices Miscellaneous #8, ProDOS #3, #21 PRODOS file P16-53, P16-55, P16-56-58 ProDOS file system PI-xix, PI-207-218 ProDOS Filing Interface ProDOS #21 ProDOS is busy error. See errors ProDOS MLI ProDOS #16, #20 ProDOS, calls to real-time clock GST-26 interrupt support ETR-148-149 interrupt support GST-54 Machine Language Interface CTR-125 starting up with ETR-268 use of page 3 ETR-78 use of page zero ETR-81 proDOSVctr GSTR-14-68 ProFile hard disk ETR-xxii program bank register GSF-17, GSF-35, GSH-203, GST-13, GST-14, GST-83, PI-293 system interrupt handler GSF-181 See registers program code execution, Monitor instructions GST-48 program counter GSF-51, GSH-203, CTR-18 program counter register. See registers 65816 registers GST-14 program descriptions (APW) PI-221-224 program development environment Apple Programmer's Workshop (APW) GST-103-105 environment options GST-82-88 environments summarized GST-89-90 languages GST-101-103 mixing environments GST-88-89 modularity GST-100-101 program launcher PI-201 program operation levels GSF-4 program register, changing GSF-61 program segmentation GST-62, GST-100 program selector PI-201 Program Status register GSH-201-203 program status, 65816 registers GST-14 Programmed Array Logic (PAL) device ETR-5, ETR-167-168 Programmer's Workshop See Apple IIGS Programmer's Workshop programming P16-xix, P16-74-91.See also specific topic programming examples See also HodgePodge or specifc routine assembly language PI-190, PI-193, PI-239-246, PI-263, PI-265, PI-311-376 C PI-190, PI-377-412 classic desk accessory PI-263 dynamic-segment PI-245 multiple-segment PI-241-245 new desk accessory PI-265 single-segment PI-240-241 programming languages GST-8-9, GST-101-103 reference manuals GST-110 absolute vs. relocatable segments PI-24, PI-227 applications PI-26, PI-228-229, PI-256-259 assembly language PI-4, PI-280-284, PI-290 auxlD field PI-193 control-related events PI-129 controlling programs PI-259-260 cutting and pasting PI-160-161 desk accessories PI-262-265 desktop PI-10 dialogs and alerts PI-141 Edit menu PI-161 error testing PI-277 event handling PI-70 event-driven PI-13-16, PI-51 file types PI-255-274 general PI-xvii, PI-11, PI-277 high-level languages PI-282-283, PI-290 HodgePodge, using PI-34-36, PI-276 hybrid applications PI-292-293 initialization files PI-266 interaaive PI-13, PI-14 interrupt handlers PI-270, PI-271-272 language considerations PI-225 load-segment characteristics PI-232 loading programs PI-199 loading segments PI-198 Macintosh program conversions PI-282-289 math computing PI-178-180 memory allocation PI-191-194 menu modification PI-154-155 menu organization PI-149 object module format and PI-26 parameter-passing PI-225 Print Manager PI-171-173 restartability and C PI-259 segmentation PI-23-25, PI-219-254 shell applications PI-261-262 standard Apple II program enhancement PI-290-297 static vs. dynamic segments PI-25, PI-232-235 System Loader PI-195 TaskMaster and PI-75 tool sets PI-18, PI-62, PI-272-274 window drawing PI-103-106, PI-115-116 window origin, resetting PI-120 window-related events PI-113-120 programming application requirements P16-74 direct page and stack. See direct page and stack