12/9/99 About AE.A2e.FastMath.card.Front.jpg and AE.A2e.FastMath.card.Back.jpg Sent to me for scanning by Dr. Hank Levinson, this card is Applied EngineeringÕs Fast Math Card for the Apple IIe, Rev.1.0 released in 1991. It uses a National Semiconductor NS32081 floating point chip. It gives accuracy to 16 decimal places rather than AppleÕs 8 decimal places. This allows much finer (higher magnification) fractal images. Also, certain bugs in AppleÕs arthmetic are fixed. As an example of this (if you have such a card to use)...Try; 10 A=1 * 1.00000011 20 PRINT A and 10 A=1.00000011 * 1 20 PRINT A They should both print 1.00000011. But, the first one gives 1.00000006. The chip with the heatsink is the NS 32081. The ROM contains faster routines for multiplecation, division, Pi, and sin x, cos x, etc. - also, more accurate to more decimal places. ItÕs manual is for more technical! My special thanks to Dr. Hank Levinson for sending this card for the scan to show itÕs detail for all those interested in viewing it. Cheers, Tom ---------------------------- Charles T. ÔDr. TomÕ Turley Email: cturley#grin.net