from: the Asimov collection Secret of kublaih public domain Go door/Get granite/Get keys/W/S/D/Push brick/Go hole/N/Open coffin Get ruby/S/S/Get shovel/N/W/U/S/Push eye/Go crack/Get gem/W/N/U Say high/Go door/W/Drop ring/Drop gem/E/E/Get sapphire/W/W Drop sapphire/E/N/W/Dig/Go hole/N/Get rope/Say kublaih/Get diamond/S Throw rope/Climb rope/N/Get botttle/S/E/D/S/Go hole/Drop shovel Get sword/E/N/U/Go door/W/Drop diamond/Put granite/In bottle Drop sword/Say muck/Get sword/E/N/D/N/E/Smash wall/S