event-driven P16-xix levels in Apple IIGS P16-5-7 segmented P16-xix suggestions for P16-74-91 System Loader P16-203-210 system resource management P16-79-84 programs. See application(s); controlling programs; static programs PROM, slot space GST-30-31 PROMPT GSF-247 prompt GSF-74 prompt character (!) GSF-52, GSF-74 (*) GSF-20, GSF-26, GSF-74 (>) GSF-74 (?) GSF-74 (]) GSF-74 prompt characters CTR-59, ETR-60, GST-53 mini-assembler (!) GST-50 Monitor (*) GST-48 PrOpenDoc GSTR-15-20, GSTR-15-21, GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-36-37, GSTR-15-40, PI-170, PI-172 PrOpenPage GSTR-15-20, GSTR-15-21, GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-38-39, PI-170, PI-172 proportional scroll bars GSTR-25-10 proportionally spaced font GSTR-16-226 Protocol Converter CTR-124, GST-40-41 PrPicFile GSTR-15-20, GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-30, GSTR-15-40-41, PI-170, PI-172 PrPixelMap GSTR-15-42 PrPortVer GSTR-15-43 PrSetError GSTR-15-21, GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-44 prStl GSTR-15-10, GSTR-15-12, GSTR-15-47 PrStlDialog GSTR-15-20, GSTR-15-21, GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-45, GSTR-15-46, PI-169 PrValidate GSTR-15-19, GSTR-15-21, GSTR-15-22, GSTR-15-35, GSTR-15-45, GSTR-15-46 prVersion GSTR-15-10, GSTR-15-47 pseudo-device ProDOS #21 pseudo-type GSTR-xxx pseudorandom numbers GSTR-16-202 pseudoregisters GSF-8, GSF-16 psInstDiskErr GSTR-14-56, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-2 psPnMask GSTR-16-238, GSTR-16-278 psPnMode GSTR-16-238, GSTR-16-278 psPnPat GSTR-16-238, GSTR-16-278 psPnSize GSTR-16-238, GSTR-16-278 PStatus GSF-209, GSF-210, GST-36, CTR-118, ETR-71 Pt2Rect GSTR-16-199 PtInRect GSTR-16-200 PtInRgn GSTR-16-201 PTrig switch CTR-190 ptrToDestLocInfo GSTR-16-191, GSTR-16-277 ptrToDestPoint GSTR-16-191, GSTR-16-277 PtrToHand GSTR-12-38 ptrToPiximage GSTR-16-13, GSTR-16-277, PI-80 ptrToSourceLocInfo GSTR-16-191, GSTR-16-277 ptrToSourceRect GSTR-16-191, GSTR-16-277 public scrap type GSTR-20-4 publications. See manuals pull-down menu GSTR-1-3, GSTR-13-1, See menus purge block GSTR-12-8, GSTR-12-9, GSTR-12-15, GSTR-12-44, GSTR-12-45, GSTR-24-25, PI-187, PI-195, P16-37, P16-77-78, P16-185-186, P16-231 purgeable block GSTR-12-39, GSTR-12-40 purgeable memory blocks PI-194, PI-233 purgeable segments. See segment(s) PurgeAll GSTR-12-11, GSTR-12-39 purgeBit GSTR-8-9, GSTR-8-10, GSTR-8-50 purgeErr GSTR-12-39, GSTR-12-40, GSTR-12-47, GSTR-B-2 PurgeHandle GSTR-12-40 purging PI-190, PI-194, PI-195, PI-197, PI-200 purple320 GSTR-16-274 PutScrap GSTR-20-5, GSTR-20-6, GSTR-20-11, GSTR-20-16, GSTR-20-18 PWREDUP GSF-259 PWrite GSF-209, GSF-210, GST-36, IIGS #16, CTR-117, ETR-69 PWRUP GSF-234 Q Q command CTR-171 Q register GSF-36 Q3 signal ETR-163 QDAuxBootInit GSTR-17-6 QDAuxReset GSTR-17-8 QDAuxShutDown GSTR-17-5, GSTR-17-7, PI-58 QDAuxStartUp GSTR-17-5, GSTR-17-6, PI-45 QDAuxStatus GSTR-17-8 QDAuxversion GSTR-17-7 QDBootInit GSTR-16-63 QDReset GSTR-16-67 QDShutDown GSTR-16-39, GSTR-16-66, PI-58 QDStartUp GSTR-2-2, GSTR-16-39, GSTR-16-59, GSTR-16-61, GSTR-16-64-65, GSTR-16-275, PI-43 QDStatus GSTR-16-67 QDVersion GSTR-16-66 qSecDisable GSTR-14-26, GSTR-14-67 