Subject: Re: Some flowers as a christmas gift... From: (Supertimer) Date: Sun, Dec 27, 1998 23 23u Message-id: <> (Boris Guenter) wrote: >I have learned a lot about HyperCard in the last months, but >there may be still some details which I will have to find out. For >example I have not been able to make the music cyclic yet. I've been thinking about this. Based on the syntax of this XCMD posted by Gareth, it has no built in way to specify cycling the music. I am just thinking out loud, but one way to make it cycle would be to first time the duration of the synthLAB sequence. Then you would have to put the time from the IIGS clock into a global container (variable) just before the sequence plays. Then use the Idle handler to check the current time from the IIGS clock minus the start time against the known duration of the song. If the difference is greater than the duration, the song would have ended so you would play the sequence again.