Background & apologies to Sirtech ================================= Blackstone is a Wizardry scenario I created eons ago using the Wizard's Workbench. I had been writing my own Wizardry-style game in Pascal, but abandoned the project when it was about two thirds done. While I didn't finish my original creation, I decided that I'd try to incorporate many of the ideas into an actual Wizardry scenario. I must apologise at this point to Sirtech for having mutilated their fine product for my own ends (my only excuse is that I was young and didn't know any better). Blackstone is a full entirely new Wizardry episode, with new monsters, items, races and character classes. It also has lots of traps and puzzles that make it a good deal more challenging than the original "Proving Grounds" episode. Running Blackstone on an Apple Emulator ======================================= While my Apple IIe accepts Blackstone.dsk as a valid Scenario Master/Copy, I've found that Applewin does not. To play Blackstone with an emulator you may need to boot Wizardry and then load the original Wizardry scenario disk. When the game starts (and you're at the castle), put Blackstone.dsk in Drive 1. You can then play "Black Stone" normally. SE