Modem Manager includes support for Novation's AppleCat and the Novation "212 Card". (I have tested this program on a 64k Apple II+ with a standard serial card connected to a 14,400 modem and made a connection at 9600 baud with a local BBS system.) Modem Manager is on two DOS 3.3 diskettes as .sdk files. They are the Install Disk (MMgrInst.sdk) and the Work Disk (MMgrWork.sdk). The Work Disk is the one a user normally boots to start a telecom session. The Install Disk is booted whenever the user wishes to change the setup on a Work Disk. It's Installed for a 'standard' AppleCat board located in Slot 2 with no 212 Card. So, if this fits the user's system, just booting the Modem Manager Work Disk should get things going. Otherwise, the user can boot the Install Disk and change option 2 -- Install Modem Driver. The user may, also, want to set up a printer using option 3 or change the video driver using option 1. Most users will not need to mess with the other options. Modem Manager is a very good telecom program with an easy to use interface. Mainly, you press ESC to get a command prompt and enter one of the commands from the menu by typing its letter. To get a fresh view of the command menu, you enter ESC followed by "?" (the Question Mark key). To dial a number, you can type "T" and enter the phone number.