from: the Asimov collection House of seven gables public domain Get compass/Ring bell/E/Get bucket/Get candlesticks/N/Get garlic Fill bucket/S/W/Drop candlesticks/S/D/S/W/W/N/Get axe/S/E/E/E/E Show garlic/Open coffin/Get dagger/W/W/N/U/Stab vampire/N/Drop dagger E/Chop door/W/Drop axe/E/E/U/Get rose/W/S/W/Get recipes/W/N/E/D Get airplane/Unfold airplane/Read paper/W/S/S/Drop paper/Get rembrant N/E/E/E/D/Drop garlic/Get diamond/N/Press button/Throw water Drop water/Get hat/D/Drop hat/Drop diamond/Drop rembrant/Drop rose Drop recipes/N