qSecEnable GSTR-14-26, GSTR-14-67 qSecIntHnd GSTR-14-68 Quagmire register GSF-16, GSF-36 Quagmire state, changing GSF-62 quarter-second interrupt handler GSTR-14-28-29 quarter-second timer interrupts GSF-180 quartSecInt GSTR-14-24, GSTR-14-66 question mark (?) CTR-59, GSF-74 question mark (?) as prompt character ETR-62 question mark (?), blinking CTR-169,CTR-179 queue GST-38 queueDmgdErr GSTR-14-48, GSTR-14-52, GSTR-14-70, GSTR-B-2 QuickDraw (Macintosh) GST-59, GST-60, PI-136, PI-286-287 QuickDraw II GST-59, GST-64-65, GSTR-1-3, GSTR-1-11-14, GSTR-2-2, GSTR-16-1-278, IIGS #34, PI-20, PI-42, PI-63, PI-75-106, PI-170. See also specific topic QuickDraw II Auxiliary GSTR-1-4, GSTR-1-14, GSTR-2-4, GSTR-8-5, GSTR-8-14, GSTR-10-44, GSTR-13-83, GSTR-16-258, GSTR-17-1-16, GSTR-C-6, Auxiliary PI-20, PI-75 shutdown routine GSTR-17-7 startup routine GSTR-17-6 status routine GSTR-17-8 using GSTR-17-5 version number routine GSTR-17-7 QuickDraw II black and white drawing PI-103 color PI-98-103 constants GSTR-16-274-276 coordinates PI-77, PI-82 data structures GSTR-16-276-278 display shadowing GST-87 error codes GSTR-16-278 how it draws PI-85-88 limits to drawing PI-77 Macintosh QuickDraw, relation to PI-75, PI-77, PI-79, PI-28~287 pattern PI-85 printing and PI-170, PI-172, PI-173 shutdown routine GSTR-16-66 startup routine GSTR-16-64-65 status routine GSTR-16-67 text drawing PI-92-97 tools for Super Hi-Res graphics GST-60-61 using GSTR-16-39-40 version number routine GSTR-16-66 what it draws PI-88-92 where it draws PI-76-84 quit GSF-306 QUIT IIGS #49, ProDOS #7, #14, PI-58, PI-199, PI-20~202, PI-260, PI-261-262 QUIT call (ProDOS 16) P16-15, P16-59-61, P16-69, P16-74, P16-77, P16-82, P16-207, P16-209-210, P16-245.See also PQUIT description of P16-167-170 return flag parameter P16-61, P16-82 standard and enhanced P16-60-61 Quit command GST-37 Quit command (Exerciser) P16-294 Quit command (File menu) PI-32, PI-58 quit flag P16-245 Quit Monitor command GSF-43, GSF-65 QUIT procedure P16-62.See also QUIT call quit return stack P16-167.See also stack(s), PI-201 quit type (ProDOS 8) P16-60 QUIT flag word PI-202 in high-level languages PI-201 pathname pointer PI-202 quitting applications. See application(s) Quitting Interpreter conventions ProDOS #7 quotation mark (") GSF-34, GSF-52 R R command CTR-157,CTR-171, GSF-90 R/W* IIe #4 R/W* line IIe #2 R/W80 signal ETR-197 radio button GSTR-4-4, GSTR-4-10, GSTR-4-18, PI-125, PI-128 control record GSTR-4-18-20 radio-frequency modulator ETR-7, GSH-58 radioButton GSTR-4-86 radioItem GSTR-6-10, GSTR-6-88 radioProc GSTR-4-13, GSTR-4-19, GSTR-4-73, GSTR-4-85 radNor GSTR-4-20, GSTR-4-88 radReserved GSTR-4-20, GSTR-4-88 radSel GSTR-4-20, GSTR-4-88 radTitle GSTR-4-20, GSTR-4-88 RAM CTR-13, PI-6, PI-9, PI-18. See also memory RAM (Apple IIc or IIe) P16-34 RAM (Apple IIGS) P16-32.See also memory fixed entry points in P16-35 I/O space in P16-33 patches to ROM-based tool sets P16-52-53 specialized areas in P16-33 tool sets P16-33, P16-52 RAM addresses CTR-22,CTR-351 multiplexing CTR-252 /RAM ProDOS #8, #16, #18, #21 /RAM5 GST-40, GST-79 RAM card IIc #5 RAM chips GST-18 RAM disk GSF-17, GSF-110, GSF-114, GSF-117, GSF-234, GSF-303, GST-40, IIc #5, Memory Expansion Card #1, ProDOS #8, P16-43 RAM expansion PI-5 RAM memory. See memory RAM patches (tool sets) PI-43, PI-293 RAM tool set GSTR-1-1, GSTR-2-3 RAM upgrade ETR-xxiii RAM addressing CTR-251-253, ETR-139, ETR-169-172 allocation ETR-76-81 Apple II GST-74 Apple IIGS specifications GST-3 auxiliary CTR-22,CTR-184, ETR-86-88 battery backed-up GST-65 clock rate of programs in RAM GST-14 expansion GST-15 expansion card GST-17, GST-18 Fast Processor Interface (FPI) GST-75, GST-77 I/O links GST-51 language-card memory GST-17 main CTR-22 memory expansion card CTR-123 memory maps GST-78-80 peripheral-card CTR-353 port screen hole CTR-74 program execution speed GST-84 prompt character storage GST-53 refreshing CTR-251-252 resident desk accessories GST-46 slot RAM space GST-32-33 Smartport CTR-126 Sound Manager GST-69 sound sample storage GST-24 space for peripheral cards ETR-136 text window values storage GST-53 timing CTR-252-253, ETR-172 tool sets in GST-7, GST-63 Toolbox routines GST-58 RAM-based device driver GSTR-23-1, GSTR-23-4 RAM-based driver ProDOS #21 RAM-based tool set GSTR-24-3 RAM-based tool sets PI-43, PI-63 ramBased GSTR-23-46 RAMRD IIe #3 RAMRD soft switch ETR-88-90, CTR-39,CTR-44,CTR-242 RAMWRT IIe #3 RAMWRT soft switch ETR-88-90, CTR-39,CTR-44,CTR-242 Random GSTR-16-202, GSTR-16-246 random number generator ETR-59, GSTR-16-246, GSF-72 range mode GSTR-11-12 rcADBAddr GSTR-3-29 rcLayoutOrLang GSTR-3-29 rcRepeatDelay GSTR-3-29 Rd63 switch CTR-190 RD80COL soft switch ETR-29 Rd80Col switch CTR-102 RD80STORE soft switch ETR-29, CTR-45,CTR-102 RdAddr GSF-146 RDALTCHAR soft switch ETR-29 RdAltChar switch CTR-102 RDALTZP soft switch ETR-84, CTR-28 RDBNK2 soft switch ETR-84, CTR-28 RdBtn0 switch CTR-190 RDCHAR GSF-246 RdChar routine CTR-82, ETR-224 RDDHIRES soft switch ETR-30, CTR-46,CTR-103 RDHIRES soft switch ETR-30, CTR-45,CTR-103 RDIOUDIS soft switch ETR-30, CTR-46,CTR-103,CTR-189 RDKEY GSF-70, GSF-71, GSF-79, GSF-244, CTR-58,CTR-78,CTR-341, GST-53, ETR-47, ETR-58, ETR-59, ETR-225, ETR-269 RDKEY1 GSF-245 RDLCRAM soft switch ETR-84, CTR-28 rdMaxRam GSTR-14-65 rdMinRam GSTR-14-65 RDMIXED soft switch ETR-29 RdMIXED switch CTR-102 RDPAGE2 soft switch ETR-29 RdPage2 switch CTR-45,CTR-102 RdRAMRd switch CTR-39 RdRAMWrt switch CTR-39 RDTEXT soft switch ETR-29, CTR-102 RdVBlMsk switch CTR-190 RdX0Edge switch CTR-189 RdXYMsk switch CTR-189 RDY line IIe #4 RdY0Edge switch CTR-190 READ GSF-253, PI-211, ProDOS #17, UniDisk 3.5 #4 Read Address Field GSF-139 Read and Clear Error Byte command GSF-192 Read Available Character Sets command GSF-193 Read Available Keyboard Layouts command GSF-193 READ BLOCK call CTR-126,CTR-132-133 READ call CTR-127, GSF-132-133, P16-24, P16-42, P16-44, P16-85, P16-139 description of P16-141-142 Read Configuration Bytes command GSF-192 Read Microcontroller Memory command GSF-191 Read Modes Byte command GSF-191 read next GSTR-21-23, GSTR-21-33 Read RAM GSTR-21-23, GSTR-21-31 Read Register GSTR-21-23, GSTR-21-29 READ subroutine ETR-40, ETR-225 READ tape command ETR-113-114 read-only memory GSF-20 read/write Data register GSH-150 ReadAbs GSTR-3-16 readADBError GSTR-3-17, GSTR-3-28 ------------ end of Sec.1 ------------