Script Analyzer by Mike Swaine Version 1.0 2/1/88 (as published in MacUSER magazine - May 1988) Converted to HyperCard GS by Shawn Quick modifications by Marty Knight (AFL Marty) Apple II Productivity Forum, America Online Click the Analyze button to analyze a stack. Script Analyzer will store the analysis for several stacks. If the current card already contains an analysis, a new card will be added. Script Analyzer will automatically add extra cards as needed whenever the length of the analysis exceeds 30000 characters. A title giving the stack name, page number, and other pertinent information appears at the top of each page of an analysis. Click on Save as... to save the current page as an ASCII text file. Click on Clear field to erase the text of the current card. Click on Delete card to delete the current card (of course :) Click on Print text to print the text of the current card to your printer. This button sends a stream of ASCII characters, so you won't see any fancy fonts. On the other hand, it should work with just about any printer. Command-click on the text field to lock or unlock it. addCrs XFCN v1.0 © 1992 by Steve Bernacki. All rights reserved. Used with permission.