12/6/99 Do you need the HyperCard IIgs v1.1 program or any part of the official release of its bundle of disks that Apple Computer has released NOW...as freeware? The Apple Computer site only offers them in Mac archive format now. But, you donÕt have a Mac or you donÕt want to deal with converting the HyperCard IIgs archives for use with your IIgs and ShrinkIt IIgs - I know I sure donÕt want to take the time and effort doing such. So, why not simply go to the licenced ftp site listed below and download any of them you need - as they are offered in full - in ShrinkIt IIgs archive format as (.bxy) files, that are easy to unshrink and install on your IIgs or IIgs emulator as such? HereÕs the ftp site URL link and folder listed below for such needs. ftp://angus.ind.wpi.edu//pub/Apple2/HyperCard_IIGS_1.1/ Go get HyperCard IIgs v1.1 and start your creative efforts with HCGS stack construction, designs, new application concepts and inovative function additions to the Apple IIgs platform. Show the Apple IIgs world what you have to offer with using HyperCard IIgs. Remember to keep in mind also...thereÕs a great deal of information, tips, tricks and available HyperCard stacks for you to access and port to the IIgs from the HyperCard Mac world. See what it has to offer. YouÕd be astounded with some of the Mac Hypercard stacks people have made and released to the public that you can use for your own creative needs and modify with the for your own development of new, unique and inovative HyperCard IIgs stacks. Plenty of others have done it in the past. So, why not you? DonÕt know where to go for such Mac Hypercard items, information files and stacks? Just check any good search engine site on the Internet and youÕll find all the links to such, that you could ever use. ThereÕs a lot of hidden potential to tap and develop for the Apple IIgs with HyperCard IIgs v1.1. The Hypermover utilities for porting Mac HC stacks to the IIgs HCGS may take some efforts with trial and error to learn fully how to use it. Modifications and changes may well be required to obtain a working port of Mac Hypercard stacks to the IIgs Hypercard but, itÕs sure worth the effort to give it a try. You just might be the one person with the motivation, talent and ability to give the IIgs users that AMAZING HyperCard IIgs stack to do things nobody dreamed could ever be done on an Apple IIgs. Did you know the HyperCard IIgs final released version 1.1 from Apple Computer has abilities and program implimentations in it that even the most current Mac Hypercard version updates still donÕt have? Well, it sure does. Just check out some of the Hypercard IIgs archives of HCGS stacks and stack utilities offered in this folder and links to other sites that have some incredible HyperCard IIgs offerings, with so many HCGS stacks, stack utilities, stack demo concepts, scripts to use for such, tutorial text files for stack and script design, HCGS stack development, improvements, additions and updates of currently available stacks offered for such by the original authors are abondant and freely available for your use. see for yourself whatÕs possible to do, using HyperCard IIgs. The potential for new and inovative functionality, you can add to the IIgs world with HyperCard IIgs stack design, creations and releases to the public for all of the IIgs users needs and desires -- is virtually unlimited. So, donÕt be shy. Research, study and learn the full potential of HyperCard IIgs. You can take HCGS to the limits. Go for it. And, as the program always includes at the end of itÕs stacks... ThatÕs All FolkÕs! Macprober GS WorldView Editor