Subject: Re: Connecting IIgs to Apple File Server 3.0.1 Continued... From: gardnern@ucsu.Colorado.EDU (RKE) Date: Tue, Dec 22, 1998 3Ç6 Message-id: Following the advise of Steve (, I disabled the Zip and was able to get the GS to start the bootup process. I had purchased the Zip second hand and do not have a copy of the Zip Utils that are mentioned in his follow-up post. I'll try to work around that later. My problem now is this: The GS 'boots' up to version 1.4 of the AFS log-on. I log on and select the shared volumns. The 'real' boot into GS/OS begins. When the little red thermometer gets about |--| this long (I know it's all timing), the GS asks me to insert "Macintosh.IIsi" the name of the AFS startup disk. If I cancel, the computer binks and dies at various points along the PC (checked that one already). I can hit OK until my finger falls off (already lost two that way) but nothing ever happens. I did a 'text' boot (press any key before GS/OS gets the screen) and found that the GS crashes at some point during or after AppeShare.FST is loaded/ing. I've tried to install a 'clean' copy of AS.FST from various sources in hopes that it would remedy my problem. That hasn't seemed to work. In my snooping around with my trusty-rusty file dumper, I noticed that the file Start (typ $B3,S16) contains ver 1.5 of the AFS log-on. I can run the file if I boot with my workstation disk but can't access it otherwise. OBTW... if I set the network to boot into P8, I have no problems. Login, launch P8 and then run whatever is set as startup app. under AFS admin. Once again, I ask for any help that you may have to offer. I realize that this is an open forum and personal discussions are frowned upon. I do feel that posting any suggestions can only help someoneelse who may have this problem in the future. The answer is not in any of the FAQs (checked all of those too). -- NOTICE: I cannot receive email through this account. If you have any ideas please post them to the newsgroup. I'm not kidding, any mail that is sent here is rerouted to another account - I won't even know about it. Richard K. Eddington (Ed)