If you can't afford to buy a REAL Apple 1, you can have the next best thing. jpf3@po.cwru.edu - was kind enough to send me the Apple I specs in hi-res glory from the manual. Thanks to achim@boinx.com - who sent them to jpf3@po.cwru.edu. Joseph also related in his email to me.... BTW, they are much better than the ones on the original website, but they are still far from what an engineer would really like to have, I'm sure. Overall they look pretty readable. I've made them available from both ftp and http sites now - in TIFF, GIF and JPEG graphic format files. http://tarnover.dyndns.org/cabi/Apple.1.Emulators/ ftp://tarnover.dyndns.org/cabi/Apple.1.Emulators/ Apple 1 Schematic graphics only available from: http://www.grin.net/~cturley/1WSW/Apple.1.SPECS/ The Apple 1 ROM image in binary file and text file is also available with both Mac and PC Apple 1 emulator archives. So, now everybody with the proper computer - wanting an Apple 1 emulator or that has the skills and motivation can build their own Apple 1 replica. And, if you need some good quality color graphics of the Apple 1 inside views and closeups of the motherboard to help you with such efforts be sure to check out... http://www.grin.net/~cturley/gsezine/GS.WorldView/*APPLE.HISTORY/ Also available via ftp from: ftp://tarnover.dyndns.org/cabi/Apple.1.Emulators/Apple1.Color.PICS/ Happy Apple 1 Emulating - Replicating & Cheers, Tom