Mac Sound Grabber by Steve Stephenson Copyright 1992 Synesis Systems and Seven Hills Software Corp. Requires System 6.0 This little program allows you to grab sounds from a Macintosh file, sample them, convert them, and save them in Apple IIGS format. After launching it, select Open to choose the Macintosh file. It reads Macintosh resource files in their native state - no pre-converting! The Standard File dialog will allow you to choose from available files that have a GS/OS Type and Auxtype of zero, and a non-empty resource fork. [Note that this will not guarantee that the file is a Macintosh file, but it comes close.] After choosing the file, Mac Sound Grabber attempts to open it and search for Macintosh 'snd ' resources. If the file is not a Macintosh file or does not contain any sound resources, a dialog is shown. If the file contains sound resources, they are listed for you to choose from. If you have chosen a beep sound, it will most likely only contain one sound. If you have chosen an application (such as a game), it may have several sounds. The sounds are listed using their original Macintosh names (embedded in the resource). If the sound has no name, it is listed as "UnNamedxxxxx" (using its resource ID number). From the list of sounds you may choose to Play or Save the sound. When you select Play, the sound is loaded, converted and played. Some sounds may be encoded or have other strange characteristics. If the sound you choose is not able to be converted by Mac Sound Grabber you will see a dialog stating that. When you select Save, the sound is loaded and converted (if needed). You are shown a Standard File dialog to choose the name and location for the new Apple IIGS sound. The name initially offered is the sound's name and may not be suitable for ProDOS - edit as needed. Mac Sound Grabber also opens the dialog to the "*:System:Sounds" folder as that is the most likely destination; however, you may easily choose another location. Mac Sound Grabber converts the sound and creates a file with an rSampledSound resource, which is what the Sound Control Panel expects. It is very simple - there are no settings to play with - the sound is translated exactly - it will sound the same on the Apple IIGS as it did on the Macintosh. WHY IS SEVEN HILLS SOFTWARE GIVING AWAY THIS NEAT UTILITY?!? Because we want to hear from you. If you own an Apple IIGS and don't know about all the products from Seven Hills Software, PLEASE send us email, drop us a postcard, or give us a call. We'll gladly send you a FREE catalog full of great software written exclusively for your Apple IIGS computer! HOW TO CONTACT SEVEN HILLS SOFTWARE AppleLink, America Online, GEnie: SevenHills CompuServe: 75300,1743 Seven Hills Software 2310 Oxford Road Tallahassee, FL 32304-3930 Phone: 904-575-0566, M-F, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET COPYRIGHT NOTICE Mac Sound Grabber is copyright 1992 by Synesis Systems and Seven Hills Software Corporation. Mac Sound Grabber version 1.0 is freeware, so please distribute it (in its original form) as widely as possible! Mac Sound Grabber may NOT be sold by itself or bundled with any other commercial product; it MAY be included on nominal-charge user group disks.