Eventually the installation process will be simplified by distributing a ".pkg" file to install. First and foremost, you will need the ROMs from some model of Apple ][. I have worked with ROMs from an Apple ][+ and from an "extended keyboard" Apple //e; both sets have worked for me. However, at this point the Apple ][+ ROMs may no longer work. For now you will also need the PROM from a Disk ][ controller card. This will no longer be necessary once we reverse engineer the PROM (which should be easy; Beneath Apple DOS describes exactly what it does). Step by step "hacker" installation instructions: 1) This version is too primitive to get any useful work done with. Convince yourself that you really do want to install it. 2) Some of the source files require gcc 2.3.3 to compile; I have provided the .s files for these source files, so you should be able to "make" the current version as long as you don't edit these files. Fortunately, you probably won't have to change them, and if you do please let me know why. 3) make install 4) mkdirs ~/Library/Fonts 5) cp -pr Apple2.font ~/Library/Fonts. You may have to log out and back in for the new font to take effect; I'm not sure how such things work. You may have to cd to ~/Library/Fonts and type "rm .afmcache .fontdirectory .fontlist ; buildafmdir ." but I dunno. 6) mkdirs ~/Library/Apple2/PeripheralCards/DiskCard.a2card 7) cd DiskCard 8) make install 9) cp -pr ../DiskCard.bundle/* ~/Library/Apple2/PeripheralCards/DiskCard.a2card/ 9) put the ROMs for the Apple ][ Disk Controller Card (from $C600-$C6FF) in a file called "~/Library/Apple2/PeripheralCards/DiskCard.a2card/DISK.PROM". 10) Get the Apple2 ROMS from $C100 to $FFFF and save them in a file called "~/Library/Apple2/ROM_IMAGE". You'll need to find an Enhanced Apple //e to get the roms from. I've been using the roms from an Extended Keyboard //e. I've heard that ][+ roms work, but I don't know for sure. The Enhanced and Extended Keyboard contain certain changes dealing with the 80 column card, which the Original //e doesn't have. To get the roms from an Enhanced Apple //e onto a disk, do in the monitor, under ProDOS: c007:0 2100